Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tribunal Case(s): Genocide Activities Ongoing File at the Honolulu Police Department, etc.

Comment on: Topic 'Genocide Issues: TONGUES PULLED OUT of Kanaka Maoli In the Hawaiian Islands Du…'
ory and E Pili Mai gives meaning to the ongoing goodness which supersedes the evil Genocide Activities against our people who did no wrong.....we remain a neutral, friendly, non violent nation.............and recognize the constant evils in our midst including what we observe with the entity State of Hawaii, the U.S./U.S.A., the American Empire, OHA, Kanaiolowalu, et. als.   This is also for the records of GENOCIDE ACTIVITIES ONGOING files recorded at the Honolulu Police Department since 1998. There are many unresolved issues, which reveals that this is truly the CRIMINAL MECCA of the U.S., genocide issues    Informing many because..............    Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX! aloha. …
Added by Amelia Gora at 1:44pm on July 20, 2014
Comment on: Topic 'Updated 05/17/2014: POLICE REPORT ..27 MILLION STOLEN BY GRAVE ROBBERS ...Wh…'
com> Subject: Kawaiahao looking for descendants Pilipo, please forward to all concerned, the message below from pua aiu of the state historic preservation division. mahalo,ka'anohi Kawaiahao is holding  genealogy workshop for those who believe they have relatives affected by the Multipurpose center.  This saturday 9-12. ******************************************************** Note:  The archaeologists, et. als. are listed on the Genocide Activities files due to their removal of our ancestor's iwi/burials including the treasures which were taken/stolen from each.............wish could say more but do we need more haole stealing from all burials around the islands? Scum and Scoundrels, Pirates, Criminal deviants are part of this ongoing criminal activities............and disregarding directions of our families who are the Konohiki heirs...............families of Kalola (w) a Kamehameha descendant/heir who married Kaaha (k) Konohiki and Luluhiwalani (k) Konohiki of Waikele, Oahu, etc. Once again, reports will be filed in the Genocide Activities File maintained at the Honolulu Police Department. Aloha, Amelia…
Added by Amelia Gora at 12:45am on May 11, 2012
Comment on: Topic 'Opposition to the CLOWN /Not Crown Abigail Kawananakoa Request to be Buried at…'
olice Department..... issues of Racketeering, etc. Which also means that Criminals Cannot Be Buried at Mauna Ala!  Legal issues ongoing...copy to HPD/Honolulu Police Department 'Genocide Activities File/List' for Abigail Kawananakoa, Quentin Kawananakoa (formerly known as Quentin Ellerbrock), et. als. and all interested others. Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME)  WICKED TO THE MAX!    For the Records......from Amelia Gora, (truly) a Royal Person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs,  House of Nobles, Representative of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/ Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago aloha. …
Added by Amelia Gora at 9:24pm on April 29, 2013
Comment on: Topic 'Hawaiian/Kanaka Maoli Homeless Given Protective Orders by Amelia Gora, Kamehame…'
the Protective Orders that were given to her. As you can see from her writings, that she is NOT on the same page as our good Kanaka Maoli who supported our Queen till her death in 1917. Many of our families had to go underground thru physically hiding or changing their names to protect their families. People such as Ms. Luwella supported the PIRATES over time..............and befriends those who has animosities towards our Kanaka Maoli. Updates All other Protective Orders that are held by many ----more than 1,000 Kanaka Maoli are active and ongoing. More Protective Orders have gone out, 200 today...........and more anticipated. Beware of Kanaka Maoli who are truly not friends to our documented Alii in the past they were a danger to us and remain a danger to us today. Complaints about such people can be added to the Active Genocide Activities File held by the Honolulu Police Department, etc. Contact; and filings will be made on our House of Nobles records and the Honolulu Police Department files. aloha.   "Our kupuna are watching."…
Added by Amelia Gora at 7:16pm on April 18, 2012
Comment on: Topic 'Office of Hawaiian Affairs CEO Crabbe, and Trustee Ahuna Questioning Possible…'
o the Hawaiian Roll(s), etc. sent to U.S. President Obama, et. als. Evidence Below:' The land owners with title exists....and for the records: Genocide Activities Ongoing file with hpd...Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, a Royal person Discussion posted by Amelia Gora:     Reference:  HAWAII REPORTS (1863)  Rex vs. Booth case and entered in the Kahoma Case, etc. ********************** The following legal... Discussion link: Opposition to the Hawaiian Roll(s), etc. sent to U.S. President Obama, et. als. Evidence Below: …
Added by Amelia Gora at 6:47am on May 12, 2014
Comment on: Topic 'Updated 05/17/2014: POLICE REPORT ..27 MILLION STOLEN BY GRAVE ROBBERS ...Wh…'
t great grandaughter's of Kamehameha III - msg to HPD, Mayor - Honolulu, President at et. als. …
Added by Amelia Gora at 11:10am on May 17, 2014
Topic: Be Careful In Hiring Researchers Nowadays.....
