Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tribunal Case(s): King Lunalilo Trust

the King of Hawaii. Kamehameha Schools, Queen's Hospito, Liliuokalani Trust, Lunalilo Home and most important, "The Crown Lands" of the Kingdom. I know of no other nation where its leader did the same to their people.…
Added by Pomaikaiokalani at 8:09am on November 25, 2008
Comment on: Topic 'Abercrombie et. als.......Cease and Desist.....if they fail to do so, Kindly as…'
l be there in spirit because I have to work tomorrow. Thank you for writing these words--it needed to be read! The part about the Konohiki's was especially important. The DLNR did have a system in place during Chinen's time with the State Preservation office. She listed the Konohiki's. "All nations are also invited to laugh at the ceremonies of Abercrombie, et. als. if they fail to Cease and Desist., and no one can be arrested. This will go on record as a peaceful, non violent demonstration, accepted, and validated as highly recommended and suited for the occasion. May I thank all of you beforehand for your kind participation/your support on December 6, 2010, during their ceremonies with your release of laughter, smiles at their trespassing/continued dishonesty, racketeering intentions hereafter, an entity supporting the extermination campaign against our good people in the Hawaiian Islands, genocide activities - military belligerent occupation undertakings. Although our Royal families remain owners, heirs of Keoni Ana whose lands were used to build the belligerent occupiers State Capitol, for now, it would be a preferred location. Rents and Leases are due for that lot as well. Sincerely, Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, a Representative of the Royal Families House of Nobles, the Hulu Manu, a Representative of the Hawaiian Genealogy Society, descendant of Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, heir of Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli, heir of Charles Kanaina - father of King Lunalilo, heir of King Kalakaua, and descendant/heir of Queen Liliuokalani; Kalola (w) - first cousin of Bernice Pauahi, descendant of Kaaujmoana (w) - a true trustee of Queen Liliuokalani's Trust created in 1872, descendant of Kalima (w) widow of Mataio Kekuanaoa, heir of Victoria Kamamalu, descendant of Akahi (w), Nuuanu (k), Luluhiwalani (k), John Kapena (k) konohiki's, et. als., a living human being"…
Added by Kaohi at 7:07pm on December 5, 2010
Comment on: Topic 'Submit questions here for Maoliworld OHA forum'
and during the protest against the eviction last Monday 10/27/08 ? I was there to support the residents, becaues my own Tutu Ka'aikaula Keaupopoe and Amalu Kahiamoe, and aunty Hattie Au were born and raised in Kahana, and my mom Luka Nalua'I took the kids to work the taro patches by the old church near aunty Hattie Au's house. So, I have strong 'Ohana blood ties to Kahana Valley Ahupua'a. If elected OHA Trustee, I will propose to negotiate with the Governor, to transfer jurisdiction and management of Kahana from DLNR over to OHA, since both are state agencies, and inter-departmental state transfers would not cost the state anything ! Its just an adminitrative process, or can even be done by Executive Order ! As OHA Trustee, I will engage public hearings with our Hawaiian people to propose developing 2 to 5 acre "Farm Lots" for a $1.00 a year for 99 years leases, to put our Hawaiian people back on the land. However, our Hawaiian people must actually farm the land, with diverse crops on the Kula lowlands, and lo'i kalo in the upper terraces of the valley, for their own subsistance, as well as commercially to earn income, and become self-sufficient, without taking welfare handouts, or piling unsightly old rusted cars in their yards (for parts?). Affordable "Self-Help" housing will be built on each "Farm Lot" (see my prior Affordable "Self-Help" response). A "Fishing Village" would be re-established, to restore the Kahana Fishing Ahu on the above hillside, and the Loko'i'a fishpond restoration, net making, pae pae net fishing, and outer reef fishing, for food production. A Hale Wa'a would be constructed for canoe building, lashing and a "Hale Kahuna Kilo" for navigation. A "Hale Kahuna Lapa'au" would teach our traditional practices, and grow la'au lapa'au medicinal herbs throughout the valley. A "Cultural Hale" would teach our 'Opio Hawaiian history, culture, language, lua arts, legends & stories, and the arts & crafts. An "Artisans Marketplace" would market and sell our traditional "Made-In-Hawaii" craftware for income generation. The above proposal would make Kahana Valley Ahupua'a, a living, thriving, productive and self-sufficient Native Hawaiian Valley, NOT as "Animated Puppets" for the Tourist Industry, but for our own Traditional Survival !! 2. ALI'I TRUSTS: Our honorable Ali'i set-up Trusts for the benefit of, and to service their beloved Native Hawaiian people...Us ! However, over the years, our Ali'i Trusts have been stolen away from our controls, and taken out of the hands of our own Hawaiian leaders, evidenced by each Ali'i Trusts Board of Directors (BOD) being covertly and blantly placed under the control of foreign non-Hawaiian BOD's and Administrators: 1) Queen's Medical Center and Clinic (Queen Emma) 2) Kapiolani Childrens and Maternity Hospital (Queen Kapiolani) 3) Lunalilo Covalescent Home (King Lunalilo) 4) Queen Lili'uokalani Childrens Center (Queen Lili'uokalani) 5) Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate (Princess Pauahi) 6) Iolani Schools (King Kamehameha IV) 7) St. Andrews Priory (Queen Emma) If elected OHA Trustee, I will engage historical and legal research and investigations of the original genesis, missions, goals, selections and future survivals of each Ali'i Trusts, and the covert process by which all the controls of our own Ali'i Trusts were stolen away fron us. I will litigate and demand the return and restoration of the controls of ALL our Ali'i Trusts back into the hands of our Native Hawaiian leadership, for the benefit of our own Native Hawaiian people, where it was intended by our beloved Ali'i, and where it rightfully belongs ! As a candidate for OHA Trustee At-Large, mahalo for the opprotunity to respond and share my mana'o with all of you these past few days on But ot make these changes, and to make OHA pono, I need your support and your VOTE !! on November 4, 2008. Mahalo a nui loa ! Ku Like Kakou, Dr. Sol Nalua'I, M.D., Ph.D. Retired (Election 2008 e-mail)…
Added by Sol Nalua'I at 8:31pm on November 3, 2008
Comment on: Topic 'Happy Family, Friends Day, Happy Thanksgiving! Some Thanksgiving gifts to shar…'
meha (Library of Congress) bin/page.cgi/aa/kamehameh The Story of Four Chiefs who helped Kamehameha gain power (Aloha Airlines) place.html An Article about the God's that Kamehameha Worshiped (Aloha Airlines) place.html A Description of the Reign of Kamehameha (National Park Service) books/kona/history4.htm An Article about Kamehameha's Trusted Advisor, Hoapili (Aloha Airlines) place.html index.cfm? PageID=399 Kamehameha II (Liholiho) 1797-1824 Eldest son of Kamehameha I and Keopuolani, Kamehameha II shared his rule with Ka`ahumanu, appointed kuhina nui (regent) by his father. Under the influence of Ka`ahumanu and his mother, Kamehameha II discredited the gods, overturned the ancient kapu system in 1819 and ordered the destruction of temples and images. Less than a year after overturning the kapu, Protestant missionaries arrived from New England and gradually established a foothold for Christianity. Continuing sandalwood trade brought new profits to chiefs but began to destroy the Islands' ecosystem and disrupt a subsistence agricultural lifestyle. During Kamehameha II's reign, a nascent whaling industry also established itself in the Islands. Called `Ai Noa (Free Eating), Liholiho and his court broke the ancient kapu when chiefs and chiefesses shared a common meal at the urging of both his mother, Keopuolani and Ka`ahumanu. Prior to this, men and women had been strictly forbidden from eating together, and in addition many foods were forbidden to women. By flaunting the laws so publicly, Liholiho's challenge to the gods could not be ignored. Kamehameha II had five wives and dowager queens, his half-sister Kamamalu being his favorite. In 1824 , he and Kamamalu set off for England to gain knowledge of the world and establish stronger ties with England for Hawaii's protection. Hosted in London by the British Foreign Office, the royal group attended receptions and theater events but the king and queen fell ill before they could meet with George IV. The royal entourage caught measles, a disease unknown to them and for which they had no natural immunity. Kamamalu contracted pneumonia as well and died July 8; Kamehameha II died a few days later on July 14th. Half the group recovered