Sunday, February 7, 2016

3rd Message with Evidence to Honolulu Police - Genocide Activities Ongoing File for Kaulana Fraser and Owana Salazar from Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs in 4+ lines

More Evidence of Slander - Kaulana Fraser "Dowager Queen of Tahiti" and Owana Salazar claiming to be "Princess"
29 mutual friends including Kahala Lei Azuma Maui and Foster Ampong
Went to Seabury Hall
Hi Amelia, It's about time I contacted you on Facebook don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. What do you think of Destination Restoration's efforts? i am all for an unaffiliated vote, with full participation (hopefully) before A'i Aupuni takes place. The last thing we need is A'i Aupuni giving people in the world and the UN the impression we agree to further subjugation.
Hello dearest Ameloa,
I just wonder is anyone has told you lately how loved and appreciated you are for your tireless work for our freedom and independence. I am so upset about the A'i Aupuni vote and I am just imagining how you must feel having been on the front lines for so long. I am working with the Destination Restoration Project because I am unaffiliated and feel that it is the only true unaffiliated group, and I feel so strongly that we have to beat A'i Aupuni by having a vote , a true vote that reflects the feelings of the majority instead of this corrupted vote, the intent of which is to give the world the appearance that we agree to subjugation. I am fiercely loyal to our Queen and feel there is no other way to get justice for our beloved Ali'i. Even though we don't see each other and hardly get a chance to talk since we are trying to survive AND fight at the same time, I want you to know that I think of you often and just love you so much for all that you have done and continue to do. Destination Restotation needs some guidance here and there because nobody has the kind of experience and knowledge you have. I am afraid we will fall through one of the many trap doors set for us by the US. The one I am worried about is the "inabscence of an Heir" trap. There are heirs. Many people have a valid rightful claim to the throne. I am not saying ALL ali'i do but the Kamehamehas surely do.and there are many descendants as you so unrelentingly point out. I saw the list of ali'i with Obama's and Abercrombie's names on it and know that surely they used this list to pillage funds found from Sandalwood and other assets and investments as you suggest.and income belonging to our beloved Kamehameha's. If you have time to give us your thoughts on how best to proceed with an unaffiliated vote, your input is so appreciated. I found the July 20 1844 Polynesian legal notice and see at the bottom of the 3rd column, "Princes and Chiefs Eligible to Rule". There are descendants who are eligible, there are heirs to the crown and here we are deciding what to do without consulting them, I feel that is no better than the state but don't know how to approach the subject since time is truly of the essence. I feel "in abxcence of an heir" thinking is a trap guppy set for us and simply propaganda that some are unable to shake. I am not judging because we are all so abused by their fraud I am just saying, how should we consult the heirs since there isn;t a specific one voted in yet? and should we even be voting at all rather than deciding who has the strongest claim per the law of KKIII. Do you know which royal protocol notice I am speaking of? I just so want to do the right thing by our ali'i. Emma should have been Queen not Kalakaua. She lived so there never should have been a vote. Do you understand my question about how to proceed?
hi kaulana... Tane Inciong also has good suggestions he too mentioned the list also we need the voted in reps from the people n our govt is good to go.,keep in touch,..aloha
Ok thank you Amelia, If the Destination Restoration effort meets your approval, I am all in. I thought it was the right thing to do and just wanted to make sure. Do you know the July 20 notice I speak of? I'm sure you do knowing of your exhaustive research. I have learned that the Indians have successfully created an IGO (vs NGO) under which we and all the Pacific islanders are also covered. I will be briefed this weekend and report to you promptly. Oh Bummer to be breifed next week. When he makes statements like he did in the UN last week that "Might doesn't make right" he is indirectly speaking to us. We have to read between the lines. The Jesu half wits are always listening and very dangerous as evidenced by JFK. He has daughters to live for and a family to support too like the rest of us. He needs to live. I have been hearing his messages between the lines for quite some time and know that he is doing what he can while trying not to get whacked. Their time is coming and Shit for Brains Schatz better decide who he is going to work for the fucking Jesu half wits or us.Robin Danner WILL be tried for treason and deported along with certain OHA trustees. The "might makes right" judges all need to go to jail. We are a treaty nation that had 90 consulates. Sanford Dole didn't overthrow our government he's just a thief. The money changers have been at this for thousands of years. Jesus fashioned a whip and whipped the money changers out of the temple saying" You have turned my Father's house into a den of thieves!". They are the ones who killed him for forgiving sins outside the temple for free. Same gangsters who changed our money. Thanks for the help. Is it time to make a Facebook page for the Kamehameha's only so they can communicate and speak within the family and meet each other for the first time after all these years? Genealogy required?
Hi Amelia, I tried to access the link to ipetitions and I can't is that because I wasn't signed up for Mauoli world? I did sign up for ipetitions, but it didn't show me any list of petitions, only where I could start one.
hi kaulana! has lots of info also my email is
i am going to Walter Ritte's speech at UH tomorrow at 10:30 AM. I'm pretty sure Professor Chang will be there. can you come? I received a message somehow that the Kamehameha heirs need to gather and ALL sign documents and Owana who is of the branch of the oldest of every generation from Elizabeth Kekaniaau and put forth by there 3 brothers and take these documents personally to Obama and demand your Kingdom and lands back, and the dissolution of na'i aupuni. Perhaps after a stop at the UN. keanu Sai went but he;s a nobody in the bloodline Dayne went but he's a nobody, but if a legitimate heir to the throne went with the power of all the descendants of Kamehameha behind her maybe that would be different. Presidents are elected no Kings and Queens. As maybe the only legitimate heir to the throne with an iron clad genealogy she might be the right person to demand her Kingdom back. Now that the judge ruled for na'i open I am wondering what a good next step could be or [lan be could be and wanting to meet with you to strategize. because Obummer was in my class at Punahou I may be able to get a face to face meeting arranged before Na'i Aupuni goes any further. please come tomorrow if we can talk.
Like Ghandi maybe strategize some massive acts of civil disobedience that will cause the 25% voting to be so shame for what they are doing they withdraw from 'any ting wit puni is puni'. and get the attention of the rest of the public. Like all lay down in the road around the state capitol and ask all polynesians samoans tongans holes too to join if they like. How many people can they arrest?
haoles I meant
Hi Amelia, I noticed that the US only offered Kahoolawe to the people. Is that because the aggrieved party is really NOT the people? It is the crown/kamehameha heirs? If so since the question of the self determination of the Hawaiian people is a separate issue. Are you feeling it might be time for the heirs living in Hawaii and US should file their own case with the world court and/or ICC for war crimes before they somehow deceive the world that the Hawaiian people chose to be part of the US and therefore the people gave the crown land (which was not theirs to give)to the State of Hawaii? So before they make it appear to the world through N'ai Aupuni that the Hawaiians consent to subjugation which may or may not happen depending on what the people want, and for the record in the world, make it clear for all time that the land and the crown of the Hawaiian Kingdom belong to the Kamehameha family.Further I believe that the government itself was built by them and it belongs to them. I think the Salazarrs being the descendant s of E.Kekaaniau who are the only living descendants of the 15 Princes and Chiefs eligible to rule (that I know of) and the heirs perhaps maybe might consider beginning to unite because although all are heirs to the land the Salazars have the strongest claim to the throne (again that I know of)You know more about who the heirs are than anyone I know. What do you think of my question are you feeling that the timing might be right in light of the current shenanigans of the US, to take the Kamehameha's truth to the world, so you can GET and not just claim? It wasn't the right time before. Now the right time might be approaching and i'd like to put you and Owana together who represents her side of the family and is more willing to be involved in things than anyone else. I have never met anyone but Phillip her cousin but I am aware that the oldest child of Daisy I am blanking on his name is a plumber on the North Shore and lives in Pupukea. Owana is planning to meet with him since Daisy was the eldest and he is her eldest to discuss these types of things soon. How is your a'au feeling about timing? Timing is so important and so is being prepared. I think it is so funny how Issac Harp of Destination Restoration is making yet another government and selecting candidates for Mo'i and not even considering contacting a legitimate heir to the crown, after I reminded him that they are still here, and when they get their government established and voted on by the people they are going to hit the same brick wall as everyone else because the people don't own the crown lands. They feel like big shots of the SAME decision making status as a monarch, since the US asked them if they wanted their traditional form of govt or not, so they feel like it's all about them, their likes and dislikes,, that they are somehow entitled which then means the crown and Kamehamehas are NOT entitled and feel that the crown and the Kamehamehas should somehow defer to them. I say silly little peasants who want to run things.....a hundred years later, aren't entitled to be deciding ANY SUCH THING and shouldn't be thinking about anything but being loyal SUBJECTS since our KINGdom still exists and happens to be a monarchy, and that they should be asking not what their Kingdom can do for them but how they can serve their country. Owana tells me she gets SO much disrespect and attitude from the blalahs and they actually come up to her saying,"So if you are the monarch what chu goin do FOA ME?" She's over it just wants to deal with her Kamehameha family already and lawyers. She is starting to gather a group of lawyers and advisors and I was wondering if you have any interest in starting to organize the family and encourage everyone to work as a team since you are the INTERESTED parties and heirs at law and have the same best interests, not necessarily the the same as the common Hawaiians since they are not heirs. Further it wasn't THEIR grand aunt who was the victim of the act of terrorism and fraud which is causing the US to address the aggrieved parties. I just want to make it clear to the world WHO the aggrieved parties REALLY ARE and WHO the reparations REALLY need to be made TO. Yes the Quiet Titles and Adverse possessions of the makaainana lands need to be adjudicated by a court who actually has jurisdiction, but I am feeling such a sense of delusional entitlement from the common Hawaiians a move like this on the bigger stage of the world might say it without saying it to the makaainana that the lands were already divided and given so don't be making plans to divide all the Ahapua'a of the Kamehamehas between yourselves. They don't belong to you. I can't tell you the rage that gets directed at me on these Facebook sites on which I state these simple facts, and I get called all kinds of names too. I can only imagine how Owana's family feels having taken these blows all their lives from people who were given so much and so many kamehamehas were murdered in the building of this kingdom so THEY didn't end up slaves like the african americans and Hawaiian children did't get put into the equivalent of the Indian Residential School of that time. K.
