Sunday, November 29, 2015

New Hawaiian Genealogical Website with Tribunal Issues Included 11/29/2015

  •   Welcome to the Hawaiian Genealogical Society - on the web which is

  • part of the

strictly-hawaiian: Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka ‘Aina I Ka Pono. The life of the land is perpetuated by righteousness.
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka ‘Aina I Ka Pono. The life of the land is perpetuated by righteousness. - Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli

Group Description

The Hawaiian Genealogy Society began in 1996.

The name was updated to the real name Hawaiian Genealogical Society which was headed by my ancestor Princess Poomaikelani/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapapoko/Abigaila who was the grand daughter of Kaumualii of Kauai.  She was the sister of Kapiolani the wife of Kalakaua/King David Kalakaua.  She was also the hanai/adopted daughter of several alii.  


She was part of KA PAPA KUAUHAU ALII O NA ALII HAWAII - Board of Genealogy - Hawaiian Chiefs during King David Kalakaua's period.  She was one of successors of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Royal Family through the Kaumualii and Kalaniopuu's Families.

Since 1996, our Meetings occured informally at various Libraries on Oahu and many flew in from the mainland, outer islands, and Guam.  

Most of the members are and were Kamehameha descendants/heirs / Royal family members or heirs and successors of the Sovereigns of Hawaii.

This Society is affiliated with the Kingdom of Hawaii, maintains genealogy documentation of the Royal families genealogies, history, etc. We are one of the 13 repatriated groups, granted recognition for ancestral burials including the kaai- burial basketry which holds remains of alii nui/high chiefs of Hawaii, our ancient 1,650+ year old society based on genealogies.

Representative, Amelia Kuulei Gora is descendant of Kalaniopuu (Alii Nui during the time of Captain James Cook) through sons Kiwalao, Kalaipaihala, daughters Puali Nui and Mulehu; Kamehameha thru daughter Kanekapolei, through sons Kaoleioku, Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki, and Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III; and Kaumualii through son Haupu/Kahekili and daughter Kinoiki.

Amelia Gora is also a descendant of Nuuanu the nephew of Kanekapolei wife of Kalaniopuu and Kamehameha; descendant of Keoua, brother of Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku who helped to take care of the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii after Kamehameha died; descendant/ heir of John Young through his adopted children/his true grandchildren named Hueu/George Hueu Davis and Peke Davis children of Isaac Davis;  descendant/heir of Akahi (female) through her son Nahuina and hanai son Kaluakini her true grandson; Mataio Kekuanaoa through his oldest son Palua/Paalua and stepson John Kapena, etals.

Kaluakini my great grandfather was also a hanai/adopted father of Queen Kapiolani, who was married to King Kalakaua, brother of Queen Liliuokalani, wrongfully dethroned in 1893 with present day, ongoing issues.

Queen Kapiolani the sister of Princess Poomaikelani (Note:  Many cousins stated that I look like her, my great great grandmother Princess Poomaikelani too ;) ) became my grandmother's sister.  So, Queen Kapiolani's husband King David Kalakaua became my grandmother's brother-in-law.

Queen Liliuokalani, sibling of King David Kalakaua, under the name of Kaeha claimed / Princess Poomaikelani and Kaaumoana to be her hanai or adopted daughters, ancestors of Amelia Gora, et. als.

So, with Hawaiian Genealogies there may be confusion but that's because you're on the right
One must understand that the focus of our people was to precious our children, document adoptions/hanai by credible people.  
Multiple marriages appears to be part of most genealogies, which means many genealogies need to be worked on.
The land was to be forever to the heirs and successors, not to Identity Thieves --such as foreigners operating with False Flag issues, piracy(ies), Pillaging, criminal intents, etc.

Research Background:

Through 30+ years of Archives, Bureau of Conveyances - Libraries, aged books,"hands on" research verifies the oral genealogies,history, etc. of our families. (30+ history,  27+ genealogies, 15+ legal research.)