and Boki, the ranking chief among the survivors, met with the English king before they returned to Hawai`i in May 1825 with the gilded royal coffins. Sites for further information A Description of Liholiho's (Kamehameha II) Rule Over Hawai`i (National Park Service) books/kona/history5.htm index.cfm? PageID=400 Kamehameha III (Kauikeaouli) 1814-1854 Hawaii's longest reigning monarch, Kamehameha III came to the throne when he was only nine. He shared his rule initially with Ka`ahumanu, then his half-sister Kinau who succeeded Ka`ahumanu as kuhina nui. Following a period of rebellion, Kamehameha III settled into his role and worked diligently to formalize Hawaiian government. Advised by foreigners and recognizing Western forms as a useful model, Kamehameha III established a declaration of rights, Hawaii's first constitution (1840) , judicial and executive branches of government, and a system of land ownership under the Mahele of 1848 . Despite its own political and structural growth, Hawai`i remained in a vulnerable position internationally. Several threatening visits by French gunboats preceded a five-month annexation by Britain in 1843 . Annexation by the United States was also a threat, though it was not accomplished during Kamehameha III's reign. The Islands' economy, meanwhile, tended toward capitalism under the influence of foreign trade. Sandalwood declined due to depleted forests, but was replaced by the new whaling industry. As whaling waned, cattle and ranching activity grew but it was large-scale sugar cultivation that took center stage and became the powerhouse that drove the economy into the 20th century. Kamehameha III married Kalama Hakaleleponikapakuhaili in 1837. Their two children died in infancy. Kamehameha III adopted his nephew Alexander Liholiho at birth and named him as his successor. In a speech celebrating the return of sovereignty to the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1843 , Kamehameha III used the phrase, "Ua mau ke ea o ka `aina i ka pono (The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness)." His words live on as the state's motto. Kauikeouli - Kamehameha III has descendants and heirs. Kauikeouli - Kamehameha III's hanai/adopted daughter and true cousin was Grace Kamaikui and her siblings (Fanny Kekela; Keoni Ana/John Young Jr.; Gini Lahilahi; James Young Kanehoa; Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis. Grace Kamaikui's children were Hueu Davis; Kale Davis; and Peke Davis. Grace Kamaikui's children were adopted by her father John Young, so her children became her siblings twofold, thru her father John Young and her hanai/adopted father Kauikeouli - Kamehameha III. Descendants of hers exist today. Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis were the hanai/adopted children of John Young, and Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III. Their true father was Isaac Davis. index.cfm? PageID=401 Kamehameha IV (Alexander Liholiho) 1834-1863 Son of Mataio (Matthew) Kekuanaoa and Kinau (daughter to Kamehameha I), Alexander Liholiho was younger than his brothers David, Moses and Lot. Their younger sister was Victoria Kamamalu. Raised as an adopted child of Kamehameha III, Alexander Liholiho was declared heir-apparent in 1853 . As teenagers, he and Lot traveled to the United States, Paris and London accompanied by Dr. Gerritt Judd. His experiences with racial discrimination on the trip helped shape the anti-American, pro-British attitudes and policies of his reign. As Kamehameha IV, Liholiho married Emma Naea Rooke in 1856 , having known her since childhood when they had attended the Chiefs’ Childrens’ School together. In 1858 , their son Albert Edward Kauikeaouli was born. Despite early missionary inoculations, by mid-century the native Hawaiian population continued to be decimated by foreign disease. Alexander Liholiho celebrated his 16th birthday in Paris. While there, he met President Louis-Napoleon, took fencing lessons and learned to speak French. Kamehameha IV and his wife established Queen's Hospital in 1859 to help stem the tide of sickness. They also helped establish the Anglican Church in Hawai`i, with Kamehameha IV translating the Book of Common Prayer into Hawaiian. Personal tragedy marked the last two years of Kamehameha IV's life. In 1859 , in a fit of unfounded jealousy, Kamehameha IV shot his friend and secretary, Henry A. Neilson. Neilson languished for two years before dying. The king's remorse and grief were further compounded when Prince Albert died in 1862 . Saddened and suffering from asthma, Kamehameha IV himself died in November 1863 at 29. Sites for further information One of Kamehameha IV's Speeches to the Hawaiian Legislature 1861 (American Memory) Kamehameha's Proclimation of Neutrality 1861 (American Memory) Queen Emma's land claims have issues...........because Grace Kamaikui's Will had stipulations. Queen Emma and Kamehameha IV's child did not live on, and according to the Will, the lands were to go to her family. Her family includes her children Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis. index.cfm? PageID=402 Kamehameha V (Lot) 1830-1872 Older brother to Kamehameha IV, Lot ascended to the throne as Kamehameha V at age 33. Having served under his brother as Minister of Interior and Minister of Finance, he came to the throne better prepared from an administrative standpoint than any previous king. In addition to his first trip abroad, he traveled to California and British Columbia in 1850 . He promoted the cattle industry in Hawai`i, served as president of the graziers' association, and founded Moloka`i Ranch. "There was no trivial royal nonsense about him... He dressed plainly, poked about Honolulu, night or day, on his old horse, unattended; he was popular, greatly respected, and even beloved." -Mark Twain Kamehameha V took steps to strengthen the executive office, writing a new constitution in 1864 that freed the king from the restraints of a privy council and kuhina nui. Wanting to protect the health and well-being of native Hawaiians, he refused to legalize hard liquor and limited activities that would further erode the traditional agricultural lifestyle. Kamehameha V remained a lifelong bachelor. He named his sister Victoria Kamamalu his heir, but did not name another successor when she died in 1866 . An hour before his death in 1872 , he asked Bernice Pauahi Bishop, a great-granddaughter of Kamehameha I, to take the throne but she declined. With no successor named, the constitution dictated an election to name the next monarch. Bernice Pauahi Bishop's land claims have issues. She was not the last of the Kamehameha's. She was documented to be half white, which means she was not the daughter of Abner Paki. Abner Paki's brother was Kalaniulumoku, and whose descendants exist today. For example, Kalola (w) who is listed on the Probate as as heir with Charles Reed Bishop, Bernice Pauahi's husband, who was entitled to only a life estate. Charles Reed Bishop did perpetuate a life estate by deeding his life interest to the eventual conspirator, treasonous trustees his interest as documented in Liber 142, page 142, Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Charles Reed Bishop did form his own estate utilizing Akahi (w) lands. Akahi (w) the claimed aunt of Bernice Pauahi has descendants. Charles Reed Bishop did pirate these lands, he was entitled to a life estate only. Charles Reed Bishop did help to dethrone the Queen in 1893 with his friends, he was a treasonous, conspirator documented. Since 1878, he and his friends did help to finance the Pacific Cable Company with the purpose of informing the U.S. that the Japanese were passing the Hawaiian Islands. See CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES, and other books, articles by Amelia Gora. index.cfm? PageID=403 William Charles Lunalilo 1835-1874 After the death of Kamehameha V, the constitution stipulated that the next ruler be chosen by a vote of legislators. Overwhelmingly supported by the general population, Lunalilo easily won the vote over his opponent, David Kalakaua. He took the throne in January 1873 . Lunalilo was a grandson of Kamehameha I's half-brother and was related to Kinau (one of Kamehameha's daughters) through his mother. His father Kanaina was a lesser chief and Lunalilo, like most royal children, was educated at the Chiefs' Childrens' School. In 1860 , Kamehameha IV sponsored a contest for new national anthem lyrics to match the tune of "God Save the King." Lunalilo wrote the winning entry and was awarded 10 dollars. His song became the kingdom's new anthem. As king, Lunalilo quickly amended the Constitution of 1864 and abolished property requirements for voting. He unsuccessfully pursued a reciprocity treaty with the United States and withdrew a proposal to lease out Pearl Harbor when faced with public