Did you call in? The teleconference is now.
hi,..just found out at l2.3O or after the show ,.as 4 owana...her ancestor wilcox tried to overthrow 3 Plus times n her families said they alone were the last of the kamehamehas etc
treason - wilcox...
I think you must be talking about the wrong Wilcox. Last of the Kamehameha heirs to what needs to be clarified. To the land or to the crown? Her cousin is so oblivious to their history and genealogy that she/he wrote in a book published that Elizabeth kekaniaau was a lady in waiting which is clearly not the case as you will see from the documents I send. So that just goes to show that all the sleazes are not all as devoted to understand their culture, (music, language history) and genealogy as Owana is and has been. From the documents I have, they are the last of those descendants of the 15 eligible families for the crown and each had the ability to start a line of their own if needed for immediate continuity of government. I will send you the documentation. Please show me where Robert Kalanihapo Wilcox is not a loyal subject and remember he was assassinated for being a loyal subject. Theresa, his wife went to jail for a year and a half of hard labor for allegedly forging Liliu's last will when she did not. That has been proven by modern forensics. Liliu left everything to Owana's family because she had 24 years after her overthrow and before her death to see who the treasonous player's were and she trusted and loved Owana's family the most. Washington Place was left to her grandfather in that will. Elizabeth kekaniaau was Queen Emma's best friend maid of honor, and heir at law, and was also Liliu's best friend, the reason she never stepped forward herself, and Lilu's closet living relative after the death of Princess Kaiulani. Both Elizabeth Kekaniaau and Liliu were imprisoned for being heirs to the throne not just Liliu.
Can you please help me understand why you believe these terrible things about your own family Amelia? Is it just 100 year old gossip or is it based in fact?
i am going down to the library now to look up information on these treasonous acts of Robert Kalanihapo Wilcox and I was wondering if you could tell me where to look since you know your way around down there so well.
All the Salazars I meant jus read how auto correct changed salazar to sleazes in my first message.
I looked and Robert was always fighting for the Kamehameha's. Still not sure why you would call someone a traitor who was always for the best interest of your family and was murdered for it. You don't really think that Liliuokalani was a traitor and treasoner too right? I have seen you list her too. I have seen where you are lumped in with Lily Kala and Robin Danner and that can't be right.... Why are you getting lumped in with the likes of them? Is that what you are really all bout? I thought you were for the kamehameha's and therefore the Hawaiian people's best interest.
When is the meeting I really want to go.
I hear Leon has to leave, If he can't be there I would still like to meet if you can. Are you in the group with him? Or just a supporter of him? i will copy you on a letter I wrote to Keala Kelly explaining where I am at right now in my Protest Protest Na'i Aupuni quandary. Since my views are often unpopular it is better for the monarchs and group leaders if I am separate (probably much like you) since I often am the one presenting the uncomfortable truths.
This thank you allies to you too y the way for your support during my roasting by Protest Na'i Aupuni Facebook page administrators who were the presenters.
Hi Keala. Thank you so much for coming to my rescue having to be the one to point out the deception involved in Protest Na'i Aupuni that I was subjected to. What bothers me most is that there is a video being circulated of me being deceived, that makes it appear that I am "nation building" which denationalizes of me, the very thing I am protesting about. I feel so deceived, so manipulated, insulted and offended. Why is Protest Na'i Aupuni doing this to the Hawaiian people?This is the same thing Na'i Aupuni is doing to me by way of many deceptions starting with calling their entities the opposite of what they really are like Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement. Although the videos effectively severely damage the credibility of Ms Kalama and Andre, mine is damaged too by being shown participating in the same,"What kind of government do you want?" dog and pony show that Robin Danner does at her meetings. I can't do anything about it now, because all I get is argumentative comments typical of agent provocateurs that are intended to try and make it seem it is about something else (wrong with me) to shift the focus away (confuse and deceive) from what they are really doing. It would be one thing if they named their group something else. One of the first thing Kalama says when she talks is that Hawaiians have lost their safe place. So I go there thinking Protest Na'i Aupuni is my safe place, she so much as tells me before I start that she is the one providing this safe place, and instead I am besieged upon by them, doing the exact same thing to me as Na'i Aupuni does to me and filmed me doing it. Keeping in mind, that the goal is to make it appear to the world that Hawaiians have chosen to dissolve their Constitutional Monarchy which has dire consequences for us, showing this video, just like participation in Na'i Aupuni gives the appearance that I choose to build/create a new nation which is not an already established treaty nation in the world. It is being used of make it appear that I give my consent to what they do in their meetings and I do not. Comprehension of the topic choice and content presented, points to the true intent of Protest Na'i Aupuni, not to inform, but to confuse and deceive and DOCUMENT Hawaiians to succumbing to the deception, like Na'i Aupuni's vote does. They are using their DOCUMENTATION to make other people to trust them by saying look all the staunch Hawaiian who support what we are doing? That is no different from Peter Apo using photos of the Mauna Kea march and beneath it saying there is a groundswell of support building in support of Na'i Aupuni's nation building. OHA did this same thing to Uncle Hank Hank once and he had to file a federal lawsuit against OHA to get them to stop using his photo in a brochure for the same purpose in another Fed Rec attempt. I am stuck because the video is more damaging to them in the long run than it is to me, but I am so sad that I have to sit by and allow myself to be portrayed as participating with them and trusting them. Worse being made out as the problem to those who are also protesting the same thing I am, but don't see the deception yet. I could cares less about being friends with anybody/everybody, that is not it. I feel like I have been successfully divided from, and within, my own protest group. As evidenced by this division, the divide and conquer agenda is being carried out right in the protest group, saying they are fighting against the same thing I am. This is the second time I have been kicked off the site for being pro original nation my intent being unification of the people and the monarchs (a culturally and legally appropriate offensive attack of it's own upon or enemy) for increased international arbitration power. Someone else added me back in the last time because they wanted be there presenting the opposing view that its Ok to nation build just don't do it with Na'i Aupuni, do it with us. You can trust us because we are activists. When the nation building itself is the offense to our existing nation. It dissolves the monarchy for all the world to see. All I am trying to say is when you jeopardize the Kamehameha family and the sovereign rights much higher that a subject, of the sovereign power of the legitimate monarch of a treaty nation, of which you are the beneficiary of the same trust being stolen (for the second time) you jeopardize your own interest and also jeopardize the power/strenghth of our number 1 ally in this war against us. They are the best choice because they are about lose everything too which means they are the only party that can't be bribed or bought. This is not about a government at all. This is about being the beneficiaries of the same trust in which the major interest holder (the Crown and the Kamehameha's interests) are under attack, and that it is the NOT DOING of the nation building that jeopardizes everyone's and therefore your interest that is the wise and prudent path. After all, not doing what they are trying to force us to do, is an obvious first step to protest. It's just simple logic. They have to use a lot of personal attacks, smoke, mirrors, and pushing of magical thinking that nation building is good for us to hide this logic. They are always trying to direct these conversations to be about government and that is just simply more deception. So I can't go there on Facebook anymore because all it does it give them an opportunity to spew their nonsense and make me look like the bad person to my own fellow beneficiaries whose vision is still clouded by the deception. The less they hear of the ali'i bashing, divisive language, the shifting of the focus, lying about their intent, scapegoating me and all the other manipulations they use to avoid responsibility for what they are REALLY doing, the better. Thank you again Keala Kelley. Eventually they will take down those videos and power points when they realize how much they damage their credibility and we won't have them as a reference in the future when these people run for office. I am glad you are asking for them and compiling them. Good job, Keala. I hope to meet you on January 17 at the Palace at Uncle Hank's yearly event to give you a hug and my thanks in person for what you have done. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.I apologize for not writing this sooner, I was just trying to get a few points made before I checked out of their site for good and I was under fire for being the bearer of bad news and the were all so busy trying to shoot the messenger.If you can add a few quips about that in your comments without getting dragged in and resolve to not respond to put downs, divisive comments, accusations, etc., it might be helpful to clear the smoke so the people can see the deception clearly. They may have shot this messenger but there is an army just like me who have good minds and bring their genius to the table to free us at a time when the people not bringing their genius with them will destroy us all. I don't perceive them to be the imua, forgive, cleanse type who just want to be friends with everybody above all else, and they are most certainly not fools who engage in magical thinking that if someone is doing the same thing as someone else to the detriment of us all that it is somehow they are different. Please feel free to share this letter with anyone by message that supports my comments on the page since I am no longer on it and cannot identify them. Thank you again. Aloha, K.