Nowadays.........Greetings,Yesterday, January 25, 2013, Billy Young/William Young approached me and wanted to talk with me outside and I told him "No".He accused me of slandering him and that he had several people who would be talking to me.Told him that it was the Truth and not slander.He claimed that information was posted on Facebook about my passing information around about him.For the Records:I was approached by one of his "clients" who told me that Billy Young/William Young charged him $900 for genealogy research and all he produced was ONE SHEET OF PAPER, a license to marry from the Archives.Previously there were other complaints from individuals who also claimed that minimal information was given after Billy Young/ William Young claimed to have "researched".I have heard complaints from many including OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs employee, researchers, librarians - Main Library, and Archives about the activities of Billy Young/William Young.Billy Young/William Young has on a number of occasions xeroxed my copyrighted books and gave it to some of his "clients" without my permission.*************Billy Young/William Young did intimidate me in the presence of others at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, on my own ancestors lands, the land of Kalaniulumoku, who was also a Kamehameha descendant.His shoddy research, giving one piece of document in exchange for $900 was certainly the "straw that broke the camels back" and I merely passed on information to others.He claims that he's been doing research for eight (8) years, and has claimed in the past that he's been doing research for 25 years.I, Amelia Gora, a long time researcher of 30+ years history, 25+ years of genealogy, and 15+ years of legal research hereby deny having seen him for 8 years.Talking with him previously, he was working as a car parking attendant on the mainland - gambling casino, movie company? He claimed to have a background in computer science.He has a scar from a knife slash on his face from a claimed fight when he was younger.He was reprimanded for kissing his former business partner named Malia in the back shelves of the Bureau of Conveyances.He has had two (2) or more business partners and has issues with them. The latest business partner is a cousin.**************It appears that Billy Young/William Young tried to intimidate me by strongarming comments made about people who were going to talk to me, and that he had an attorney who he was talking to about my slandering him.So, in order for many kanaka maoli who wish to hire someone to do their genealogies, I suggest that everyone think twice before hiring any researcher these days.Additionally, this notice is being posted on Facebook, sent to the Honolulu Police Department for the Genocide Activities Files, filed in the House of Nobles Records by myself, Amelia Gora, One of the members of the House of Nobles, descendant of Mataio Kekuanaoa, Kahekili; Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Konohiki, One of the Representatives of the Hawaiian Genealogy Society, one of Kamehameha's descendants in multiples of lines.aloha. Smiling Faces Undisputed Truth live version of Smiling Faces by Undisputed Truth …
Added by Amelia Gora at 11:44pm on January 26, 2013
Comment on: Topic 'Opposition to the Minister of Interior for the U.S./U.S.A./ Office of Interior,…'
was and remains issues of pirate and plunder activities, criminal malfeasance, fraud, conspiracies, premeditation, terrorist activities, genocide, and documented as being the biggest "HEIST" in history. The Hawaiian Kingdom Sovereigns heirs and successors existed then and their descendants/heirs exists today. The 1849 Treaty remains in place, is a contract that involves ONLY the President, the Department of State, Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III's heirs (and successors)...not any other such as the Attorney General Office, State of Hawaii, OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs...........Corruption, criminal deviance, conspiracies, genocide are evidence of War Crimes and can be prosecuted......those who perpetuate the crimes, etc. are War Criminals, etc........Because the Royal Families exists, and facts found that non owners, non title