opposition. After defusing a mutiny of the Household Troops, Lunalilo disbanded the army. He had once been engaged to Victoria Kamamalu, but because this match had been opposed by Kamehameha IV, Lunalilo remained a bachelor. He died in 1874 of tuberculosis and alcoholism, having ruled only a little over a year. Slighted by the Kamehameha family over the final resting place of his mother's remains, Lunalilo insisted that he be buried in a tomb separate from the Royal Mausoleum; his resting place still stands inside the grounds of Kawaiaha`o Church. He left his property to establish Lunalilo Home, a haven for poor, elderly, and infirm Hawaiians. Sites for further information Lunalilo Charles_Lunalilo King Lunalilo's Trust was formed in . His father Charles Kanaina has documented heirs. There were nine (9) interests documented: 2 interests to Bernice Pauahi who was married to PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop 1 interest to Ruth Keelikolani 1 interest to Kaaua 1 interest to Haalelea (1/3); Haalilio (1/3); and Kahuakaiola/Kahuakailoa (1/3) 1 interest to 1 interest to 1 interest to 1 interest to index.cfm? PageID=404 David Kalakaua After Lunalilo's death, another election was held in 1874 , this time pitting Kalakaua against queen dowager Emma. Kalakaua won by a huge majority following which Emma's supporters started a riot that had to be quelled by American and British marines. Though Kalakaua was not related to the Kamehameha line, his father, Kapaakea, was great grandson of Kameeiamoku, one of Kamehameha I's strongest supporters. On his mother's side, Kalakaua was related to other Kona chiefs. Educated at the Royal School, Kalakaua held positions in the palace under Kamehameha IV and served 13 years in the legislature. One of Kalakaua's first actions as king was to take a tour of all the islands. He also traveled to Washington - the first reigning monarch ever to visit the United States - and secured a reciprocity trade treaty. There walked up to the verandah a young man whom Mr. Wyllie introduced as the King's [Kamehameha IV] Aide-de-Camp, Mr. Kalakaua. He was a pure Hawaiian, excessively stout, but of most gentlemanlike manners and appearance. -Sophia Cracroft, 1861 Kalakaua married Kapi`olani in 1863 . Since they had no children, Kalakaua named his younger brother, William Pitt Leleiohoku, his heir. After William's death in 1877 , Kalakaua named his sister Lili`uokalani as heir and regent in his absence. In 1881 , Kalakaua took a world tour and visited other heads of state. Upon his return to Hawai`i, he built `Iolani Palace and in 1883 , nine years after his election, crowned himself in an official coronation ceremony. In 1886 , the Merrie Monarch's Jubilee marked Kalakaua's 50th birthday with a two-week celebration that included parades, fireworks, hula performances, and a public luau. Kalakaua sent his wife and sister to London the next year as his representatives at Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee. While sugar profits grew and Hawaii's economy flourished, business deals and corruption seeped into government. Business interests wanting more control forced Kalakaua to sign the "Bayonet Constitution" in 1887, reducing his power to that of a figurehead. After a bruising legislative session in 1890 , Kalakaua sailed to San Francisco hoping to rest and restore his health. He died there in January 1891 at the San Francisco Palace Hotel. King Kalakaua's Trust was formed in Queen Kapiolani did not form a Trust; however, her criminal nephews did. They filed a deed right away instead of listening to her instructions and Queen Kapiolani is on record opposing their moves. Queen Kapiolani was the administrator of her sister Princess Poomaikelani, and whose descendants exist today. Queen Kapiolani died in 1898 or 5 years after the criminal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani, her sister-in-law. Queen Kapiolani was also a hanai/adopted child of Kaluakini (k). Kaluakini's descendants exist today. index.cfm? PageID=405 Lili`uokalani (Lydia Paki) 1838-1917 Kalakaua's younger sister by two years, Lili`uokalani was adopted by Paki and Konia and raised as a sister to Bernice Pauahi. Educated at the Royal School, she was particularly gifted as a musician and composer. She married John Owens Dominis in 1862 and they lived in Washington Place, his mother's home. In 1863 Kamehameha V appointed Dominis governor of O`ahu where he performed his duties as governor while Lili`uokalani acted as the king's regent during Kalakaua's world tour. Proclaimed Queen after her brother's death in 1891 , Lili`uokalani spent most of her reign wrangling with her cabinet. She unsuccessfully battled to establish a new constitution, one that would restore some of the executive powers stripped by the "Bayonet Constitution" of 1887 . A group of American businessmen, frustrated by the Queen's persistence, organized a "Committee of Safety" and staged a coup on January 17, 1893 . Pressured by United States Minister Stevens and the presence of American marines, Lili`uokalani acquiesced while at the same time hoping the United States President would right the situation. "Aloha `Oe," Lili`uokalani's most famous song, was inspired by a horseback trip she took in 1877 to the windward side of O`ahu. After visiting the Boyd ranch in Maunawili, Lili`u witnessed a farewell embrace between Colonel James Boyd and one of the young ranch ladies. A tune came to her on the ride home and she composed the words once she returned to Washington Place. In 1895 , Robert Wilcox led an unsuccessful counter-revolution to restore the monarchy. When arms were found hidden at Washington Place, Lili`uokalani was tried for treason and imprisoned in an upper story room of `Iolani Palace. She formally abdicated on January 24, 1895 to win clemency for the rebels who supported her. With no children of her own, Lili`uokalani had named her niece Ka`iulani as heir. After the overthrow, both Lili`uokalani and Ka`iulani went to Washington to persuade American leaders to restore the monarchy. Though President Cleveland was sympathetic, his successor McKinley supported the newly-formed Republic. In 1898 , Hawai`i became a United States Territory. Ka`iulani died in 1899 at age 24. Lili`uokalani lived on until 1917. Sites for further information Hawaii's Last Queen (American Experience) program.html Hawai`i State Government's Information about Queen Liliuokalani (Hawai`i State Government) liliuokalani.htm "Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen" Online Text (University of Pennsylvania) women/liliuokalani/hawaii/ hawaii.html A Newspaper Article Remembering the Overthrow of Liliuokalani (Star-Bulletin) millennium/story7.html The actual text of the Queen's Protest protest.htm Queen Liliuokalani's Trust was formed in 1872. She denied signing a Trust Deed with Samuel Damon, Curtis Iaukea, and William Smith. Queen Liliuokalani's hanai/adopted daughter Kaaumoana/Kahakuhaakoi/ Kahakuakoi/Kekua/Kuahine/Luka/ Luika (w) married to Keo/Keoki/Kealohapauole aka's (k) was assigned to be her Trustee, and her descendants/bloodlines only....not the adopted children, the hanai/adoptive children. These are the Trusts of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Queen Liliuokalani was given Hawaii back in 1895; the Hawaiian Kingdom which did go "under ground" in 1893 is back. The pirate entity developed by the U.S., England, and the Morgan bankers (U.S., Englands investors), did help to pirate a friendly, neutral nation due to their bankrupt status, their animosities towards all people of color in the Hawaiian Islands and elsewhere documented. Rents and Leases are owed to the tune of $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins per year retroactive to 1893. Furthermore, all lands documented from the time of the Trusts remain the properties of the Royal families, Trusts which were created/formed pre- 1893. In other words, the lands sold/conveyed dishonestly/based on fraud/deceit/criminal deviance/racketeering/piracy belongs to the Royal families documented. Improper conveyances, mischievous conveyances are not valid. Validity to claims of lands in the Hawaiian Islands cannot be supported by the pirate entity now calling itself the State of Hawaii. Foreign nations who helped the U.S. such as England/Great Britain with their investing bankers are and remain bankrupt due to the funds stolen from the Hawaiian Kingdom vaults which were filled with gold bullion, gold coins or "Coins of the Realm" criminally used must be returned from Ft. Knox, etc. All Morgan banks are to pay back all the funds stolen/taken/borrowed/ plundered from the vaults with the assist of President Benjamin Harrison and his expert international transfer bank owner Vice President Levi Morton. The U.S., England/Great Britain, and the Morgan banks owe much to the Royal