Yeah Liholiho should have shot dat faka (Judd) too.
historical psyops... we remain a neutral non violent nation...besides the pen errr...the keyboard is mightier than the sword..weaponry smile emoticon
Enjoying the video of the (real) protest Na'i Aupuni meeting of Leo Siu, shot by Kika Waialae. It is the part three video is on the subject of strategy. Love how the strategy section starts with his saying that the more he knows about our ali'i and what they did for us the more he sees their greatness....that's what I'm talking about. Hey you and I have a similar wit and I have been thinking about a Facebook page that has funny stuff on it that illustrates our many points like how Bill Maher has his section New Rules? It is so f---in funny. Like maybe "What they say it means.... What I say it means" to point out all the many deceptions. It could be so hilarious.
Page not found on that second post from yesterday.
Can you meet with me on ASAP for just a couple of quick questions? regarding that statement of Clinton's a while back and your theory about it? I need to speak to you in person about it. its really important.
meet at the Archives? Monday 10? aloha.
Hey I need you to respond to this guy Mark Miller on Protest Na'i Aupuni site if you have time. He says, Legitimate heirs? Well, that depends on what you mean. Yes, there are legitimate, direct, blood descendants of Kamehameha I however, all surviving members today are from the non dynastic wives and children as Kamehameha himself named his children from his highest ranking wife to be his direct heirs as monarch and claim to all of the land in the islands. Kamehameha III divided that during the Great Mahele that gave members of his family seperate lands to keep and own in perpetuity. The Kamehameha family of lands that were not passed from one king to another were all passed down from Ka'ahumanu to Kīnaʻu and from her to Kekāuluohi who left almost everything to her son Lunalilo who died before his father leaving a good portion of what would not have passed to Kanaina had Lunalilo not preceded him in death. Part of the process of the passing of crowns lands was challenged having to do with Queen Emma and as a result the Mahele land distrubtion was sort of broken. (Still learning about this part so it may be a bit off) Anyway, when Kekūanāoʻa died I believe he left everything to his daughter Ruth Keʻelikōlani who left everything she had to Bernice Pauahi. Kanaina died intestate and was adjudicated to 8 parties that included Ruth and Bernice, with Bishop getting two shares for her line was related though two people. Oh, Kanaina did try to re-authorize a probate for the lost will of his wife, Kekāuluohi but the court rejected the request. There were a number of Kanaina heirs who's decendants live today and there are several non dynastic lines of Kamehameha I living today. Perhaps thousands.
He doesn't mention who owns the govt.
Be careful agent provocateurs are trying to draw us into a cattle shoot by our answers and shot gun awaits at the end. Think real carefully with that big beautiful brain of yours before reacting you don't have to answer now.
"Is Native Hawaiians Rally Ready For a Hawaiian Kingdom?'
Keawe Alapai's post on Protest Na'i Aupuni.Bottom of the thread.
hi kaulana...he fails to accept the fact that kekauluohi was a widow of kamehameha and kamehameha ll - liholiho plus david kamehameha then lastly kanaina...kekauluohi was the stepmo of all the kamehamehas children n stepchildren including kamehameha lll ... kanaina was also a stepfather with a life int in kamehamehas lands...pirates have been found out n have been legally n lawfully dispossessed n have no say...dont care to talk with those who fail to do their homework or not part of the royal family...not interested in entertaining him or others like him...kaulana, dont waste your good ha on such characters...maybe see u tomorrow?... smile emoticon
yes. Do you mind if I use this response? I was put in charge of policing these treasonsers because the are putting holes in our boat. ALL hawaiian kanaka maouoli need vote to reinstate the kingdom 100% says what's his name the international lawyer.....these people have already caused too much damage and need to know they are being watched. Until they get that Holy Shit the Kamehameha's own everything including the government.
Thank you for the professional consult. You are the figurative B_mb.
hi youre welcomed to use the comments- when he tries to talk back...just say.,i am sorry. you have no say,,gbye... smile emoticon
Ok ty. This i what else he wrote after that I haven't answered No. Pauahi turned down the throne outright by actually yelling "Not me, not me" and asked Kam V to name Ruth but He stated that "She would not answer......." and then trailed off. Both Ruth and Bernice's family lines ended with their deaths as they had no surviving children. She also had a will and left land to a number of people for their lifetime and sums of monsy to individuals. She also made a spacial mention and left something to her namesake in California. She was a Dunham I believe but known have rights to her fortune as her will made provisions for Kamehameha Schools. Now...the Bishop Foundation on the other hand was not specified by Bishop herslf but i believe it has be disovled. Did you know that Kānekapōlei and Konia both denied that Pauli Kaōleiokū was a son of Kamehameha I and that was one of the points that was brought out in a huge frued between Emma and Ruth? Many genealogies show Pauli as a son of Kalaniʻōpuʻu. Another person Kamehameha would not name was Lunalilo, who he said was not worthy of the throne. He wanted the legislature to name the next king as was designated by his constituion but Lunalilo demanded a popular vote by the people and won, becoming the only elected monarch in Hawaiian history. He died before his father and his father died without an updated will. When Kanaina died nearly every member of the Royal Family came forward with their genealogies (all of it documented with vast amounts of info). My ggg grandfather was one of the first 4 named heirs. but he died before the judgement so they named his widow as well as her children, one of which was my GG grandmother. Yeah, it was a wonderful thing to discover and see but even to Kamehameha IV and V considered the line "lesser". All the battles in Hawaiian history were cousins. Think about that. Ohana fighting over aina. Sad actually. Like · Just now Like · 7 mins
The question was for this - So Pauahi inherited the throne?
obama is a desc of bernice dunham who was charles reed bishop no hawaiian blood... ask for refs pls...sounds like ksbe people on board., be careful...
sister of crbishop!
Yes that is what I think and Na'i Aupuni as well.They are pretending to be Protest na'i Aupuni but they are really Na'i Aupuni. Not posting anything. Are they looting your trusts through Obama? Never mind tomorrow.
Have let that idea simmer more in my brain over night and refined the intent of the Facebook page to #1 expose the deception #2be a way for the people to communicate with the true crown without exposing any one person for safety and be a platform from which the crown can hear the voice of the people and where they can voice their fears. There is so much propaganda and fear mongering against the monarchs. Do you want to pen a quick note to Queen Marama in New Zealand who hopefully knows the legitimate New Zealand royalty, and so we can research the group to make sure the intent is pure and that it is not just part of an OHA delivered can of worms intended to cause more division between the ali'i family members?Another mechanism to confuse and divide? No reason OHA wants to do anything keeps our best interest in mind.
maybe it is a way to identify the ali'i who are the Kamehamehas with the bluest blood. Funny how they are squashing our genealogies 130 years and now searching for the bluest of the blue bloods.I'm just saying.....
saying they have an important relic of the govt all the groups need to validate the authenticity gof their group and seeing who jumps to grab it first could the true reason for this magic tale that OHA cares about our royal genealogies. I am not paranoid. I am aware of, and comprehend the great might of our enemy.
And their cunning.
false flag ops in full force...yes penning a note is good...
can also post a legal notice as well to back it up...
what do u think abwout obamas announcement of climate change?...a diversion.,.?
ed kakalia will be at the archives tomorrow...9:00
i want to post it on an official Hawaiian Crown Facebook page with ALL the descendants behind it, where people can ask questions of the group of those who are legitimately in immediate line of succession to the throne. We could make the most literate, knowledgable and loving to be the administrators and question. You should be one because you are so knowledgeable. We need heirs knowledgeable on all other issues, finance, US International and kingdom law, economics. i am not an heir but i am psychiatric nurse who can answer to changes that will improve public health from what it is now. If this is going to vote and they have stacked the deck with people who will not vote for the restoration of the kingdom and well as now moving to do the same to conquer within the protest movement. That is why Kalama will not post Bumpy's video of Prof Francis Boyle on her page. He is saying vote for your original govt she is saying nation building is OK. Try to post it there and see what happens. It will be telling of her intent. Everything is a diversion that is in the news and that's why other that keeping informed watching the news is a phenomenal waste of anyone's time. So stoked to hear about Ed. The Kalaniopu'us have the bluest blood of all the Kamehameha's because he was Kamehameha's King who gave him Ku and sent him to war. It is becoming an issue OHA is looking for the descendants of kalaniopu'u now to align with them because they are losing, they don't have enough votes. They are changing horses so to speak. Probably because I exposed their plan of openly pursing the same agenda of Na'i Aupuni within Protest Na'i Aupuni. They already have the people in Na'i Aupuni blinded with their insane logic of nation building and the magic tale that it will benefit us. Now they have their sights on gathering those who went to their meetings in Protest na'i Aupuni who were deceived by the their dog and pony show. And the plan is to deceive and confuse more within the protest movement. Please post Bump's video of Francis Boyle and ask people to hear his message. Point out that this video was filmed BEFORE all the deception and extortion tactics exposed OHA's true plan to stack the ballot with those who will not vote to restore the kingdom of hawaii at the convention.