holders conveyed lands to the U.S. Government, Fraud is documented and the U.S./U.S.A. who did support pirates, treasonous persons means that the U.S./U.S.A. et. als did Plunder Upon Innocents in the Hawaiian Islands, and evidence shows that the U.S./U.S.A. etc. are tresspassers on Royal Families lands, etc....It is Not O.K. to utilize monies, lands, mineral rights, water rights of Sovereigns, Kanaka Maoli, from a neutral, friendly, non-violent, already recognized Nation since 1810....for the purposes of War, Plundering Upon Innocents in the World.....Furthermore, the Royal Families are also part of the Families of Queen Liliuokalani. Activities Files recorded at the Honolulu Police Department........Issues ongoing. Liliuo Free - BigEveryTime (BET) Artist: BigEveryTime Song: Liliuo Free Album: Universitile YOUTUBE.COM …
Added by Amelia Gora at 11:52pm on June 26, 2014
Comment on: Topic 'Building our Nation from the Inside Out'
ant? "It's a symbolic gesture......" "Most of you know what that covenant is," Margotta said. "It's a symbolic gesture of all Army leaders of our solemn pledge to do everything we can to give you a quality of life commensurate to the service that you provide our nation." Started exploring the backgrounds of those who signed (see below)......... the group has also been filed on the Hawaiian Kingdom Records and listed on the Genocide Activities File of the Honolulu Police Department: The following are documented Americans who signed an unauthorized pact of a belligerent nation operating in a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation to bomb, engage in warring activities, operate equipment to contaminate an environment which they do not own, haphazardly, carelessly endanger all in the Hawaiian archipelago, fail to protect the lives, safety, health of our aaboriginal Hawaiian people, U.S. citizens, foreign citizens, etc., including their own families. Research shows their premeditation activities against a neutral nation, and are lawbreakers in our Hawaiian Islands........the ramifications affects more than 22 nations that the U.S. has wrongfully warred with since 1893. The criminal deviants, War Mongers are listed below: Signers of Native Hawaiian Covenant 1. Major General Michael J. Terry, Commanding General, 8th Theater Sustainment Command Army security - War Dog/Warmonger; Amelia Gora's notes: a War Dog/ Warmonger with no place in a neutral, non violent, friendly nation, tresspassing on our Crown Lands 2. Mr. Allen Hoe, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army, Member of Native Hawaiian Advisory Council Supports War Dogs/Warmongers; A Vietnam War Vet who operated as a medic - which has immunities under the International laws; now an attorney his son was killed recently in War. received a Truman Award in the film he talks about his dead son.....a propaganda campaign pushing his War Monger candidate, his pledge will never bring his son back; a sell out; a fool ....another propaganda campaign speaks about his limited medic; in a recon team to retrieve dead bodies, etc. he has issues with the basis of the Vietnam period....supports War Mongers despite his son being killed needlessly. 3. Major General Bernard S. Champoux, Commanding General, 25th Infantry Division War Dog; Warmonger; Army strategist; 4. Ms. Jade Danner, Member of the Native Hawaiian Advisory Council A Sell out from Kauai, a Supporter of the Akaka Bill; gets support from Bank of Hawaii - BARACK OBAMA'S, et.als. family business; Liliuokalani Trust - operating on Fraud, Criminal deviance, etc.; Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates - operating on Fraud, Criminal deviance, etc.; supports the extermination practices on people of color, etc. 5. Ret. Brigadier General Irwin Cockett, member Native Hawaiian Advisory Council A genuine screw-up; War Dog/War Monger from Kauai 6. Colonel Matthew T. Margotta, Garrrison Commander, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii A War College graduate, a War Dog/Warmonger 7. Mr. H. K. Bruss Keppeler, Member of Native Hawaiian Advisory Council An attorney, perpetuates criminal history of what truly happened in the Hawaiian Islands, diverts the issues, instructor, claims advocate of Full Sovereignty with the following: "With