Additionally, I have a B.S. Degree in Liberal Studies emphasis in Psychology, Sociology, did some  Biochemistry, Seaweed/Cancer related research.  Received the Hemenway Scholarship at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, etc.  I also have a Paralegal Certificate from Chaminade University of Honolulu, and various certificates from work:  U.S. Army, IRS/Internal Revenue Service.  Was also employed by the U.S. Navy - Nuclear Engineering, and Air Force - PACAF - Advance Intel, etc.
My Professor in Biochemistry said that I was a good researcher and my goal was to be a Medical Doctor but my little family came first.
Research abilities moved over to other research requiring examining information, etc.
Two of my children are in the medical and dental fields.  One moved from surgery to love of children/pediatrics and the other attending dental school.  The others have or are in the process of completing their degrees as well.

Well enough said about my background.

Why did the Hawaiian Genealogical Society come together?

The Society was pulled together based on the question: Do you have stories of your families having to run and hide--beaten, killed -beheaded such as the 800 on the Big Island after the dethronement of our Queen in 1893 - oral history documents this evil, tongues pulled out/cut out, people thrown on Kalaupapa, Molokai as a leper, etc. due to sugar planters/others, etc.?  

Note:  Even in the 1940's, our families hid from the haole/foreigners/ thieves/pirates/pillagers and had designated areas to hide; our families also fled to safety from the Big Island, then Maui, then to Oahu hidden with the Kahuna Nui.

Many of the Kamehameha's have stories of evils done to them, their families, their tutu's.

Many of the families hid physically or changed their names to hide.

We have issues of genocide documented.

Sadly, peaceful, neutral non-violent nation peoples were subjected to Terrorism, Premeditation, False Flag Operations since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli till present.
Rule of Law appears to have failed by active Terrorists occupying and Identity Thieving our genealogies, our lands, resources, mineral rights, and our genealogies.

Genealogies are the foundation, base of all land claims, etc.  With genealogies the real connections to ancestors exposes the identity thieves, leads to prosecution and applicable to the Treaty(ies), and Rule of Law, etc.
Kanaka maoli should reclaim your ancestral lands, konohiki ancestors lands, build, charge rents and leases for occupiers who cannot show title or heirship to the properties, etc. by following the format at: pages
(Note:  As of November 29, 2015, there are 575 issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk posted weekly or more than 10 years now which covers our History, Genealogies, Laws, Issues here, Abroad, and the United States - Whistleblower information, issues affecting all in the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaii /Sandwich Islands to some ):
Part 7  (How to Reclaim Your Tutu's Aina)

Group Website

Group Information

  • Members : 145+
  • Category :Genealogy
  • Founded :Nov 24, 2002
  • Language :English

Genealogy finding aids includes the following websites:
Greenstone Digital Library Software

To select specific searches or collections, click on the list below.

Name Search - search all collections indexed by name. Excludes the Genealogy Index, Mahele Book, Map and Library Catalog and Photograph Collection.

Genealogy Index
Government Office Holders, 1843-1959
Hawaiian Genealogy Book Index
Chinese Passenger Manifest Index, A-Z
Japanese Passenger Manifests Index, A-L
Japanese Passenger Manifests Index, M-Z
Portuguese Passenger Manifests Index, A-Z
Land Index - People Names, 1838-1918 (O-Z)
Land Index - Place Names, 1838-1918 (A, E and U)
Name Index, 1790-1950 (A-Bonnier)
Subject Index, 1790-1970 (A-Armed Forces' Leave Act)

Certificates of Registration, National Register of Republic of Hawaii
Official Journals of the Legislature of the Republic of Hawaii, 1895-1898
Judiciary Records (Probate Case Files)
Mahele Book
Photograph Collection
Tax Ledgers, 1847-1900 (Hamakua & Hilo)
Vital Statistics Collection, 1826-1929 (Molokai, Niihau, Kauai, and Maui)
Vital Statistics Collection, 1826-1929 (Hawaii Island)
World War I Service Records

Map and Library Catalog

Hawaii State Archives
Kekauluohi Building, Iolani Palace Grounds, 364 S. King Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Phone: (808) 586-0329 Fax: (808) 586-0330 E-mail:
Also, see the following important websites -sign in as "guest" for :
Waihona `Aina web users now have the opportunity to “mine” four archival land databases:
Waihona 'Aina’s goal is to provide web browsers with access to the knowledge frequently dismissed in the past, but which has become crucial information for historic preservation, land use planning and the search for Hawaiian cultural history and family on the islands of Hawai‘i, Kaua‘i, Lana‘i, Maui, Moloka‘i, Ni‘ihau and O‘ahu. Our site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. All information is stored on a secure server allowing our clients to make their purchase or order risk free on the internet.