They may now be seeing that finding an elderly of this ali'i family that they can control is the only way they can beat the power of the legitimate monarchs. Since kamaehmeha was technically a knight working under his king kalaniopu'u might they be trying to say that his spoils of war belong to his king?
Or they see how much land this family has. i want you to meet the man who is the direct descendant of mary Lewai. Reason: Queen Emma named her because she knew of her direct bloodline to kalaniopuu and knew she was not technically a Kamehameha and could not inherit although she was of the bluest blood.
He has his birth/marriage certificates to her.Please investigate her genealogy. He is the oldest of the Kaleipou's who are many. Very very nice man. Robert Ebane is also a Kalaniopu'u I think. Another TRUE soldier for the family.
Robert Ebanez I meant. So as not to show the cards of the family to the enemey and identifying one who can get shot, perhaps it is best to send someone who can claim it but who we know is not in immediate line of succession and who we also trust to come back and tell us what Crabbe/OHA said.
Need loyal soldier for going over enemy lines.
hi...our family descends from kalola the next of kin to bernice pauahi in probate ,.the only one documented in probate...lots of issues...n the house of nobles r also heirs or successors too.,.
Think about it. Their main fear is that the Kamehameha's unite and form a trust regency to protect the unborn heirs. Since their common best interest is so strong it will be an impenetrable force to reckon with. However there are many Kalaniopu'us who are not Kamehameha's and therefore not heirs to the crown land who can be polarized and bribed by OHA.
Divide and conquer
how was the talk with kalani-?
Good will tell you tomorrow. He admits those are maharani's words and that he said them because he is angry for the ali'i not stepping up to rule in a time of great duress. My whole reason for coming to see you. The kamehameha's need to finally unite and make their presence known in a way that doesn't jeopardize themselves and the peace and safety of our nation. The people are getting any because they can't see you and they are suffering without you and access to you. It is a way of being there for your people during this difficult time.
Getting angry I mean
getting angry I mean
he didn't say he was with her just that they are her words..
They already know I am coming for them to expose the nation building within the protest moment. I think they see it as a dead end because people will soon see my logic. They are changing horses it what I feel in my gut.
people who are known freemasons (i my mind) have already tried to flush Owana out by making her relics visible by giving them to non Hawaiians in cultural groups she helps with. Then they apologize after saying they didn't know she existed and then pretend that they are not holding all the rest of our relics.I see the deception of it.
After that samoan girl yesterday was filming us on her camera phone we need to meet in a way more incognito place and switch places often.
sounds good ..
Maybe invite Mike Lee since he is known to have all his proof?
I want to make sure everyone is on the treaty who really matters all those in the immediate line of succession who we trust for sure.
And the kalaniopu'us to cover all bases.
was thinkin about him too- oh we have proof of our lines too.,our nuuanu line was verified by oahu burial council n we participated in the kapiolani burials... will email cousin mike...
He and Owana are having very kind words to each other regularly re Kingdom business. knowing her heart am am thinking that they were meaning heirs to the throne not to the land. Two totally different things, since clearly they were heirs of the govt and maybe not necessarily the lands and perhaps at that time it was the voice of those (Loeau and Maheha) whose children were out of the spotlight to keep their children safe and hidden so that you would be here today. Unless it was the Polynesian the official newspaper of the crown we must assume that the media at that time was heavily involved in false flag ops to divide the kamehameha's and trying to divide the Kamehameha's and highly suspect of propaganda toward those ends. Divide and conquer. If they were fighting to get them because they were recognized it doesn't necessarily mean that their intent wasn't to use them as originally intended to uphold the dignity of the crown and family. It may have been the only means available at the time to reclaim the power of the govt lost by the kidnapping of the monarch and the loss of ability to care for the people with the crown land revenue. In that the ability to provide for the people was the biggest function of the monarch's job power and land grab helped them steal what they really wanted, theQueens' job. No different than Ige , Henery Noa, Keanu Sai, Madame Asing, Sanford Dole, na'i Aupuni, etc. I am sure they were trying anything that might work to secure a claim to anything they could. They were making themselves targets by doing so and I am sure they knew it and were willing at that point to die like all the rest for their Kingdom.
Like they stacked the deck in na'i Aupuni with those who are pro State, now that the battle ground has moved to witting the Protest group they are looking for their own legitimate ali'i who will serve them and divide within the Protest movement. All this tells me I am doing a good job trying to analyze their strategies see what they are doing clearly and why and how their actions tell us what they fear and what their want and need. I blew their obvious agenda evident within the Protest Na'i Aupuni Facebook out of the water and now they have a new strategy - we just need to analyze it. Now those who were telling us to nation build at their meetings are saying restore the Constitutional Monarchy the complete opposite of what they said 24 hours before. There is evidence of where they are headed. I am so happy to be keeping them on their toes and slamming doors shut inter faces. Thanks for the help strategizing. What the next trap door is that they are trying to open now for the people to fall through is the question, and how to thwart it. If they are calling for a high level Kalaniopu'u descendant, that means we have to find our own who we know is on our side and quick and make sure he has the genealogy to back up his claim for the cape. We may not know why they are doing it but the fact is that is what they are doing it. Solomon is the oldest of his branch. Should I ask him to stop in so you can verify his genealogy?You will love him he is a sweet man and 100% with us. Let me know soon if he can stop by at some point for you to connect with him.
We need a trustworthy army in this covert war willing to go to the very end. The enemy is great. I am trying to build it slowly and carefully.
all genealogies ...we were invited-
neutral non violent.,
Solomon Kaleiopu is coming into town tomorrow morning at 10 and would like to meet you. he knows nothing about the cape so please don't mention it. He just wants to meet you. Found out the last Queen of Autearoa (gone now) is my husband's cousin as well as King of Tonga. He is trying to get the phone number in the morning. Owana also descends from Kalola directly from my memory of a chart I saw. i was so sickened to hear of how that all went down. He was the lover of Gillingham and the Cooke's admitted to Owana that they were sneaking Charles Reed into the school to court her. Meanwhile they were taking all Moses land away from him and expelling him for being a normal 17 year old. When I read that children' school book about moses I get furious. You know that jane Loeau was pregnant by KK III right? Own found it in a book. Do you descend from that first child of Jane Loeau?
I just got home and got a message. I know that they tried to flush out Owana that way with a relic and the man who was doing it was a freemason. She didn't bite the bait.
She had a bad feeling and she was right.
I thinkEd kakalia is a plant.
he has ptsd ...possibility exists.
need to talk how and where? saw the email of the jasper yes I already knew of that jasper.
That was KK III's baby she was carrying when she married him , found that too in another book do you have that already?
Interesting about the PTSD.
Couple questions, What the the BOH article have to do with E. Kekaaniau. 2) Notice the title of the second article, Ex-Queen Liliuakalani Finds a Rival. Those are inflammatory words meant to inflame (hear cause division). Elizabeth Kekaaniau was not her rival in fact the complete opposite, was her best friend and closest living relative after the death of Princess Kaiulani. She was often photographed at official events sitting side by side with her to say it without saying it so as not to make her a target. After 24 years to see who the traitors were, she left everything to the family of Elizabeth Kekaaniau making them her heirs including her home Washington Place.She was jailed 2 years for presenting this will accused of forgery and witnesses to the signing of it afterward since admitting to taking a bribe of $500.00 now confirmed as valid by modern handwriting analysis.. Those are facts deserving more weight than a newspaper article with the clear intent to inflame by the title. Please note there are no quotation marks around the part where they are said to have said they were the only heirs and as I mentioned, heirs to what? They were not heirs to the land only next in line for succession to receive the revenue of the crown land (rightfully theirs as one of the 15 named heirs to the throne)intended by the legal provision in the Great mahele to uphold the dignity of the monarchy. They were the only living heirs to the govt who were recognized at that time, or who were willing to put their necks in the chopping block for their country anyway. They were trying to put a Queen back on the throne same as everyone else who signed the Ku'e Petition. Again it does not specify heirs to what. This is an act of activism not an attempt to defraud their family. This is the same twisting of the truth to cause division that we have seen throughout history. You have to look at the bigger picture like with Professor Chang. He saw them stacking the deck of Na'i Aupuni with candidates already known to be on the Roll Commision. His actions were to counter that. The fact is that he has the biggest balls of anyone who is member of the bar in the last several decades at least. You are a smart woman. I am just as paranoid as you or at least aspire to be. Thank you for keeping the lines of communication open to all the Kamehameha's yesterday and hearing discussion on the E.Kekaaniau Pratt issue. The United States of Contradictions at work here too.