differences, the following all advocate Full Independence: Lynette Cruz, Poka Laenui, Kekuni Blaisdell, Ku`umealoha Gomes, Kekula Bray Crawford, Michael Keoni Dudley, Herbert Holt Kauahi, Louis Agaard, Lilikala Kame`eleihiwa, and Bruss Keppeler." "The illegal takeover of the Hawaiian Kingdom is the main reason why Natives have built up animosity towards Westerners or Non- Natives. However, this is only a small fraction of the effects of Non-Native influence. Not only did Hawaiians lose their kingdom, they lost their identity." Keppeler focuses on the Natives view towards the Westerners rather than looking at the facts which remains the real points...the truth, the premeditation of the pirates, deviants, the Westerners and minimizes the crimes. He lies/perpetuates lies about the Hawaiians losing their kingdom when in reality it did go "under ground"....he states they "lost their identity" when in actuality, the "identity" was stolen by criminal deviants who assumed the "Hawaiian" title based on being born in the islands. The Rice vs. Cayetano case basically legalized the theft of the Hawaiian's identity.......and the reality is that the countering of their legalese, the terms used by Queen Liliuokalani was "aboriginal Hawaiians", the terms used in the 1890 Census was "kanaka maoli" - the terms, identities of our people, therefore, cannot be stolen utilizing these terms forevermore. 8. Command Sergeant Major Tuileama T. Nua, Tripler Army Medical Center A War Dog/Warmonger; Army Career person; 9. Command Sergeant Major Kevin J. Thompson, 911th Signal Command Theater A War Dog/Warmonger, Army Career person 10. Ms. Dee Jay Mailer, Member Native Hawaiian Advisory Council A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. Chief Executive Officer - Kamehameha Schools; a Pirated Trust of the Hawaiian Kingdom; The CEO is not part of the Royal families, not related to our families, not Bernice Pauahi Bishop's family, research incomplete, racketeering ongoing, identity etc. 11. Command Sergeant Major George D. Duncan, 8th Theater Sustainment Command An Army War Dog/Warmonger previously signed a Covenant: "Most of you know what that covenant is," Margotta said. "It's a symbolic gesture of all Army leaders of our solemn pledge to do everything we can to give you a quality of life commensurate to the service that you provide our nation." 12. Mr. Peter Apo, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army, Member Native Hawaiian Advisory Council A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. Tourism profiteer. 13. Brigadier General Stephen L. Jones, Commanding General, Tripler Army Medical Center War College graduate, doctor, War Dog/Warmonger, Sickness observer in the Hawaiian Islands on special staff with Washington, D.C., etc. 14. Rev. William Kaina, Member of Native Hawaiian Advisory Council A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. Protestant missionary, minister who served in the Kawaiahao Church, which was criminally claimed by conspirator, treasonous person Sanford B. Dole, etc. Part of the missionaries/ mercenaries for the U.S., etc. 15. Command Sergeant Major Phillip Rowland, 94th Army Air Missile Defense Command War dog/Warmonger, Battle preparer, 16. Ms. Jalna Keala, member of Native Hawaiian Advisory Council A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. Rail supporter, "Secretary Jalna Keala is a retired Government and Community Affairs Officer at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Ms. Keala is a Past President of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, and a Past President of the Oahu Council of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. " 17. Ms. Annelle Amaral, Native Hawaiian Liaison to the Garrison Commander A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. A former cop, pro abortion bully broad, paid off bundles to "primarily... "fix" the Army's community relations problem with Kanaka Maoli. One of the tactics has been to organize a pro-military Kanaka Maoli front via the "Native Hawaiian Covenant" and the Makua community leaders helicopter ride and photo op." "These are the same counterinsurgency methods used in Afghanistan and Iraq to try to win over a segment of the native population present a fig leaf of legitimacy for what is an illegal occupation. As it is true for people around the world, no amount of community relations can change the basic historical truths and the material consequences of imperialism. The Army cannot "P.R." away a peoples' hunger for justice." - Kyle Kajihiro. Note: she's documented as having assaulted a kanaka maoli amidst witnesses........charges on that attack needs to be made, then you'll see the Warmongers move to her rescue. She's also documented in the Hawaiian Kingdom records. 