Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tribunal Case(s): Campbell Estates

Comment on: Blog Post 'kepano greene'
eka and kapeka is to emma smith an emma smith is to jean sinclaire and sinclire and conier is to queen emma and emma family was hidden and here is a hidden geneology and there isa hidden princess of the campbell estates and the kapeka line of queen emma and the hidden princess is her real comfirmation line leads back and back to the real smith sinclaire andjean conier and people of university which robert langdon was the professor to keys and maps and to genelogical matchingsof the reaql holygrail which come fromgardner and which is of the lineoills williams wallace, kuhio kalanaianaole chant 1974 is of kane land lono and ku and keawe and you have to be related to this geneology and to queen emma andgilaman and campbell kinsman family not al he way through blood the real rose line is a real fact to akaka because he is holding a deep treasure that belongs to this person aND HE AMILY THAt proceeds the true testimony of god and for greene they are indian just like john anthony chu chu needles gilman stop the akaka bill and give back the real person of the real geneology back to what belngs to her and her real family gilman.…
Added by Tina matildo botelho at 1:57pm on August 1, 2009
Comment on: Topic 'O'ahu says NO to GMO.'
Miriam Kekauonohi, the konohiki of the area, actually 43,000+ acres. The families of Miriam Kekauonohi exists. James Campbell Trustees did wrongfully claim lands belonging to our Royal Family(ies). We hold the prima facie evidence, have evidence of conspiracies by Campbell, and others who did wrongfully premeditate the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893. We have four (4) assigned Konohiki for the Honouliuli Ahupuaa, and Mike Lee claims to be part of Miriam Kekauonohi families also. Kekauonohi was the hanai/foster daughter of Kalanimoku who was married to our great great great grandmother named Akahi. Campbell Estates did not have title to the lands, and the GMO Corporation(s) will have to sue Campbell Estates to get a return on their monies, as well as sue the Title Company(ies), the State of Hawaii, etc. I am one of Kamehameha's, John Young's, Isaac Davis, Kalanimoku's brother Keoua's, Akahi's, Mataio Kekuanaoa's descendant/heir and am one of the True owners of Honouliuli, etc. I too am opposed to GMO's in Hawaii and hereby serve notice that the GMO Company(ies) Monsanto, et. als. needs to leave our families properties.  Sincerely, Amelia Gora, P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii 96786 posted at    aloha. …
Added by Amelia Gora at 9:59pm on July 14, 2012
Topic: Owners Agree On Plan To Clean Polluted Campbell Industrial Site
at a Campbell Industrial Park site that once housed a wood-treatment facility. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that the present property owner, Weston Solutions Inc., and former owner, Campbell Estate, have agreed to a variety of cleanup measures for the 2.6-acre site in West Oahu once occupied by Chem-Wood Treatment Co. Requirements include monitoring and treating groundwater, capping the site with concrete and prohibiting any future residential use of the land. The remediation plan will make it possible to put the property back into productive commercial use, the EPA said. Weston, a Pennsylvania-based environmental cleanup firm, will fund a trust account to ensure the treatment plan is completed. Chem-Wood ran a wood pressure-treating operation on the site from 1975 to 1988. The company used hazardous chemicals containing chromium, arsenic and mineral spirits, some of which contaminated the soil and groundwater, according to the EPA. The federal agency said it first took enforcement action at the site in 1988, and has since overseen a series of site investigations and cleanup actions. Chem-Wood, which purchased the property in 1989, had done some cleanup work, but stopped after filing for bankruptcy in 1997. The EPA pursued former landowner Campbell Estate for continued cleanup despite an affiliate of Chem-Wood retaining ownership of the land. Last month, the Chem-Wood affiliate deeded the land to Weston. That cleared the way for Weston and Campbell Estate to agree to a final cleanup remedy that the EPA proposed in December.  agree to a final cleanup remedy that the EPA proposed in December. …
Added by Pomaikaiokalani at 6:53am on August 12, 2010
James Campbell et. als. are not the title holders of the lands in Honouliuli. There are heirs of Miriam Kekauonohi, the konohiki of the area, actually 43,000+ acres. The families of Miriam Kekauonohi exists. James Campbell Trustees did wrongfully claim lands belonging to our Royal Family(ies). We hold the prima facie evidence, have evidence of conspiracies by Campbell, and others who did wrongfully premeditate the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893. We have four (4) assigned Konohiki for the Honouliuli Ahupuaa, and Mike Lee claims to be part of Miriam Kekauonohi families also. Kekauonohi was the hanai/foster daughter of Kalanimoku who was married to our great great great grandmother named Akahi. Campbell Estates did not have title to the lands, and the GMO Corporation(s) will have to sue Campbell Estates to get a return on their monies, as well as sue the Title Company(ies), the State of Hawaii, etc. I am one of Kamehameha's, John Young's, Isaac Davis, Kalanimoku's brother Keoua's, Akahi's, Mataio Kekuanaoa's descendant/heir and am one of the True owners of Honouliuli, etc. I too am opposed to GMO's in Hawaii and hereby serve notice that the GMO Company(ies) Monsanto, et. als. needs to leave our families properties.  Sincerely, Amelia Gora, P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii 96786 posted at     aloha. ***************************** Note:  Am connected to James Campbell's first wife named Hana Butler/Hana Barla. She had a daughter Kailiwela (w) who was thrown in Kalaupapa, Molokai. Kailiwela (w) had a hanai/adopted daughter named Kaapela/Kaabela/Kabela ...... Kapopo who married David........research ongoing........ James Campbell being a non-Hawaiian did not have alodio/ano alodio rights, even though he did remarry a part Hawaiian woman.  She was not family of Kailiwela, et. als. Meanwhile, the families of Kekauonohi existed then and exists now, including our families. fyi...............aloha.…