The smaller report from the public hearings I gave you shows why they can start their own sterpe and since E. Kekanoiiaau had no children that makes them her heirs. Further in her book, Keoua father of Kings by E. Kekaaniau she NAMES Theresa as the next in line per our ancient and continuous traditions.
Smalley report I mean.
I am researching how they are direct not collateral from keoua will advise.
lots of the kamehamehas will dispute them- even myself..,
as being direct from Keoua?
Dispute what ?
am meeting with ebanez at the library at l:30 to give him candies 4 the kids hes helping, he s lookhng 4 tmks...
they r treasonous wilcox desc n he tried to overthrow 3 to 4 times...
there r many of us whose genealogies supersedes theirs...wilcox was party to the crimes n a plant...
he was listed,..and dispossessed....
according to treaty to laws n rule of law... btw what formed yesteqday was an advisory group only n not the real thing fyi...
Sure whatever I just want progress I feel consensus is both possible and desirable as a preparation for an offensive move by the whole of us. We need to undo the division with rational discussion, do you agree? We have to start with baby steps to build our way up to consensus on bigger issues. There is a vacuum of leadership caused by division that is leaving us open to international acts of aggression and leaving the kamehameha family vulnerable. Do we agree on that?
Shall I come down there so we can talk?
BTW thank you for clarifying the advisory council not temporary po'o and agreed.
I see your true intent is to protect and not seize power like all the other groups and someone as paranoid as you is the best person for the job of protecting the kamehameha's my true intent. By protecting the majority beneficiary that also protects the other interested parties and why most people don't see that is beyond all rational thought to me.
Did you read your email? I think I sent it to Hwn History. Do you read this site? Hawaiian law foundation? Posting now a question to you (but not directly) on my Facebook share. It's attached to a post I shared called Bishop Estate Starting to Shake.
Did you read the letter from Professor Chang? I was the one calling the people on the back biting of the ali'i and now it is these very same people are trying to say it was me doing the back biting on Dest Restoration and Protest na'i Aupuni. ha ha. They are just coming to terms with the reality of the harmfulness of their mass communications were to the Crown, and the peace and safety of our KINGdom. They are all so full of shit. So glad that i know they all read Pono Keali'i's eloquent warning on Protest Na'i Aupuni that people who spread mass communications inciting people to disinherit the Kamehamehas, whose very inheritance pays for the govt., or who says his lawful govt doesn't have the right to rule or that its legitimate rulers don't have the right to rule it, do so at their great peril. The degrading of the ali'i's by their speech in any way is the opposite of the intent of the gift of the lands revenue from which pays for the govt out of our traditional system of Noblesse Oblige. And the purpose of that legal provision is to uphold the dignity of the crown, PERIOD. Anyone who engages in this abuse of the freedom of speech violates a legal provision governing the ownership of the land they dream that the public owns.
Hi saw your stuff posted re: ali'i bashers. THANK YOU SO MUCH. What time on Wednesday? Did you see the Melissa Moniz post? I would like to talk about how to put the skin back on the cat ( in response to them saying in the leaked email ,There is more than one way to skin a cat" now that they have succeeded in making at least 1 tribe. Lily Kala is another tribe since she accepted the 2.5 mill, and Keanu said is asking everybody to sue him to validate him as a tribal leader. How do we unite Amelia? Proof Boyle says 100% of the Hawaiian people need to vote to restore the Kingdom of Hawaii in order to restore our Kingdom. I believe him. we are up against the biggest mafia in the world and that is what it will take to beat them . If we allow them through ego, greed, resentment, judgement fear etc. to divide us into tribes , WE LOSE. Thank you for giving this some thought, this is why I am interested in speaking to you and forming a working group to achieve the second uniting of the Hawaiian Kingdom this time through love and forgiveness, not spear, and with good legal advice.
hi kaulana we have decided to terminate meetings with u...we have pressing issues involving Royal Family matters.,.we wish u the best n hope your Tahitian islands wont become contaminated by warmongers...take care- keep in touch...
Sure just trying to help. Why do you think I am a war monger I am trying to help by uniting the division created by the occupier?
I understand, yes you do have pressing matters. I see that you didn't mean me being a war monger. Just for the record, what my husband wants is what he wants. I do not make the decisions with his lands he does. I just do what he says. He has such valuable pearl being grown on his islands in their lagoons that if the French pull out their military they are very very vulnerable to pirates coming to these islands and killing everyone and stealing the pearl. The last thing I want to wake up in the morning to is the sound of my grandchildren being murdered by Chinese, Korean, Indonesian etc. pirates. We have grown up with a feeling of relative safety here so it is difficult for those here to understand his need for protection since we do not grow precious gems in our oceans. His archipelago supports the other 5 because his is the only one that has oyster and black pearl is more than 50% of the export economy yet his is the last to get infrastructure like emergency storm shelters and schools. That is why he wants to separate his archipelago out and become his own nation. It will never happen with out 25 years of hard work with a good international lawyer fighting for him like Prof Boyle has done for Palestine. I have advised him not to sign any treaties with anyone in Hawaii because the Hawaiian people have not yet realized that their only hope for justice is though their legitimate monarchs. When the Hawaiian people DEMAND that their legitimate heir per Kingdom law step forward and inaugurate a king or queen that is when a treaty can be signed, and not until then. We have a good President in Tahiti. He is a loyal independentist but they are so far removed from their monarchy that restoring it wasn't even a consideration. They have 3 parties the Chinese party the French party and the independent party. I don't want to see that happen here. See Ehu Cardwell's post stating the 3 options Independence being one and yet he does not ever say restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom the path to his so called independence. He says 'restore the "Hawaiian Islands" just like the joint resolution. BTW Donald Kauila, wearing his little Royal Order cape on his Facebook page but preaching in posts ABSOLUTELY no monarchy and that the vote will happen when the Royal Order says it will and that the heads of the 8 groups (fraudulently) claiming to be the Hawaiian Kingdom govts will be the candidates. I am assuming he means the 2 split factions of the Royal order of Ignorance, Keanu Sai, Henry Noa, etc. He is doing a PHD dissertation in a govt related subject so just like Kalama saying, listen to me and trust me, I know the best path because I am a doctor, he is saying I know because I have a PHD. Good luck Amelia, let me know when you have decided to choose a monarch legitimate monarch and we can discuss a treaty. My husband wishes to reunite the legitimate Kings of all the Polynesian Archipelagos and I am working on a treaty for the King of Tonga now. i will continue to police the internet and advice you hen I see people who are saying they have the best interest of the Hawaiian people at heart but are preaching the perpetuation of fraud against the Kamehamehas by any means.
I would like to start a website for people to start registering tot restore the Kingdom, with no govt affiliation. It has to be done before OHA defines how our next election will go down. I don't believe it should be an election. Whoever has the strongest claim is who is needed and if anyone has as strong a claim or stronger should be the only reason to have an election. everybody needs to take their place in the line of succession and shut up and stop trying to cut because you don't like your place in line. The line of succession is what defines a monarchy and breaking it by voting has only left us vulnerable like it did with the bayonet Constitution. There never should have been a vote with Emma living. my opinion as evidenced by the events in history that followed the election and subsequent bayonet constitution. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help when you figure out the next strategy of OHA to divide and conquer. I feel beginning in a baby step to unite as a nation state is the first step and that the other establishing of a "provisional govt of national unity" according to Proffor Boyle has to come later. I am running it by Mike Lee. What do you think? To start by getting agreement on small things and building on that is the way to go. Just getting the majority of people to agree to restore the actual Kingdom to be later run by its actual legitimate monarchs is the first step. Evidently the Donald Kauilas don't agree but who cares since nothing matters if the actual Kingdom isn't restored by respect to the kamehamehas ownership of it being a given there is nothing to run the country with anyway.
Sorry that was Donald Kaulia not Kaulia.
I had a feeling something was up when I saw all the Supreme court judges walk past us at the archives on their way to the capitol. Good luck Amelia. If anyone can handle it you can.
Hi Amelia,
I need a protective order. I need to meet with you in person about it. I have a really bad feeling that this is coming down because of Ed. I will fill you in when I see you about it. When can we meet? It is a private matter. You might want to stay away from him till I fill you in for your own safety.
Never mind, it's Ok. All good.
Good luck with that issue.
Hi Amelia are you still to busy to talk? Donald Kulia started to do what I was telling you I wanted to do already. I said if there is going to be another process I wanted us to be in in control of it not someone who is anti ali'i. what fucking nerve there he is wearing his little cape and saying absolutely no ali'i in govt. Are you understanding what I meant now he has started his own party called the Aloha Aina Party. I wanted you to be involved that's why I asked for us to meet. Now it is too late. I wasn't going to register voters like he is I was just going to make the process one of repatriation as a way for people to express their loyalty to kingdom and to follow Francis Boyle's instructions '100% of you have to vote to restore the Hawaiian Kingdom" Now AGAIN we have someone starting a process which is Not that.