families in the Hawaiian Islands, and alternate payments of nuclear wastes/depleted uranium/DU/GMO's/military occupation is not acceptable.. The descendants of Kamehameha thru Queen Liliuokalani existed then, and their descendants exist today, without granting approval for a belligerent occupier to take care of our interests, etc. Specific descendants are the true Trustees of the Alii Trusts, which means all that the current trustees from the conspirators, treasonous persons/descendants are hereby null and void. Furthermore, all land, business transactions made by the claimed trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trust; King Lunalilo Trust; Queen Emma Trust; Queen Kapiolani Trust; King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani Trusts, Charles Reed Bishop Trust, etc., are hereby nulled and void. The entity State of Hawaii, City and County, Federal Courts in the Hawaiian Islands has no jurisdiction over the Royal Families Trusts, and have received claims to lands by fraud, deviance, criminal malfeasance, deception, promoting piracy(ies), racketeering, wrongful moves against a neutral, friendly nations people, subjects, Royal persons now documented. I, a Royal person, Amelia Gora, descendant of Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, Kahekili, Kaumualii, Nuuanu(Konohiki), Akahi (Konohiki), Grace Kamaikui (John Young's descendant and hanai/adopted child of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III), Peke Davis (Grace Kamaikui's and Isaac Davis descendant adopted by John Young and hanai/adopted daughter of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III), Kalola (Bernice Pauahi's only relative listed on her probate because of her connection thru her claimed father's line Abner Paki - brother Kalaniulumoku), Luluhiwalani (konohiki), Mataio Kekuanaoa/Mataio Kekuanaoa, his wives Kalehua, Kalima (last wife who survived him affecting the Kekuanaoa, Victoria Kamamalu interests; he was also the father of Kamehameha IV- Alexander Liholiho; father of Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha, et. als.), Abigail Maheha (attended the Royal School and married Keau/Keaupuni), Kapapoko/Kapooloku/Abigaila/Princess Poomaikelani (her administrator was Queen Kapiolani who was the hanai/adopted daughter of Kaluakini, my great grandfather); heir of King Kalakaua (thru his true children Kamaka (w) and Kaopu (k)), and Queen Liliuokalani,(thru her hanai/adopted daughter Luka/Luika/Kekua/Kahakuakoi/Kahakuhaakoi/Kaaumoana) hereby document this today, Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2010. I, Amelia Gora, a Royal person, am also the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs of the Royal Families House of Nobles, the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Ko Hawaii Pae Aina and document that Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli has descendants, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani has descendants. Kamehameha III's descendants through direct bloodlines of Kamehameha who formed the Monarchy government in 1810 appears to supercede all other interests in leading the Hawaiian Kingdom, from a Royal person, a living human being. ****************************** ******** background info: Have been preparing claims of our ancestors for the AG/attorney general's office.........we have multiple claims and are documented heirs in the Will of Bernice Pauahi, Ruth Keelikolani, Queen Liliuokalani, et. als. The AG is the overseer of the Trusts.....if anyone feels they are part of the Alii lines, then prepare your genealogies too..............additionally, am continuing to support our kanaka maoli who wish to malama our families interests as well. The "yarns", lies promoted over time was set in place to obstruct truth, gray up the truth. The Kawananakoa's are simply not part of King Kalakaua's bloodlines...........connected thru the brotherhood of Masons/Freemasons. The hanai situation was challenged even by the KSBE/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates attorneys in the past........... Kamehameha had 10+ documented wives. Kamehameha II had 8 documented wives. Kamehameha III had 4 documented wives. He had several hanai children and several stepchildren documented. Recently someone claimed direct, yet, no documentation proves it. Kamehameha IV had 1 documented wife. Kamehameha V was unmarried. King Lunalilo was unmarried. King David Kalakaua had 2 documented wives. He had 2 documented children and 3 adopted children, of which the Kawananakoa's are NOT a part of. Queen Liliuokalani had 4 documented husbands. Princess Likelike had 1 documented husband and 1 documented child. The claimed descendants of Cleghorn are NOT related to the Kalakaua, Liliuokalani lines. They are called the ILLEGITIMATE children of Cleghorn, a Mason/Freemason. They have ties to Treasonous person Sanford B. Dole, one of the many genocide activists of the period. Princess Poomaikelani has descendants, which is where our families come in. There are documented others. Princess Kinoiki a sibling of Queen Kapiolani, wife of King Kalakaua; sibling of Princess Poomaikelani had three children. Her husband Iona Piikoi was married previously and there are other children who were defrauded by the Kuhio, Kawananakoa families. Prince Edward lived with Princess Poomaikelani and mysteriously died at age 18. Prince Kuhio, a treasonous person was another who married a Kahanu (w) who married into the Woods family. Descendants of Kahanu (w) exist in Aetearoa. Prince Kawanankoa, another treasonous person has a questionnable lineage who continues genocide activities, claiming lands that they have no rights to........they have changed their names from Ellerbrock to Kawananakoa; Lambert to Kawananakoa, etc. There are many unresolved issues, ramifications are ongoing. The point is that they are treasonous persons. The point /purpose of providing the links of the Robert Wilcox background is to show further issues of treasonous persons activities since King David Kalakaua's period. Charles Reed Bishop was also another treasonous person and ramifications are ongoing. I have posted the actual documents showing why Kuhio and Kawananakoa were treasonous persons. Additional evidence is part of a book that everyone will find exceptional.......important that all kanaka maoli to have to keep with their land documents and especially handy to support the reason why they're on the lands. Most of the documents are already in the hands of many who assist in caring for our families interests. "Today, I see crazies out there in high places hanging on everyword. Where is independent thinking? Where is researching? and more scary where is family and not clones of two authors that were and have manipulated our thinking for too long. But, I didn't question although I feel we need to question the native Hawaiian human conditioning that's been going on too long and now the Akaka Bill is a duplicate of the Rehabilitation Act only that it's adding in a 'military' component. I hope you read this! Keep posting sudden crush need to keep hearing it! Much aloha" People are lazy and apparently have done badly in schools.....diverted by anger.......when that anger should really be put to good use by hitting the books and DOING something about both you and I Sheer the fact that they don't listen to their kupuna.....don't take notes.....don't record, etc..........many are sucked into the American ways of opposing their kupuna............and then, you have the ones who listened.........and clashing with the undereducated.......mind you not uneducated but undereducated.............. because they haven't listened and have no clue about such important issues of how propaganda plays a role in prompting people to act, react, etc. If everyone reviewed the Truth....or at least part of the Truth......researched and purposefully put out for many (not all due to some nasties), hopefully they could connect the dots...........for example, in regards to the "military" component: 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona - move towards One World Order - comprised of Nations that All Nations should watch out for: 1) Austria 2) France 3) Prussia 4) Russia 5) England 6) U.S. 7) Vatican Won't go over all the nations activities but let's touch base with Austria. Austria provides WEAPONS OF WAR for nations and in our index files as attempting to arm the Hawaiian Kingdom during King David Kalakaua's period. Kamehameha III's period documented Neutrality.....meaning non-warring. Queen Liliuokalani's period documented Neutrality....yet, the broke ass, bankrupt U.S. supported by England, the bankers, and the military did breach the Law of Nations and created a War against a neutral, friendly, neutral nation, the Hawaiian Kingdom. Robert Wilcox, schooled in Italy, etc. learned WARRING and his