18. Command Sergeant Major Forrest Wacker, 9th Mission Support Command War Dog; Warmonger; 19. Mr. Charles Kapua, Member of the Native Hawaiian Advisory Council 20. Command Sergeant Major Frank Leota, 25th Infantry Division War Dog; Warmonger; 21. Brigadier General Alexander Kozlov, Commanding General, 9th Mission Support Command War Dog; Warmonger; 22. Mr. William Richards, Member of Native Hawaiian Advisory Council A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. 23. Brigadier General Jeffery L. Underhill, Commanding General, 94th Air Missile Defense Command War Dog; Warmonger; 24. Mr. William Moore, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army War Dog; Warmonger; 25. Major General Robert G. F. Lee, Hawaii National Guard, the Adjutant General War Dog; Warmonger; 26. Mr. Neal Hannahs, Member of the Native Hawaiian Advisory Council 27. Command Sergeant Major Robert E. Williamson, III, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii War Dog; Warmonger; 28. Mr. Chris Dawson, Member of the Native Hawaiian Advisory Council A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. 29. Ms. Leimomi Khan, Member of the Native Hawaiian Advisory Council A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. 30. Brigadier General Alan R. Lynn, 311th Signal Command Theater War Dog; Warmonger; 31. Brigadier General Mark Yenter, Commander, U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Pacific Ocean Divison War Dog; Warmonger; 32. Rev. Kaleo Patterson, Member of Native Hawaiian Advisory Council A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. 33. Alii Sir Edward Akana, Office of the Chancellor, Royal Order of Kamehameha 34. Ret. Brigadier General Dwight Kealoha, U.S Air Force War Dog; Warmonger; 35. Brigadier General James Nixon, 25th Infantry Division War Dog; Warmonger; 36. Ha’aheo Guanson, Pacific Peace and Justice Reconciliation Center A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. Note: nothing peaceful and claimed justice with promotion of genocide/support of genocide against a neutral, friendly, non violent nation, innocent people who did no wrong, including American citizens, and foreigners, etc. 37. Raymond Jardine, Native Hawaiian Veterans War Dog; Warmonger; 38. Paul Y. Komeiji, Kuhana Associates LLC A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. 39. Earl Pamai Tenn, Ka Ohana Aloha A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. 40. Todd Shishido, Kukulu LLC A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. 41. Kanaloa Koko, Royal Order of the Crown of Hawaii A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. A documented child/little boy(s) molester who served prison time, resided in the U.S., changed his name to Kanaloa Koko. Claims to represent the Royal families and was not given authority, and is not related to our families. Descendant of a Millie de Wolf. Questionnable genealogies. Discovery of background by longtime researcher Kealoha, research incomplete. 42. Lance Holden, President, ‘Ahahui Siwila Hawaii o Kapolei A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. Supports Prince Kuhio, a conspirator/treasonous person. 43. James Kaleohano, Alii Ai Moku, Royal Order of Kamehameha A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. 44. Rocky Naeole, Royal Order of Kamehameha A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. 45. Larry Woodie, President, Ewa-Puuloa Hawaiian Civic Club A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. 46. Joe Thomas, Royal Order of Kamehameha A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. 47. Joseph Jerviss, Royal Order of Kamehameha A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. 