Here's the Donald Duck info. Donald Ducking the Ali'i making his own govt. Checking with Prof Chang and others to see if they are really involved with him or if he is just lying. He even got Dayne Gonsalves AKA Aleka Aipolani in his new world. This is EXACTLY why I told you I wanted to start repatriating to the actual original Kingdom even with out a head just to establish a voter base and we (the non ali'i haters) define how the election goes down, not the reformed Na'i Aupuni by another name, not Donald, not Keanu Sai NOT Henry Noa not Dayne Aipoalani. This is like a fucking nightmare.
Visit their website

FaceBook ! Sheesh! and Wikipedia! same thing - anyone can write anything they want.

Donald Kaulia - a member of the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, is on FB record publicly saying
“Monarch status with a King or Queen is out.
We hold a convention, may be call it;
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Aha
Unify all Lahui Sovereignty Self Proclaims.... All together with one representative sit on council.
OHA owes us same amount equal opportunity, $800M of our beneficiary funds to hold a convention on each island, we Kuka, we vote and we document our resolution. By the third week we 'activate'.
The transparency?
We own the Bureau of Conveyance period. Everybody else is 'tenants' until further notice. Enough land barons, every title belongs to us.
Who is us, Kingdom of Hawaii - Council and Subjects restored as of 1893.
Unite. Convene. Activate. "

Donald Kaulia also posted this:
EO! And you and the Deleon Brothers will be with me the head of council to make sure this is all Pono to include Joshua Lanakila Mangauil, Kaleikoa, Sai, Lee, Wong, Ritte, Tseu, Desha, Siu, Haumea, Ishibashi, Heaukalani, Koa, Kanuha, Irvine, Wilson, Chang, Krug, Aipolani, Kanahele .... Unite.Convene.Activate
We the People of Hawaii is the Kingdom of Hawaii no different from all the signatures who were non Hawaiians as well, no different then, no different today going forward!
Until the last Aloha Aina, Kauli'a

So how fair yes? The “head of council” will make sure this is all pono? really? He threw names out as if they were all involved. Are they? We don’t know for sure. Owana has a call in to Walter Ritte and Michael Lee so far, and will lm for Chang etc., will advise. Told Ed Kakalia saw him at Richardsons today. I am going through Sam King's files from Broken Trust that were donated to the library. All moot but interesting. Hope you are kicking ass for moot annexation.
Knew right away that Mr. Doooonald was going to be a problem. Those are direct quotes from his Facebook page.
Do you remember the one I read that I first told you about? He said the 8 heads of the treasonous groups would be the candidates and absolutely unequivocally no ali'i in the govt. Meanwhile he belongs to the Royal Order of KK V founded in honor of KK I. Little cape and all. It's always the ones with all the photos of your beloved departed ancestors our monarchs all over their FB pages who are the worst haters of all.
this reeks of Keanu Sai if you read his aloha Raina shit it is everything keanu said has said for the last 10 years like a snake charmer.
After the WW Allied military authorities in Germany asserted the rights to seize and control property and assets of the nazi's and they restored the property to it's original owners and doisqual;ivied nazi members from civil service jobs regardless of their direct engagement in the crime of genocide. people like Donald Duck need to be disqualified from any civil service jobs in the future too, deported and charged with treason for claiming the property and restitution due to the Kamehameha's by seizing their govt.while they are under duress.
good observations,,thanks 4 sharing... doing ok? noticed lots of foreign agents when meeting...take care...
I know. I've kept the eyes in the back of my head open for weeks. When I was on the phone with Mike Lee two huge military helicopters flew right over my house very, VERY low Wednesday, the morning of the meeting on the rail and Ho'opili he was on his way to. I was just wishing him good luck. Somehow need to stop that 600 acre and laundering scheme of the military to Hunt Corp. at Hoopili, aren't their any heirs of Victoria Kamamalu to claim to at least get her lands away from BE? Really enjoyed your cousin Mike's class on the shark God caves the other night. He is doing such a good job. Are you going to site Donald Duck? What a tripper. How are some people so malignantly narcissistic that they lack all insight into their own hypocrisy? I wrote him a one line message. "You aren't listening to Francis Boyle.". I don't know what else to say to someone so clueless.You are welcome for the treasoner update, I hope you put the fear of God in him. If and when you all decide it is time to gather the people for a repatriation effort I am feeling is necessary in my na'au, and give me your blessing, I think I should go back to Tahiti to manage the effort online where I am more safe. You know if I get 300,000 people repatriate without a po'o, they will eventually demand you all to put a po'o forward and start managing your estate with yearly meetings like any other family that shares a vast estate so that the people don't have to suffer anymore. Also you know that the powers that be will somehow try to shut it down right? Unless they finish their fire sale before then. Trying to get my hubby to give a piece of land to the Kamehameha's for exile purposes in case things get ugly and someone doesn't feel safe. The island of Tahiti is really nice. Lots of fresh water and beautiful calm shorelines protected by big outside reefs.The best thing of all is the fresh baked French bread every morning with butter. Nobody makes it here like that with a crunchy slightly salty crust and big air bubbles lots of butter a little nice mild cheese and coffee OMG. Am writing a letter so they would give the Kamehameha's special visas so they can work. You know like teaching Hula in the public schools, playing music, making jewelry, fishing, farming, doing lomi, if the language barrier isn't too much of an issue with their occupation, whatever they do here they could do there.
It just occurred to me that they are perhaps looking for a Kalaniopu'u because they have so much land and want to add it to the ceded lands. Please help Solomon so he can use his direct line and senior position in his loyal, cooperative, loving family to help the Royal family withstand the division being created. That is why I brought him to you and good luck Amelia, I know you are the best person I could have brought him to. Good job and I am so proud of you for all you do. Are you going to the palace on Jan 17?
kiwalao is the sr. line... as for the l7th ? dont know...-..
solomon does not have all of his info ... some of us have 4 lines of kalaniopuu not just l.... also kalaniopuu families were already conveyed lands n those families generally know who they r and knows who belongs...
Thank you for pointing him in he right direction. You were so right about Francis Boyle, did you see his suggestions on Bumpy's FB page? He is NOW suggesting setting up/designing a pattern of popular govt which is a democracy, ha ha with untrained and inexperienced lawyers and judges so people can steal. It is hard enough to make progress with people educated and trained. The legislative branch makes the rules and appoints the judges to enforce them. That's scary.What bullshit. In the first paragraph he starts out making excuses says the equivalent of, if Bumpy permitted him to consult with the Kupuna it might be that his suggestions would be revised. I wrote him a letter asking what happened to the Hawaiian Kingdom and it's constitutional monarchy that he said existed and that we should restore? I told him I preferred defiance - not doing what Na'i Aupuni was forcing us to do and beating them at their own game by self determining that reaffirming our Kingdom is our choice. I asked him if the living legitimate heirs who are recognized have entitlements of power to take their treaty of amity commerce and friendship to the UN Security council and ask for their help and protection. i will tell you what he says. He has answered me before.
Bumpy is totally anti monarchy and thrilled to get the go ahead to build a new govt from Boyle.What was his original speech about restoring the Hawaiian Kingdom - a f---in pep rally? Meanwhile there are 600 people getting paid by OHA to sign people in 18 states to the roll. Who needs enemies when we have Bumpy?
Are you gong to deal with Bumpy?
Not all the Kalaniopu'us are heirs of Mary Lewai's heirs either, named in Emma's will who passed the her dowers rights to the ownership of the crown land to those named heirs, correct?
emma deeded to the hawaiian govt liber l9 pg l3 emmas real fath er was a scottish doctor...
hueu. kale. n peke were grace kamaikuis real children the real heirs
boyland is one world order
the real heirs of the dower interest you mean? Because Solomon's great grandmother was a named heir to whatever she did lactually have.
ha ha boyland you too funny.... They definitely got to him boy did he do a 180 from his first pep rally saying to 100 % restore the kingdom. Have a great meeting today.
Oh, and I plan to attend Donald Kaulia's meeting Jan 3rd with my husband who is an amateur boxer (with knock outs in 39 of his 40 fights all in which he was the victor0 as my body guard to give the message that he is a usurper of the legitimate kingdom which has the right to rule. Will you help me with my wording for crashing his party? I need to crash all these usurper's parties.
hey amelia can you send me that image I sent you of the girl shooting thumbs up out of the machine g? I can't find it anywhere in my files!Ty Merry Christmas To you and your family. Oh BTW so far Ritte barely knows Donald and has n idea what he is talking about and prof Chang to. And nobody commenting or replying to his post. What bullshit. Hope all is well.
Do you know whose site is?
owana et. als..,-,.?
OIC. Dennis Ragsdale is the worst identity thief of all I just realized. He and I got real clear on things. Here is something he sent me.