activities showed a continuous activity of moving to WAR, getting everyone riled up, yet, supported by Americans and England......Americans did move him into Congress, and his partner in crime was Volney Ashford a documented treasonous person who came from, and was supported by England...........see New York Times articles links in my posted article. Then you have the brothers two, the "Niggers" of the Hawaiian Kingdom partners in crime supported by the U.S., and the military, and their brotherhood of Masons/Freemasons........... going against the Queen who legally WAS NOT their aunty........all the propaganda, lies, criminal illusions, collusions set up.... can you smell the stench?.................heard that Akaka was part of the family of Kawananakoa's....and everyone must not let the fact go that Thomas Akaka, ancestor of Daniel Akaka, did commit treason, and did conspire against the Queen, the Hawaiian people, government - Hawaiian Kingdom in 1892 in Washington, D.C. with Thurston, Dr. Mott other words, there's a history of people who are documented as treasonous and notably their descendants perpetuate the crimes of the past.... can you imagine if everyone did their could be big time AWESOME! The military's part is to "protect the lives and property of their own".....this is the constant propaganda fed to everyone.........i heard it many times while working for the Army, Navy and Air's a sort of indoctrination the chants put out by the churches.....some good, yet some to maintain obedience which is the part of the Vatican (oops, was only going to cover The military's support is Congress say so (see Premeditation article posted many times over)....the U.S. President pushes the Executive Order and all of them are really breaching their own Constitution, Law of the Seas, etc......lawbreakers against their own Supreme Court Justices who did declare that their roles and authority was limited to 3-12 miles from their contiguous shores/continent/United States....lands of the true owners, the native Indians btw. England guides the U.S. and their history shows it............ooops..... Austria is the focus....the road to WAR all set up by one nation, then the other nations prepares to FIGHT, PLUNDER, WAR with the intent to assume, claim, divvy up the goods (lands, resources, etc.) you see the pirating games?....yep, PIRATES ON THE HIGH it what it is.......... v=zHLqfkU_0xA"/ > there's much resistance..........or maybe much resistance on Maoliworld only...... I'm a long time researcher. history and genealogies and law....... If there were more researchers we could move much quickly.....but do realize that we are from families with issues of genocide..... there's much going on behind the scenes and maoliworld connects only to some of the legitimate people, the truly interested......meanwhile there's ongoing issues away from Maoliworld .......... learn more by reading some of the old posts or checking out the websites under hawaiian genealogy society and GORA8037 if you've been involved in researching as long as some of us, normally, many would not want to share any information........i just wonder why the heck noone followed up on Queen Liliuokalani's issues.....even in her Will she maintained she did not sign a trust......I wonder about my own ohana for not exposing any of this crap sooner...... the crap is that a branch of family which was adopted did cause big time pilikia making agreements with KUHIO and KAWANANAKOA..........and she was not descendants of the true, this project is being worked on.......... and that info in part has been shared only with select people who are not necessarily ohana..... "we are all ohana" is a lazy copout and disregarding the fact that direct lines exist. The above post has changes, the bold letters show the changes effective 09/2010: Kamehameha had 10+ documented wives. Kamehameha II had 8 documented wives. Kamehameha III had 4 documented wives. He had several hanai children and several stepchildren documented. Recently someone claimed direct, documentation now proves it. Kamehameha IV had 1 documented wife. Kamehameha V was unmarried. King Lunalilo was unmarried. King David Kalakaua had 2 documented wives. He had 2 documented children and 3 adopted children (Kahanu (k); Rose (k), and a yet to be verified adopted son) of which the Kawananakoa's are NOT a part of. Queen Liliuokalani had 4 documented husbands (Kaumauma, Koolau, Maulili, John Dominis). She said the following were here children/hanai: Abigail/Abigail Maikai/Kapooloku/Kapapoko/ Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani; Kaaumoana/Luka aka's; Kaeha opio(w); Ioane (k); Kamukai (k); Wahie (k); et. als. Princess Likelike had 1 documented husband and 1 documented child named Kaiulani/ Princess Kaiulani. The claimed descendants of Cleghorn are NOT related to the Kalakaua, Liliuokalani lines. They are called the ILLEGITIMATE children of Cleghorn, a Mason/Freemason. They have ties to Treasonous person Sanford B. Dole, one of the many genocide activists of the period. Princess Poomaikelani has descendants, which is where our families come in. There are documented others. Princess Poomaikelani had children: Samuel (k); Alapai (w); Haili/Kaili/Kalama (w) and stepchildren. Her husband Iona Piikoi was married previously and there are other children who were defrauded by the Kuhio, Kawananakoa families. Princess Kinoiki a sibling of Queen Kapiolani, wife of King Kalakaua; sibling of Princess Poomaikelani had 3 sons: Edward, Kuhio, and Kawananakoa. Prince Edward lived with Princess Poomaikelani and mysteriously died at age 18. Prince Kuhio, a treasonous person was another who married a Kahanu (w) who married into the Woods family. Descendants of Kahanu (w) exist in Aetearoa. Prince Kawanankoa, another treasonous person has a questionnable lineage who continues genocide activities, claiming lands that they have no rights to........they have changed their names from Ellerbrock to Kawananakoa; Lambert to Kawananakoa, etc. There are many unresolved issues, which reveals that this is truly the CRIMINAL MECCA of the U.S., genocide issues (includes wrongful imprisonment of many including your ancestor John H. Wise, et. als., and ramifications are ongoing. or leave a message here if you have questions........of if you are part of the Royal Families, you're welcome to contact us for the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web goes out to many, and the ROYAL TIDINGS goes out once in a while to reach out to the descendants/heirs. aloha. brought this article forward because I stepped aside from the mega amount of disinformation, non researched bunch of baloney.............. perhaps our family continues to have the right to sue for putting out erroneous information?..........but it seems it best to list the author, et. als. on the Genocide Activities list with references...... the intent was to make Kuhio look like a good guy when in reality, he disobeyed his aunt Kapiolani and filed a deed with Prince Kawananakoa before she died. They were supposed to file after she died. Kapiolani was the administrator of her sister Poomaikelani/Kapooloku/ Kapapoko who was married a number of times, has descendants who have been defrauded by the criminal Kuhio and Kawananakoa families.......... then, Prince Kuhio who called himself a friend of Liliuokalani...........because he was NOT a bloodline of Queen Liliuokalani.....and tried to declare her incompetent in a court case shortly before her death........ he received a purported fractional interest in the Estate of Queen Liliuokalani from a purported heir of the Queen and he did turn that fractional interest over to a criminal/fictitious trust that Queen Liliuokalani had denied. It appears that Prince Kuhio fled from the Hawaiian Islands for his safety after many learned what he was up to. Queen Kapiolani died in 1898, and many were aware of his and his brothers wrongdoing because Queen Kapiolani's opposition to the deed was printed in the newspapers of the period. Kuhio along with Robert W. Wilcox, and Kawananakoa were parties to the crimes against Queen Liliuokalani..... many have the proof.................and it cannot be denied........................ wicked lot, greedy sons of bitches...... and the story does not end there...................this group will be revealed further............... information has already been sent out to many....... aloha. v=f2c5gJg7b0U [E Liliu E] 2:53 Add to Added to queue video lang: es en Translate View original (Translation disabled) E Liliu E 31 de agosto de 2008 by miriamOOCC | 2 years ago | 5,762 views ****************************** ******************* …
Added by Amelia Gora at 6:27am on November 25, 2010
Topic: Update: Nominations for Tribunal in answer to What's Next? Arrest The Pretenders In The Hague; Form A Tribunal; Utilize the Treaty of 1850.......