The Mahele database includes the first legal documents written across the Hawaiian island chain (1848-1853) of 14,500 records. Awards given by the Land Commission gave legal title to land in fee ownership. (more)
The BC database are the 600+ records of the Boundary Commissioners (1868-1915) whose task was to determine boundaries for ali`i lands and government lands, if not known. (more)
The RP database are the 8665+ records of the final step of the Kingdom/Government (1847-2000 and beyond) to document the metes and bounds for Mahele and Boundary Commission records, and whereby the Government signs off its interest in the property. This series of records is still on-going. (more)
The LG database (1846-1922 and beyond) includes 14,000+ records. LGs differ from the records of the first three databases, because they are not contingent on the Mahele records. Instead these document the land sales of the Kingdom, the Territory, and today the State of Hawai‘i. This series is also on-going. (more)
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Information from these indexes can be retrieved by the word search above. You can also browse the indexes.
The information provided here includes the book (volume), section, page, or case number of the original record. Be sure to write down this information and also the name and page of the index where you found the information. This will help you to look up the original record.
Further general information is available here. Additional advanced search information is available here
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© 2006 Hawaiʻi State Archives, who is solely responsible for this product.
This site is made possible by the support of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and Ulukau's other supporters.
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As a Royal Family Project........
Genealogies will be posted alphabetically, and updated over time.

Additionally, reference books will be posted as well.
We wish you the best in reclaiming your tutu's aina....and along the way you may meet up with ohana who should also have their documents verifying their titles to all our tutu's lands.
Our already recognized Nation since 1843 has been dealt a lot of criminal blows by foreign occupiers who have now been exposed as identity thieves, pirates, pillagers, frauds, treasonous persons, genocide activists, racketeering entities.
The Royal Families exists, the Crown Land Owners exists because Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli documented, declared that it was his Private lands belonging to himself, his heirs and successors (all related to him).....exclusively.
The Government lands are to be taken cared of by the House of Nobles, the House of Representatives and  the rights of native tenants documented.
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli also documented that foreigners cannot own Hawaiian Lands.
Under duress, after the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, she signed illegal contracts in 1915 when she was placed on the throne as a Queen for a Day by the usurpers, supported by the U.S. et. als.
Those illegal contracts were null and voided since, the usurpers were all dispossessed legally, lawfully, using the rule of law through the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV, etc.  See Legal Notices at for more information.


  Have a Good Week/Weekend!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Surprise Posting: Supports Judicial Tribunal's Dispossession of Lands for Gerrit Parmele Judd, et. als.

Did You Know or Don't You Care: Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho Shot His Wife's LOVER Henry Neilson

Did You Know or Don't You Care:  Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho Shot His Wife's Lover Henry Neilson
                                                 Review by Amelia Gora (2015)

Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho was a young King who succeeded to the throne after Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli died in 1854.
He was only 20, and married Emma Rooke, daughter of Fanny Kekela and Naea who was adopted by Dr. Thomas B. Rooke alone.

Kamehameha IV
Kamehameha IV (PP-97-8-006).jpg
King of the Hawaiian Islands (more...)
ReignJanuary 11, 1855 – November 30, 1863
InvestitureJanuary 11, 1855
Kawaiahaʻo Church
PredecessorKamehameha III
SuccessorKamehameha V
Kuhina NuiKeoni Ana
Kaʻahumanu IV
BornFebruary 9, 1834
DiedNovember 30, 1863 (aged 29)
BurialFebruary 3, 1864[1]
Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
SpouseQueen Emma
IssueAlbert Edward Kauikeaouli
Full name
Alekanetero (Alexander) ʻIolani Kalanikualiholiho Maka o ʻIouli Kūnuiākea o Kūkāʻilimoku.
HouseHouse of Kamehameha
Kamehameha III (hānai)
Kalama (hānai)
ReligionChurch of Hawaii
The following is a chronological look at the events which appeared to have been the cause of his early demise:
1834 -  Alexander Liholiho was born to Kamehameha's II widow Kinau and her new husband Mataio                 Kekuanaoa.
               Alexander Liholiho was a hanai hookama /adopted child who inherited sovereignty, of
               Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
1854 -  Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli died.
1855 -  Alexander Liholiho became Kamehameha IV.
1856 -  Emma Rooke, adopted by Dr. T.C.B. Rooke, a true daughter of Fanny Kekela and George Naea,                 married Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho.
1857 -  Dr. Gerrit Parmele Judd owned a drug store on Fort and Merchant Street.  He had the following               available medicine, poisons available for sale:  