The reason I say this is under the name of Order of Kamehameha he is preaching the same "nation building" scam as Na'i Aupuni. Look in the middle of the document don't even have to read the rest because it is all negated by this. It talks about choosing a govt including a democracy. So it turns out he is NOT a Kamehameha but started a HKG and is the founder of Order of Kamehameha - the offshoot of Royal Order that doesn't do the Freemason rituals. He told me he was the second govt to form after Bumpy. He told me he founded LHG and Henry Noa is an off shoot of his HKG. So here he is making official proclamations and mass communications (with whose authority is he saying this) Hawaiians get to choose a govt? The Order of Kamehameha's authority? Last time I checked the only recognized heirs of the actual govt. (not the land) are the Salazars - the actual HKG, the one with the legal entity which still exists. So how does he come by the authority to make these proclamations that this is how the restoration of the kingdom should go down? If it goes down this way we dissolve the monarchy by participating in the building of a new nation. So here he has started bot a govt and an Order in kamehamehas name and has devoted himself to the great undertaking of making a govt that he claims to be the real govt., stops just short of recognizing a recognized heir to the throne of the Constitutional Monarchy and then starts preaching "nation building", the dissolving of the monarchy and USING THE NAME OF THE ORDER OF KAMEHAMEHA TO DO IT. At least OHA thought of original names for their Fed wreck efforts which dissolved our Constitutional Monarchy. As bad as the State of Hawaii is for imposing their democracy on us by way of identity theft, at least they are not doing saying they are a govt founded by the Order of Kamehameha. I told him to put his glasses on and look up the word order and go read The Polynesian front page ORDERS in Council passed and signed by the Atty. General, Kekualuohi and HRM KK III for those who are the successors of the HKG govt., A CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY and cease his identity theft as the Kamehameha family while preaching the choosing of a govt which dissolves their monarchy.He needs to be cited for these treasonous activities too. So should Donald Kaulia forming his political party. Please do something Amelia.
ok.-more names 4 the public notice,...mahalo 4 the info...btw ragsdale appears to claim kahawalu as his tutu-nuuanu line?
i was with him a long time ago....hes a wanna be king....noa, keanu sai was with him before,....
as 4 the hawaiian kingdom. it was my grgrandmos cousin who opposed statehood who maintained the hwn kingdom documented...
Solomon was wondering if 10 am still OK at the archives to meet tomorrow and if you could call him at 722-6983 in the morning. TY K. He forgot his fb password.
Amelia who is this? What evidence do you have of this? Kawananakoa's always take other names. Thought she was their family.... Presentation of Hawaii's Princess Virginia Kapooloku Poomaikelani ...the hidden Princess, daughter of Queen Liliuokalani ... Presentation of Hawaii's Princess Virginia Kapooloku Poomaikelani ...the hidden Princess, daughter of Queen Liliuokalani, heir to The Hawaiian Kingdom, and next in line to the throne after Princess Kaiulani.
I don't know if I can handle any more hidden ali'is. Like nobody would have known she (Liliu) was pregnant? Then if that was true, then why would her niece Kaiulani been the next queen and not her own daughter? Her mother in law Dominis was such a pain, like she wouldn't have made a big stink if Liliu was pregnant.
At least Owana's family hasn't been hidden, that way we know for sure.
i am one of princess poomaikelanis descendants am her grgrgrandaughter her sister was queen kapiolani my great grandfathers hanai daughter or my grandmothers hanai sister.....princess poomaikelanis genealogy took sometime to grandmother sat with the queen to watch the hula dancers dance...gramma was adopted by her own paternal grandmother and king kalakauas son....i am one of the reps of the hawaiian genealogical society...since
queen liliuokalani called princess poomaikelani her daughter...she had documented hanai children too which includes my great great grandmother a hanai sister of princess pomaikelani....she was designated as the tru trustee of liliuokalani sinc l872 documented...took lots of genealogies n history n law to uncover the truth...solomon appears to be part of our family too... aloha.
. She was an actual daughter of the Kawananakoas. It says right there in the Comstitution, if there are no heirs from from the loins, then the successors are to ascend and if there are no successors named by the King during his lifetime passed by the House of Nobles and Proclaimed during his lifetime THEN and ONLY THEN there will be a vote by legislatire. The 15 were lawful successors. It is the law. Not even Princess Kaiulani NOR Prince David Kawananakoa, even though named as successors by Liliuokalani could ascend to the throne as evidenced by the fact that in her last constitution of 1893, she sought to add them, in article 22, to the list of eligible successors. Period.
I begin with a description of "The Polynesian" taken directly from the Library of Congress website. Please refer to the Polynesian front page legal notice you already posted on your page from 1844 July proclaiming the Orders in Council from the session the month before (June) in Lahina. These laws and protocols were the prerogative of HRM KK III passed by the House of Nobles, signed by the Attorney General, and proclaimed for all too see. Each of these named successors to HRM KK III, are able to start their own Royal stirps. Please see Kenneth Smalley report and especially it's conclusions toward the end.. Important footnotes are all there for you to check the sources. In case you need more information on the Kawananakoa's I will post the page from the book, "History Maker's of Hawaii" next, regarding the honorary and uninheritable title of Prince, bestowed upon David Kawananakoa, by HRM King David Kalakaua.. David was his wife's nephew (his in-laws), and although adopted by Kalakaua, one cannot inherit succession to the throne by adoption.
Well Kaulana....i do believe that I have more experience in doing genealogies for 27+ years....and we are the Kamehameha's as well as the heirs of Kalanimoku because we are from his brother Keoua, and descendants of Kamehameha cousins said that many Hawaiians are "fishing" and therefore we as direct descendants of Namahana/Piia who was married to Kamehameha, then Kaumualii and lastly to Gideon Laanui.....the Laanui's have over time claimed that Namahana/Piia did not exist and guess what? we exist.... the Wilcox was a treasonous person and listed in the Judicial Tribunal list for your information.......finally, our genealogies supersedes the Wilcox family whether anyone likes it or not! Princess Poomaikelani was a sister of Queen Kapiolani, and Kinoiki 2 who was the ancestor of the treasonous Kawananakoa's...... i have a Bachelor of Science and a Paralegal certificate, worked with the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Internal Revenue Service and don't care to have an ongoing conversation with you....our family is documented by Kanai Kapeliela for our NUUANU genealogy line whose father was MAHIHELELIMA the older brother of KANEKAPOLEI married to Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha....... He was the kahu of Kaahumanu, Kaheiheimalie, and Namahana/Piia........... stick to your own genealogies and know that I am NOT a supporter of Owana Salazar or anyone from the treasonous Wilcox family.... end of story......we are heirs of the kahuna nui who were our families kahu.....well have a safe flight back to your Tahitian King... aloha.
Note that at Kauikeaouli's 100 Birthday they were seated together ,side by side, on either side of the tablet because they were the last two successors. This is not "watching hula together" this is an official event.The rest of the nobility sat BEHIND them. I know you have a strong genealogy of nobility and I respect that. I know this is difficult for you to understand, however we need a legitimate successor who owns the treaties we need to protect us in the world which are evidence of allegiances and commitments other great nations have made with us in the past. These are CONTRACTS. Without them we have to start from ground zero like Palestine. I have seen nothing in your evidence proving that Robrt Wilcox was treasonous and have only seen evidence of his staunch support of every King except Kalakaua who was a coward and sold us down the river. If he was a man, as the King, he should have taken the bayonete Wilcox was willing to die for his country and especially HRM Queen Liliuokalani as evidenced by history, which cannot be changed. Kalakaua betrayed him. He promised to sign a new constitution negating the bayonete constitution. The next day when he arrived with it in his hand at the palace gate, the gate was locked and there were sharp shooters on top of Kawaihao church and the opera house across the street shooting at him. He supported all our other moarchs and loved them with all his heart. He is a hero and a patriot, the Braveheart of the Hawaiian people, not the treasonous person you accuse him to be. He was murdered for his patriotism. Now Amelia, please give me the facts what you have that prove otherwise and discontinue you personal attacks, as I am not. the subject matter here. Sow me where Poomaikelani, is an actual princess. As a Kawananakoa she is not. Perhaps there is other evidence I am not aware of. I just want the truth. I love my kingdom and support you and all the other nobility.
Owana respects your genealogies. She is glad you know who you are. Kaahumanu is Owana's ancestral grandmother. Please set your ego's aside. there is a protocol. We need to work toward a unity of heart and na'au. This has been my goal all along. We have not been able to accomplish anything because of this arguing about who has the higher genealogy. This is the reason I have kept inviting you over and over to share your information with people who have been named. What the hell has Owana ever done to you except smile at you and welcome you with open arms?
u fail to do your homework...princess poomaikelani was the Sister of queen kapiolani and kinoiki 2 the mother of kawananakoa n kuhio n another surprised u r not talking to mike lee...our ancestors were fighting the crooks in court....
That's well and good that does not make them successors to the throne, they are still IN LAWS. There are more than one Keoua and there is more than one Poomaikelani so stick to the protocol and the law and YOU provide the actual truth or stop accusing me of not doing my homework.
Mike Lee has a loving respectful relationship with Owana by the way.