48. Baldo A. Patterson, Royal Order of Kamehameha A Sell Out. A War dog/Warmonger supporter. A genocide activist. Father of Kaleo Patterson/Rev. Kaleo Patterson who supports the Rail System: ********************************************** Therefore, Major General Michael J. Terry/Michael J. Terry thru Baldo A. Patterson were inappropriate people/ American citizens, incapable persons without jurisdiction or granted the right to properly represent the Royal families, the true land owners, the aboriginal Hawaiians/ kanaka maoli and not authorized/were appointed/self appointed to participate in a serious matter of signing documents drawn up by a belligerent occupier the United States government, with England, and the Morgan/International bankers. They are all improper persons who mischievously, criminally moved to support genocide activities in our Hawaiian Islands. They are not part of the Royal families, not true kanaka maoli, but criminal deviants used for the purposes of a criminal, ceremonial set up without rights. Conspirators/treasonous persons/Pirates/Identity thieves operating in the Hawaiian Islands is what they truly are. They were not authorized to represent the Royal families, which does not include the Kuhio and Kawananakoa's due to their associations/affiliations and support in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, criminally assuming wealth, assets, lands belonging to the Kamehameha's, King Kalakaua's, Queen Kapiolani's, Princess Poomaikelani's, Queen Liliuokalani's, et. als. bloodlines/descendants/families. Their Native Hawaiian Covenant signed is hereby nulled and void. The Hawaiian Kingdom remains a neutral, friendly, non violent nation, recognizing that an abundant amount of crimes of premeditation, breaching the Law of Nations, breaking the permanent friendship treaty, genocide activities, etc. is and remains on the records documenting the pirating moves of those documented above, etc. 23 are military/military related personnel, Career War dogs/Warmongers. 25 are military/military related personnel supporters, Career War dogs/Warmongers supporters, Sell outs. 48 in Total are documented genocide activists; are not related to the Royal families; are War dogs/ genocide activists; have animosities towards all in the Hawaiian archipelago/ Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Pae Aina o Hawaii. They are on the Genocide Activities list in Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2010 - 01700 and the Honolulu Police Department's Genocide Activities list. Aloha, Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Royal Families House of Nobles, Hawaiian Kingdom …
Added by Amelia Gora at 11:25pm on September 27, 2010
Comment on: Topic 'NO GMO'S - Failure to Protect the Lives, Health Safety of Kanaka Maoli; Hawaiia…'
lt;> 9:12 PM (4 minutes ago) to hpd, hpd, mayor, Irish, john.maguire, mayor, mayor, mayor, Switzerland, Web, comments, president, webmaster, Governor,   Posted the following on the Monsanto website:To Monsanto CEO's, et. als. and Honolulu Police Department, et. als. From:  Amelia Gora - one of the land owners/title owners Greetings,   Monsanto, GMO you are planting on our families properties, you will have to will have to sue those who claimed to sell you the lands, and sue the Title Companies to get your monies back which is where your Title Insurance funds can be gotten.......authorization for many to help clear the growths will be made as the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, et. als. do NOT have Title to ANY of the lands in the Hawaiian appear to have Pirate Claims or Pirates Contracts in place......this is a Legal Notice from one of the many land owners.........and this is also being sent to the Honolulu Police Department for the Genocide Activities Files documented by Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants in multiple defenders against GMO's in the Hawaiian Islands/GMO opposers: please contact for more information..... or if you have good suggestions.....possible assignments..........etc. Just Say No to GMO music video Just Say No to GMO music video and song by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, editor of Written and performed by Mike Adams, this song exposes t... …
Added by Amelia Gora at 9:20pm on March 10, 2013

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