             Drugs, Medicines, and POISONS such as Arsenic, strichnine, veratrine, corrosive sublimate,
             oxilate acid, St. Ignacius beans, nux vomica, opium, Prussic acid, and alcohol.
            Note:  Dr. Gerrit Parmele Judd was an early genocide leader who withheld the smallpox
            vaccine from kanaka maoli and gave the vaccine to only his friends, family, and selected
            kanaka maoli.  Meanwhile, hundreds/thousands died from the smallpox epidemic. 

1858 -  Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho and Emma had a son named Prince Albert Edward Kamehameha.
1859 - September 11.  Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho shot Henry Neilson a presumed LOVER 
            of his wife Emma/Queen Emma.
            Henry Neilson, a former New Yorker, came from a physician's family.  His father was the doctor
            to millionaire John Jacob Astor who was one of the planners of the Christmas Santa Claus.  (see
            Santa Claus from Hawaii article by Amelia Gora)
           Henry Neilson died two years after Kamehameha IV shot him.  He had been a friend to the      
           Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho considered stepping down and allowing his sister
           Victoria Kamamalu be the Queen, but was convinced to not resign.
           Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho was willing to submit to a court trial but his counsel
           didn't think it was necessary.
          Note:  The truth of the matter is that Royal persons are not subject to the laws, Kamehameha IV
          was the King.
1859 -  Emma/Queen Emma and her husband Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho as the permanent               officer of the Queen's Hospital documented on the Incorporation documents helped to fund the                 Queen's Hospital.
1860 -  Kamehameha IV and his wife petitioned that the Church of England have a Church built in 
              Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
1861 -  Henry Neilson died.  
              Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho declared and maintained a neutrality status in the  
             American Civil War.
1862 - Prince  Albert  Edward Kamehameha died, age 4.
            Palmyra Islands/Atoll was annexed by Captains Bent, and Wilkinson on assignment from 
            Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho.  The notice was posted in the PACIFIC  COMMERCIAL
            ADVERTISER and "considered and respected as part of the Domain of the King of the
            Hawaiian Islands.       L. Kamehameha, Minister of Interior"
            Important to note that the Genocide Activist Leader Dr. Gerrit Parmele Judd was an Agent of
            the American Guano Company claimed to have annexed Palmyra Island on behalf of the United               States and a posting to that effect was made after the Notice by L. Kamehameha was made/
            just below his article.
1863 -  Kamehameha IV died.  How did Kamehameha IV die?  Poison.
A young, vibrant Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho died at age 29.  His widow Emma had an affair with Henry Neilson, son of a Doctor living in New York who was the physician of Millionaire Jacob Astor - the person who helped create the Santa Claus character.  
Physicians connected to Kamehameha IV period included Dr. Neilson, Dr. Robert McKibbin - the Royal physician who also tended to Henry Neilson hours after he was shot, and Genocide Activist Leader Gerrit Parmele Judd who had a drug store selling Medicines, POISONS, and working for the American Guano Company as an agent?
Additionally,    "Under his eight-year reign the Kingdom saw the many territory additions. Laysan Island was annexed in May 1, 1857,Lisianski Island was annexed in May 10, 1857, and Palmyra Atoll was annexed in April 15, 1862. Some residents ofSikaiana near the Solomon Islands believe their island was annexed by Kamehameha IV to Hawaii in 1856 (or 1855). Some maintain that through this annexation, Sikaiana has subsequently become part of the United States of America through the 1898 annexation of "Hawaii and its dependencies". The U.S. disagrees.[11]"
Research incomplete.
Informing many because..............
Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!

see Santa Claus from Hawaii article by Amelia Gora  - Kamehameha IV news about the shooting, etc.

Views: 2