enders from Hawaii Going/Visiting the Hague with Intentions of Being Recognized as the Hawaiian Kingdom ............ The Following Is a Legal Post entered in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk - News on the Web Hawaii for the kanaka maoli! IMPORTANT     *Important Note:  We are NOT With Keanu Sai, Dexter Kaiama, Henry Noa, Bumpy Kanahele, Office of Hawaiian Affairs/OHA, Kanaiolowalu, Hawaiian Rolls, including Collette Machado, Oswald Stender, John Waihee, other OHA Trustees, Danner Sisters, Mililani Trask, Lilikala Kamaelehiwa, Kelii /Lawrence Gora, Neil Abercrombie, Trustees of the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, Queen's  Hospital, Queen Kapiolani, King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani, Kamehameha, Kamehameha III Trusts, et. als.   Their names, statements were posted previously due to their truth presented.  But sadly, some of them seem to think that they are our Representatives, etc.   As Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, Kamehameha III's descendants/heirs, King Lunalilo's, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's, Princess Poomaikelani's Families, John Young/Olohana, Isaac Davis descendants/heirs, we are not party to the crimes engaged in by treasonous/genocide activists persons, some of whom are named above.   All Nations should take notice and be careful of anything presented by the above individuals, entities who are NOT part of our families or representing our families or utilizing our research, our identities for their gains, our heirships, etc.     We deny that they are part of our Royal Families.  They are Pirates, Pretenders, and are NOT parties to the Treaty(ies) of 1850, etc.                                                    Sincerely,                                                 Amelia Gora 2)  We have reformed the House of Nobles and some of the offices. 3)  We are Forming a Tribunal as documented by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli our ancestor.......... 4)  We as heirs of Kamehameha III Invoke the Treaty of 1850 specifically Articles I and XIV:   "Article I There shall be perpetual peace and amity between the United States and the King of the Hawaiian Islands, his heirs and his successors." "Article XIV The contracting parties mutually agree to surrender,upon official requisition, to the authority of each, all persons who, being charged with the crimes of murder, piracy,arson, robbery, forgery or the utterance of forged paper,committed within the jurisdiction of either, shall be found within the territories of the other; provided, that this shall only be done upon such evidence or criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the person so charged shall be found, would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime had there been committed: and the respective judges and other magistrates of the two Governments, shall have authority, upon complaint made under oath, to issue a warrant for the apprehension of the person do charged, that he may be brought before such judge or other magistrates respectively, to the end that the evidence of criminality may be heard and considered;and if, on such hearing, the evidence be deemed sufficient to sustain the charge, it shall be the duty of the examining judge or magistrate to certify the same to the proper executive authority, that a warrant may issued for the surrender of such fugitive. The expense of such apprehension and delivery shall be borne and defrayed by the party who makes the requisition and receives the fugitive." 5)  The List of the Pirates includes: PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends see PIRATES FROM ENGLAND see theiolani.blogspot,com and forum posts at GENOCIDE ACTIVITIES LIST see Honolulu Police Department List of Names Documented Since 1998 -Governor Neil Abercrombie et.als. -Provisional Government officers; Republic of Hawaii officers; Territory of Hawaii officers; State of Hawaii officers - Pacific Club/Partners in Crime Club, et. als, -Judges who fail to recognize the Treaty of 1850, etc.  (example:  Judge Castagnetti, et. als.) - Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/KSBE Trustees, et. als. - Liliuokalani Trust/Queen Liliuokalani Trustees, et, als. - King Kalakaua's Trustees, et. als. - Kamehameha V Trustees, et. als, - Charles Kanaina Trustees, et, als, - Victoria Kamamalu Trustees, et.als. - Claimed Ceded Lands Trustees, et.als. -New Names Posted as a Legal Notice - Queen's Hospital Trustees, et. als. - King Lunalilo's Trustees, et, als. Legal Notice l  The Prayer Alan Ackerman posted this: END HIS HEWA NOW Do not vote Nadine Aquino Do not vote LikeLike · · Share Tane Inciong, Maria Taylor and 2 others like this. View 9 more comments Josephine Keliipio Puck Engish 10 hrs · Like James Kamaunu That Idiot Abersloppie is going to Ban our Hawaiian Language for good..! 10 hrs · Like · 1 Tane Inciong He's after Hawaiian lands,assets and money! Muhe'e! 8 hrs · Unlike · 1 James Kamaunu E 'ana'ana keo keo 'aupuni 'oia...... 8 hrs · Like Amelia Gora Prosecute as a pirate under the 1850 Treaty Article XIV.....any nominations for a Tribunal.....I nominate Tane Inciong for one... 8 mins · Like…
Added by Amelia Gora at 3:00am on July 16, 2014
Comment on: Topic 'Kamehameha's Heirs Exist: The Conspiracies, Evidence, and Legal Issue…'
of Keoua Nui House of Kalaimamahu Father Kana Ê» ina Mother KekÄ uluohi Born January 31, 1835 Pohukaina, Honolulu, Oahu Died February 3, 1874 (aged 39) Marine Residence, Waikiki, Honolulu, Oahu Burial February 28, 1875 [ 1 ]  Mausoleum in front of Kawaiaha Ê» o Church Religion Church of Hawaii (Church of England/Anglican)William Charles Lunalilo was elected/selected to be the successor to the throne because he was the Senior Level of Kamehameha's widows. Lunalilo became King William Charles Lunalilo because he was the oldest living son of Kamehameha and Liholiho/Kamehameha II's wife named Kekauluohi/Auhea (w). She married Kahea/Kaheakulani (k) and Charles Kanaina (k). King Lunalilo died of tuberculosis as with his friend Robert Lewis Stevenson. They drank together and it's suspicious that during this period a Dr. Arnold, a longtime researcher in tuberculosis arrived during this period. King Lunalilo's heir was Emma who publicly proclaimed that she was his heir. She said that she was the closest to the Kamehameha lines as her grandfather was Keliimaikai, the brother of Kamehameha. Emma Queen Consort of the Hawaiian Islands  Tenure June 19, 1856 -- November 30, 1863 Spouse Kamehameha IV Issue Albert Edward Kauikeaouli Kaleiopapa a Kamehameha Full name Emalani Kalanikaumakaamano KaleleonÄ lani Na Ê» ea (Hawaiian) Emma Alexandrina Francis Agnes Lowder Byde Rooke Young Kaleleokalani (Anglican) HouseKamehameha Father High Chief George Na Ê» ea Thomas Rooke (hÄ nai) Mother High Chiefess Fanny Kekelaokalani Young High Chiefess Grace Kama Ê» iku Ê» i Young Rooke (hÄ nai) Born January 2, 1836 Kawaihae, Hawai Ê» i Died April 25, 1885 (aged 49) Honolulu, Oahu Burial May 17, 1885 [ 1 ]  Mauna Ê» Ala Royal Mausoleum Signature  Religion Church of HawaiiThe supposed Will of King Lunalilo was signed by Mason/Freemason Justice Albert Francis Judd for King Lunalilo. Albert Francis Judd was a descendant of Geritt Parmele Judd who had held back the vaccines/ anti- smallpox vaccines from the kanaka maoli and who gave the vaccines to only his families, non-Hawaiians/haole and selected kanaka maoli. The Smallpox brought into the Hawaiian Islands were the cause of thousands who died. The Hawaiian Alii did not want the sickly sailors to come ashore and their requests were ignored. Kanka Maoli dropped like flies while the Masons/Freemasons saved themselves. Gerritt Parmele Judd, a Mason/Freemason, was also suspected for stealing monies from the King's treasury. Queen Emma was supported by the majority in the Hawaiian Islands. Due to her English roots, her grandfather being John Young/Olohana counselor of Kamehameha, the English military were ready to support her. Part of the Estates of the Young family was held by the English, and some of our families claim that monies are held by Lloyd's of London still. Queen Emma said that she was part of the closest line to Kamehameha because she descended from Kamehameha's brother Keliimaikai/Kealiimaikai. Queen Emma made two proclamations maintaining that she was King Lunalilo's designated successor. Additionally, he directed that his lands were to go to his father Charles Kanaina and after his father died, it would go to her. Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop, American spy, attorney, banker, plantation owner, one of the Pacific Cable Company founders denied Queen Emma's claims. Bishop, a Ministry Representative, opposed Queen Emma's Public Proclamations in the Privy Council. He countered Queen Emma's newspaper proclamations. Bishop claimed that if it were true, "he would immediately call the Nobles on the expression of a wish to nominate a Successor." It was Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop who denied that Queen Liliuokalani was the hanai daughter of Abner Paki and Konia. His denial was recorded and Queen Liliuokalani was denied being a hanai sister of Bernice Pauahi. Bishop disregarded the recorded information in the Chief's Children's Schools records that Queen Liliuokalani was a hanai. It was Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop and his half-white wife Bernice Pauahi who lied in Court claiming that Akahi/Chiefess Akahi had no descendants. The reason being that Akahi was the owner of 10,000+ acres and a Konohiki. Akahi's descendants/heirs existed then and exist now. An election was held and David Kalakaua a Mason/Freemason became King David Kalakaua with the help of Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop who requested for assistance from the American military during the period. Kalakaua had a minority vote and Queen Emma did not want to promote conflict, death, etc. KalÄ kaua  King of the Hawaiian Islands (more...) Reign February 12, 1874 -- January 20, 1891 (16 years, 342 days) Investiture Coronation February 13, 1874, KÄ«na Ê» u Hale February 12, 1883, Ê»Iolani Palace Predecessor Lunalilo Successor Lili Ê» uokalani Spouse Kapi Ê» olani Full name David La Ê» amea Kamanakapu Ê» u Mahinulani Nalaiaehuokalani Lumialani KalÄ kaua House House of KalÄ kaua Father Caesar KapaÊ»akea Mother Analea KeohokÄ lole Born November 16, 1836 Honolulu, Oahu Died January 20, 1891 (aged 54) Palace Hotel, San Francisco Burial February 15, 1891 Mauna Ala Royal Mausoleum Signature 1876 - King Kalakaua signed a fraud deed over Halawa lands/Ahupuaa which included Pearl Harbor. He deeded an already deed land to Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. Grace Kamaikui, our ancestor died in 1866. Mataio Kekuanaoa, our ancestor died in 1868. 1882 - Article in the FRIEND, January 1: "Yale College Runs the Government" ".... Judd and McCully are on the Supreme Bench; Baldwin a Superintendent of Schools; Armstrong, is Attorney General and Minister of the Interior, Alexander at the head of the survey, and Bingham is Superintendent of Micronesians."......two recent arrivals named S.C. Gale Esq. from Minneapolis and W. Foster Esq., from San Francisco were Yale Graduates.....both lawyers..."What does this indicate? Has "Yale" any secret designs on the Islands of the Pacific?" note: see below for a partial list of Yale graduates. The former President GW Bush for example is listed. He's a documented Mason/Freemason (see videos below) and some kanaka maoli claim that his family is originally from the Hawaiian Islands and he has relatives living on Kauai. 1884 - Bernice Pauahi died in 1884 from breast cancer. She was given an exhorbitant amount of OPIUM for pain. Kalola (w) was the only person documented as next of kin. Another heir with only a life-interest was Charles Reed Bishop. Charles Reed Bishop signed away his "life interest" to the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates. See Bureau of Conveyances, Liber 142/page 142. The Bureau of Conveyances sits on our families lands, the land of Kalaniulumoku brother of Abner Paki. Our families hold title to these lands. 1885 - Queen Emma died. She was the widow of Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV. She had proclaimed that she was the heir of King Lunalilo after his father Charles Kanaina died. The Proclamation was made after King Lunalilo had passed away from tuberculosis. Her adoptive father Dr. TCB Rooke was a Mason/Freemason. Only TCB Rooke had adopted Emma, the daughter of Fanny Kekela Young and Naea (k). TCB Rooke was the second husband of her true aunt Grace Kamaikui Young who had three (3) children with Isaac Davis her father's English friend. They were Hueu Davis; Kale Davis; and Peke Davis. Descendants/heirs of the John Young's and Isaac Davis exists today. The treasonous justices of the Supreme Court criminally assumed that their rules became law and moved as if they were in fact higher than the Sovereign AND the House of Nobles. The Supreme Court Justices were but a body of non-bloods, not connected, descendants, heirs of the Sovereign and the House of Nobles - the two permanent parts of the Hawaiian Government. They belonged to the third part of the Hawaiian Government, a temporary group which was named as the House of Representatives which became the treasonous branch called the Provisional Government, the Republic of Hawaii, the Territory of Hawaii, then the State of Hawaii with Oppositions by our Royal Families, subjects of Queen Liliuokalani, kanaka maoli, and subjects of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago over time. The majority of the House of Representatives branch were treasonous Masons/Freemasons. 1887 - Masons/Freemasons held guns to their associate Mason/Freemason King David Kalakaua and forced him to sign a new Constitution giving them power. Under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, Kalakaua signed. 1891 - King David Kalakaua had stopped presenting medals to others. The medals were symbols of Mason/Freemason activities. It appears that he recognized the wickedness of the Masons/Freemasons. He had been married previously to a descendant of Kahekili of Maui and had two children. He married Kapiolani, a descendant of Kaumualii of Kauai and a widow who had an adopted son. Kapiolani was the hanai daughter of a Kamehameha descendant named Kaluakini my great grandfather. She was the hanai sister of my grandmother. King David Kalakaua died. He had designated his brother, then his sister Liliuokalani who had married Mason/Freemason John Dominis. Others that he designated as heirs were his sister Likelike; his wife's sister's Poomaikelani, our great great grandmother; Kinoiki who was the mother of Princes Edward, Kuhio, and Kawananakoa. Lili Ê» uokalani  Queen of the Hawaiian Islands (more...) Reign 29 January 1891 -- 17 January 1893 (1 year, 354 days) Predecessor KalÄ kaua Successor Monarchy abolished Spouse John Owen Dominis Full name Lydia Lili Ê» u Loloku Walania Wewehi Kamaka Ê» eha-a-Kapa Ê» akea Lydia Kamaka Ê» eha Paki (adoptive and legal name) House House of KalÄ kaua Father Caesar KapaÊ»akea Mother Analea KeohokÄ lole Born September 2, 1838 Honolulu, Oahu, Kingdom of Hawaii Died November 11, 1917 (aged 79) Honolulu, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii Burial Mauna Ala Royal Mausoleum Signature1891 - Queen Liliuokalani became the successor based on the selections of King Kalakaua. 1892 - U.S. Representative Benjamin Tracy is documented as planning the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in Makua, Waianae on the ranch of Lorrin Thurston's family. The Ahupuaa of Makua belongs to the Kamehameha descendants/heirs existing then and exists today. It had been under the care of King Kalakaua's and Queen Liliuokalani's mother Keohokalole (w). 1893 - January 3, '1893 - Hundreds of Masons/Freemasons from around the World gathered to celebrate THE NEW TEMPLE in Honolulu. They proclaimed that Honolulu was the 'home city' of the Masons/Freemasons. 1893 - January 8. 1893 - Premeditation to take over Pearl Harbor was documented by Congress, and the former American Civil War General, a Mason/Freemason U.S. President who did help to plan the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani. 1893 - January 9, 1893 - the NEW YORK TIMES printed the standing order, a directive to take over the Hawaiian Islands through Pearl Harbor claims, a fraud claim which was recorded during King Kalakaua's period as the BLUNDERS of the Reciprocity Treaty(ies) etc. Reference: Shane Lee's find and other research by Amelia Gora 1893 - Queen Liliuokalani, to the horror of the Masons/Freemasons, destroyed the Constitution of 1887 - The Bayonnet Constitution. They hurriedly put together a "purported Constitution" which they claimed was signed by Queen Liliuokalani and placed it in the U.S. Congressional Records. The supposed heirs to the throne was Masons/Freemasons Kuhio Kalanianaole and David Kawananakoa. Both were not related to the King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani's genealogy lines. 1895 - Princess Poomaikelani died. Queen Liliuokalani called her a daughter. She had taken care of Prince Edward who died. His brothers were Masons/Freemasons Princes Kuhio and Kalanianaole. Princess Poomaikelani/Kapooloku/Kapapoko/Abigaila was our great great grandmother. 1897 - Queen Liliuokalani opposed the Annexation to the U.S. The true opposition signed by Queen Liliuokalani was found by Kiliwehi Kekumano in the National Archives in Maryland. Reference: -Opposition to Annexation - 1897 Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZjg4MmQtNWRjM S0... Annexation Opposition (page 2) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZWZiZ S0... Annexation Opposition (page 3) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wY2RjYzZmNjQtMjUxY i0... Annexation Opposition (page 4) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNmY2Mzk3ZTctZDEyM y0... -Other Evidence - see articles, pamphlets, books, the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web by Amelia Gora Queen Liliuokalani's supporters of 40,000 also opposed Annexation. Their Oppositions/ signatures were hidden in the National Archives in Maryland and rediscovered by researcher Noenoe Silva, etc. 1899 - Queen Kapiolani died. She had given Masons/Freemasons Princes Kuhio and Kalanianaole a deed with the instructions to file it AFTER she died. They hurriedly filed it shortly after and did not wait till AFTER she died. Queen Kapiolani publicly opposed the Deed's filings and it was recorded in the newspapers of the period. The case went to court and the Masons/Freemason Justices sided for the Princes Kuhio and Kalanianaole. 