Princess Owana that is.
the only documented hanai of kaahumanu was david kamehameha....a claim was filed in bureau after the overthrow...fraud...kaahumanu was the stepmother of all the kalaniopuus, kamehamehas, and the kaumualiis.,,it appears there r serious issues n identity theft n piracy charges in the future...goodbye.
pirate owana? hmmm pilaging kamehamehas? we r the kamehamehas the kalaniopuus kaumualiis n know many others...hmmmm
There is an notarized affidavit by Mary Kawena Pukui stating the lawful hanai of the sisters by Kaahumanu. That is not the point. Mary stated that Owana's genealogy is impeccable and beyond reproach. The protocol naming legitimate successors was toprevent exactly what you are doing. Why would you continue to put wet wood on the fire which only causes more smoke (confusion) animosity which causes injury to our kingdom. Confusion jeopardizes the peace and safety of our people and our kingdom, and your mass communication doing so cause injury to the Royal family. That is where Liliuokalani, in her 1893 constitution, draws the line on freedom of speech. Go read it. You are guiding people to nowhere calling Poomaikelani the heir to a Princess title that she could not inherit and calling her the heir to the throne. She is a sister of the Queen Consort. Likewise my siblings and children are most certainly not heirs to the throne of Tahiti. through my marriage. Know that when you release these mass communications regarding this nonsense it is you who are committing treason by jeopardizing the safety of the royal family and the peace and safety of our kingdom. Discounting the law of succession is what all those usurper groups are trying to do. Owana is discounting nobody. She IS a Kamehameha as were all the children in the royal school.. It is you who are trying to invalidate her claim not her trying to discount anyone. If you have a stronger claim then step forward in truth and with courage like Owana does, don't hide in the shadows making smoke via false accusations of piracy. If these were your true feelings why did you not say them to Owana's face at the January 17th event while you were discussing these important matters? Now you want to continue your same activities and refuse to prove their validity, resorting to immature name calling? Put on your big girl panties and communicate like an adult.
Owana's claim depends not on the lawful well documented hanai by Kaahumanu anyway.
Copied and pasted something I saw today because it is why I am trying to help be a go between to settle these matters within the Kamehameha family. "WHAT WOULD KAMEHAMEHA THE GREAT DO? Before Kamehameha died in 1819, he accomplished what no man in the history of the Hawaiian people had ever done - "United the Hawaiian Islands into a viable and recognized political entity, Kamehameha secured his people from a quickly changing world." ME MUST FIGHT FOR OUR HERITAGE & WHAT KAMEHAMEHA THE GREAT STOOD FOR! Anything less than that is TREASON!"
genocide activities list documented effective today,.for the records.
harrassing too ...
Ok will read ty.
everyone reading this,.. read for more ,..
Who is everyone Amelia? This is a private message to you so as NOT to cause division.
Really small can't read can you email it to me @realhawaiian@hotmail?
Can't read too small can you email it to me?
With a magnifying glass, I have read most of the evidence you just provided and don't understand the connection between this article and using your genealogy background to insist the honorary title bestowed on Prince David, somehow transfers to his wife's sister (see page 73 History Maker's of Hawaii). Please stay on the subject and explain why the information you have just provided is pertinent to our conversation. If you are going to insist on the validity of your mass communications that Poomaikelani is the next heir to the throne after HRM Queen Lilliuolakani, despite the fact that Prince David was named heir by Liliuokalani after the death of Princess Kaiulani, then please provide supporting documentation of that, as it is the subject we are discussing. My question to you, REMEMBER, was "Who is this secret hidden princess you claim to be the heir to the throne after the death of Princess Kaiulani ?" in your mass communications read by people all over the world? Please provide more evidence considered by your self appointed tribunal's conviction of Robert Wilcox as a traitor and discounting of Princess Owana's well documented genealogical and lawful claim via the published royal protocol and basis for your name calling, " pirate Owana". It also now seems that you are insinuating genocide activities and harassment and that you are saying you are publishing these accusations although you are not clear about who is committing these genocide and harassment crimes. Is it the speaker in the article you sent me - the King? Or are you accusing me of genocide and harassment? Or Owana or her family? First, she is not a party to this conversation so how could it be her you are referring to. Next, if anyone is harassing or slandering anyone it is you. For years, it has been you repeatedly publishing slanderous allegations against Robert Wilcox and his heirs, calling them treasoners and traitors. Please point to the facts about why you are making these claims of treason, saying also to the world in mass communications that your so called tribunal has convicted them of such, presenting yourself as though you are a legitimate court authority in Hawaii. I am asking again for a rational discussion of your claims, that is all. You have not yet provided me with information that supports, and gives evidence for your allegations of crimes and claims that your ancestor Poomaikelani is a legitimate successor to the throne. Just because you have a thought, does not mean it is true just because you think it. Are you saying that the people you say are in your House of Nobles, Kili and Kamaunu are party to these trials of Robert Wilcox by your tribunal? Please clarify how this speech is related to the subject of this discussion. Who is WE? Is this how you handle family discussions? Princess Owana appears to be your family, as she is a Kamehameha, one whose ancestor is a well documented legitimate successor to the throne and Crown. Be aware that with me, no answer is an answer.
you are a nobody to me n i dont know u....sympathized with u in the past because u had complained about jimmy pflueger...then u come off supporting an illegitimate whose aunt myrtle claimed she lost five thousand dollars over my ggggrandmoth akahi n claiming they were the only heirs...lies...the family cannot be trusted... pukui worked 4 the pirates ksbe...u did not do your homework n appear to be slandering me n i dont know who u r and u claim to be queen of tahiti n have black pearls...johnny dep of pirates a friend of yours...n wheres your entourage queenie n your letters frnm your govt-,,-,? you-n owana are listed...goodbye.
I believe that these accusations and animosities SHOULD be worked out. In order for them to be resolved in a harmonious way everyone has to demonstrate honorable intent. I gave you the opportunity to discuss this with Princess Owana who is VERY knowledgeable about the Royal genealogies. We all must move forward with a clear and honorable mindset and direction. It is forbidden in our kingdom NOT to be pono. I am not making any accusation against you, all of us, including myself, need to find that harmony and pono so we can walk together as family not enemies. That is why I facilitated a meeting, in a neutral place for you and others to resolve these issues on the 17th of January. I think we should continue to do so as often as we can so everyone can become pono. When reading your Iolani blog spot last night, I came upon your claim of a secret illegitimate child of HRM Queen Liliuokalani. That is a serious accusation about my beloved departed Queen, being spread world wide in mass communications. That's fine as long as it is true and you have adequate documentation. Upon being asked for your evidence, you do not provide it, and instead, you become defensive and aggressive. I am trying to continue to give you the benefit of doubt. You were the one who wanted to sign a treaty with Tahiti and I was just trying to see who you really are before doing so. Even if she did have an illegitimate child, if she wasn't named and included in the list of eligible successors, then it doesn't matter. Often, a monarch's own child wasn't chosen. Why did she not choose her own daughter but chose her niece instead? It is not for me to second guess a monarch's decision a hundred years later based on gossip. My research, as it is my duty to do before signing anything official, was for facts, not speculation, and it ends with the Salazar family having the highest claim, as every book on royal genealogies ever written confirms. Instead of stepping up and backing up your claims, you have proven to me that although you call yourself a genealogist, researcher, and ultimate authority of a tribunal, you cannot substantiate your claims and serious allegations. You cannot validate serious allegations of treason against Robert K. Wilcox, nor your own claims to be an eligible successor for the throne, through a secret hidden Princess you claim to be the daughter of HRM Queen Liliuokalani. Two named successors were expelled from the royal school because they were pregnant. One was pregnant with the child of HRM KK III himself and she was still expelled. Do you expect me to believe that HRM Queen Liliuokalani was not watched like a hawk since childhood for any hint of impropriety to negate her eligibility as a successor to the throne? Again, where is your evidence? Where is YOUR homework? I am not the one making serious allegations and claims, YOU are. Be very careful about making any allegations in retaliation against me for seeking the truth and what is pono. Any legitimate heir who comes forth now will have to show the proper documentation and it will be scrutinized by the world, especially the United Nations and the World Court. The law of succession was upheld through ALL constitutions. Your personal attacks, petty allegations, and threats of slander against Princess Owana and I, to shift the focus away from you providing factual documentation regarding the kingdom, of which you claim to be head of the tribunal, suggests you don't have any research to back up your claims. We also welcome you when the time comes to legitimize yourself as an heir to our kingdom. Remember all your messages in your communications will be scrutinized as you bad mouth and threaten to slander other heirs, and those simply seeking the truth as required by our traditional laws.
kaulana ...tahiti is not part of the Pacific Empire...go talk to mike lee....u r not part of our family....goodbye.
It is right in the middle of the Polynesian triangle Rapa Nui Autearoa and Hawaii. Tangaroa is the ancestral father of almost all the Polynesian kings still reigning today. Tahitians could write, They have the Polynesian genealogies long before ours, They lived on the ocean and dominated,
The senior line of Tangaroa ends at my husband.
polynesian empire consists of only 3 - l. hawaiian archipelago 2. atearoa and 3. samoan others.
the police report has been filed....end of story. you are not part of our royal families-.n you have no say...btw billy young is not a genealogist n i did hear that the police and others were looking for
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