Added by Amelia Gora at 12:51am on July 15, 2012
Added by Free Hawai`i at 6:10am on July 21, 2012
Added by Free Hawai`i at 5:19am on July 23, 2012
Topic: James Campbell Estates Has No Title To Lands...........And Here's Why...........Reasons Why MONSANTO NEEDS TO LEAVE.....Legally....  ......... Onipa'a. Replies to This Discussion Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 1 second ago   hi Andrew............. Just posted the following message at the Honolulu Weekly, Facebook, etc. site: James Campbell et. als. are not the title holders of the lands in Honouliuli. There are heirs of Miriam Kekauonohi, the konohiki of the area, actually 43,000+ acres. The families of Miriam Kekauonohi exists. James Campbell Trustees did wrongfully claim lands belonging to our Royal Family(ies). We hold the prima facie evidence, have evidence of conspiracies by Campbell, and others who did wrongfully premeditate the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893. We have four (4) assigned Konohiki for the Honouliuli Ahupuaa, and Mike Lee claims to be part of Miriam Kekauonohi families also. Kekauonohi was the hanai/foster daughter of Kalanimoku who was married to our great great great grandmother named Akahi. Campbell Estates did not have title to the lands, and the GMO Corporation(s) will have to sue Campbell Estates to get a return on their monies, as well as sue the Title Company(ies), the State of Hawaii, etc. I am one of Kamehameha's, John Young's, Isaac Davis, Kalanimoku's brother Keoua's, Akahi's, Mataio Kekuanaoa's descendant/heir and am one of the True owners of Honouliuli, etc. I too am opposed to GMO's in Hawaii and hereby serve notice that the GMO Company(ies) Monsanto, et. als. needs to leave our families properties.  Sincerely, Amelia Gora, P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii 96786 posted at     aloha. ***************************** Note:  Am connected to James Campbell's first wife named Hana Butler/Hana Barla. She had a daughter Kailiwela (w) who was thrown in Kalaupapa, Molokai. Kailiwela (w) had a hanai/adopted daughter named Kaapela/Kaabela/Kabela ...... Kapopo who married David........research ongoing........ James Campbell being a non-Hawaiian did not have alodio/ano alodio rights, even though he did remarry a part Hawaiian woman.  She was not family of Kailiwela, et. als. Meanwhile, the families of Kekauonohi existed then and exists now, including our families. fyi...............aloha. …
Added by Amelia Gora at 12:46am on July 15, 2012
Topic: HEWA ALERT: Court Rebuffs Waiahole Water Challenges
e appeals court has rejected two of three challenges by Windward farmers and environmentalists who want a state commission to direct more water to flow from the Waiahole Ditch to Windward streams. In an unanimous decision, the Intermediate Court of Appeals upheld most of the 2006 decision by the Commission on Water Resource Management, which divided the ditch system's 27 millions of gallons of water a day in roughly equal amounts to Central Oahu and the Windward watershed. The court rejected challenges by Hakipuu Ohana, Ka Lahui Hawaii and Hawaii's Thousand Friends, which wanted the court to overturn the commission's allotment of 4 million gallons a day to Campbell Estate and to increase the water flow to Windward streams and stream-side taro farms. The court agreed with the challengers on one point in ordering the commission to reconsider granting 750,000 gallons a day to Puu Makakilo Inc. for a golf course. Lawyers for the three groups could not be reached for comment yesterday. They have the option of seeking an appeal to the Hawaii Supreme Court. The appeals court decision is the latest development in the more than 15-year-old dispute pitting Central Oahu developers and agricultural interests against the Windward farmers and preservationists. The Waiahole Ditch System and its 2.7-mile tunnel through the Koolaus were built about 95 years ago. It delivered fresh surface and ground water to Central Oahu sugar cane fields until Oahu Sugar Co. ceased operations in the mid-1990s. Windward taro farmers and others began pushing for the water to be returned to the Waiahole, Waianu, Waikane and Kahana streams. The water commission began hearings in 1995 and, in two rulings in 1997 and 2001, allocated some of the water back to the Windward side. The Hawaii Supreme Court overturned parts of those decisions both times, paving the way for the third decision by the commission in 2006. The commission ruled that 12.57 million gallons a day would to go to Central Oahu users, including Campbell and Puu Makakilo. It also ruled 12 million gallons would be restored to the Windward streams. The remainder, 2.43 million gallons, would be returned to the streams until a need for the water arises in Central Oahu. The appeals court said the commission's decision to grant Campbell its allotment was "consistent with the analytical framework" of the earlier Supreme Court rulings. The challengers argued that water from the Waipahu-Waiawa Aquifer was available to Campbell, which is now the James Campbell Co., but the court upheld the commission's ruling that it was better to use the nondrinkable Waiahole water for Campbell's irrigation and conserve the drinkable Waipahu-Waiawa water. In rejecting the challengers' contention that more water should be left for the Windward watershed, the appeals court upheld the commission's findings that the flow of water through the Windward streams is more than the flow in the 1960s. The appeals court said the findings comply with the Supreme Court's mandate. The court agreed with the challengers that the commission should have considered what they said was evidence that Puu Makakilo no longer needs the water because its plan to operate a golf course had been indefinitely delayed or abandoned. The 35-page opinion was issued on Wednesday by Chief Appeals Judge Craig Nakamura and substitute appeals Judges Sabrina McKenna and Derrick Chan.…
Added by Pomaikaiokalani at 10:46am on October 16, 2010
Added by Free Hawai`i at 7:59am on July 24, 2012
Added by Free Hawai`i at 7:45pm on September 6, 2012

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