1917 - Queen Liliuokalani died. She was a hanai sister of Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was married to Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop. Bishop had denied her relationship in the Probates of Abner Paki, the father of Bernice Pauahi Bishop. Queen Liliuokalani had set up a trust with her hanai daughter Kaaumoana our ancestor. Unresolved issues remain. Summary The problems found in history has much to do with the Masons/Freemasons presence in the Hawaiian Islands. All of the Sovereigns were part of the Masons/Freemason, unaware of the criminal deviance involved according to researcher Chris Roses. The Masons/Freemasons affected the Hawaiian Monarchy since the time of the 1822 - Secret Treaty of Verona. Austria, France, Russia, Prussia, the Vatican, England, and U.S. are recorded as having signed this treaty which was against all Monarchy governments worldwide. This Treaty also became a move towards One World Order, New World Order. PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends have been documented, many of the names were listed because Queen Liliuokalani did point out the treasonous persons over time. Mason/Freemason, scum, scoundrel, liar, Charles Reed Bishop, promoted his support of the U.S. government by maneuvering his way into the Royal Families by marrying half-white Bernice Pauahi. Bishop was a dishonest man, corrupt in his personal life, and business life. Queen Emma, a true heir to the Crown died in 1885. Then a non-descendant of Kamehameha gained the support of Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop who supported him with the help of the forces of the U.S. military who helped to control Queen Emma's supporters. King David Kalakaua ceased giving out emblems/symbols of Masonry - pins, jewelry, etc. after he found out the truth about the Masons/Freemasons. Oral history reveals that King Kalakaua died at the hands of the Masons/Freemasons. He was dead before he boarded the ship to California. King Kalakaua left and returned with the same clothes on. Queen Liliuokalani was said to have been saved many times by displaying her Mason/ Freemason's jewelry. She was the widow of Mason/Freemason John Dominis. Queen Liliuokalani, along with her brother King David Kalakaua did learn about the Masons/Freemasons, etc. At the time of the wrongful dethronement of our Queen in 1893, Masons/Freemasons played a major part in criminally assuming what was and is not theirs. Some of the players of the period are those listed in the reference section, as well as the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, Vice President Levi Morton - International banker expert in international transfers of monies, et. als. The Masons/Freemasons includes those who are part of the active Pacific Club made up of lawyers, Corporations Executive Officers, bankers, etc. The Masons/Freemasons are also an arm of the One World Order/New World Order with moves to assume what is not theirs; eliminate the "People of Color" "the useless, needless eaters", and an excellent example of that is the Smallpox Epidemic which killed off thousands, while the Judd's, Masons/Freemasons gave only their own families, friends the vaccines in the past. The Royal Families, the descendants/heirs of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III, the owners of the Crown Lands, etc., and who have inherited Sovereignty existed then and exists today representing truth, fact, and promoting peace, neutrality, justice in the Hawaiian Islands affecting the U.S. and the World Today. Many of the Royal Families are descendants of the Sovereign - Kamehameha and descendants/ heirs of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III; families of King Lunalilo; families of King Kalakaua; and families of Queen Liliuokalani who existed then and today. The permanent Treaties were made only between the President of the U.S./America and the Sovereigns heirs and successors. Our families are both heirs and successors which is why we remain the Crown Lands owners, etc. We continue to maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation and moving to correct the wrongs, etc. aloha.  Reference:  About 91,800 results ************************************************   Hawaiian War Chant - Teresa Bright …
Added by Amelia Gora at 1:10am on June 6, 2014
Blog Post: Hawaiian History - Then and Now
A few days ago I felt like I wanted to write about one thing, but was compelled to do something else. I wasn’t sure at that time, but I realized later what I was suppose to write.

I was…
Added by Inalako at 3:34pm on February 11, 2009
Comment on: Group 'Hawaiian Political Action Council of Hawaii'
o these lands in Laie. This came from Waihona aina website. RP Number Patentee Island District Ahuppuaa TMK Price 0918 Amaka Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-05, 08 $16.00 Add 0919 Pupuka Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-04, 08 $16.00 Add 0920 Kahalelaau Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Add 0921 Kauhalekua Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-05, 08 $16.00 Add 0922 Maii Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-01, 03, 08 $16.00 Add 0923 Koula Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-03, 05, 08, 10 $16.00 Add 0924 Kalou Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-07, 08 $16.00 Add 0925 Kahoakua/Kahoukua Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-06, 08 $16.00 Add 0926 Mahunalii Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-05, 08 $16.00 Add 0927 Mahakea Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-01, 08 $16.00 Add 0928 Kula Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-07, 08 $16.00 Add 0929 Laielohelohe Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-03, 08, 10 $16.00 Add 0930 Kahuailua Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-07, 08 $16.00 Add 0931 Kalua Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-07, 08 $16.00 Add 0932 Alaala Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Add 1296 Moanauli Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Add 1297 Kii Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-05, 08 $16.00 Add 1298 Kekui Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-07, 08 $16.00 Add 1299 Palii Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Add 1300 Kauaikaua Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-07, 08 $16.00 Add 1301 Nahelehele Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-01, 08 $16.00 Add 1302 Keao Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-05, 06, 07, 08 $16.00 Add 1303 Waha Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-01, 08, 09, 17 $16.00 Add 1304 Kahoale Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Add 1305 Kauaiomano Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-05, 08 $16.00 Add 1306 Napahu Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08, 09 $16.00 Add 1307 Kuanonoehu Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Add 1444 Hano Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-05, 08 $16.00 Incomplete 1445 Puni Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-01, 08 $16.00 Incomplete 1446 Kapuaokahala Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Incomplete 1533 Napaeko Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08, 17 $16.00 Incomplete 2048 Pulehu Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-05, 08 $16.00 Add 2915 Keawe Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Add 2916 Kamakanui Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-01, 07, 08 $16.00 Add 2917 Koi Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-01, 08 $16.00 Add 3007 Ulukou Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-05, -08, -09 $16.00 Add 3008 Kaiolohia Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-07, 08 $16.00 Add 3009 Nakahili Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08, 09 $16.00 Add 3010 Kuku Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Add 3011 Wi Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-05, 08, 09, 17 $16.00 Add 3094 Pakolu Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Incomplete 3095 Ulukou Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-05, 08, 09 $16.00 Incomplete 3097 Poouahi Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Incomplete 3098 Waikupulani, Kapuli Oahu Koolauloa Laie wai 1-5-5-07, 08 $16.00 Incomplete 3383 Kamano Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-01, 07, 08 $16.00 Incomplete 3387 Kaleo Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Incomplete 3389 Kapule Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08, 09 $16.00 Add 3413 Kaumiumi Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Incomplete 3508 Ihupuu Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-05, 08 $16.00 Incomplete 3509 Kapuaokahala Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-01, 06 $16.00 Incomplete 5068 Pahumoa Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08, 09 $16.00 Add 6481 Mahoe Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Add 6521 Peka Oahu Koolauloa Laie wai 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Add 6534 Opala no Kalimakuhi Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-05 $16.00 Add 6538 Nakahili, See 3009 Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08, 09 $16.00 Add 6539 Kealiiwaiwaiole Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08 $16.00 Add 6898 Keliiwaiwaiole Oahu Koolauloa Laie Hauula 1-5-5-04, 05, 08, 09, 1-5 $16.00 Add 7430 Kainoahou Oahu Koolauloa Laie $16.00 Add 7494 Lunalilo, W.C. Oahu Koolauloa Laie-wai Laie-maloo $16.00 Add 7614 Kaunahi Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-01, 07 $16.00 Add 7993 Kamamae Oahu Koolauloa Laie 1-5-5-08, 09 $16.00 Add…
Added by Robert Ebanez to Hawaiian Political Action Council of Hawaii at 9:36am on December 30, 2009
Blog Post: Mahele Royal Patent numbers for Laie land on Oahu from Waihona aina Website
These are some of the families who has Royal Patents on lands in Laie. Even King Lunalilo Trust had land and probably was sold by the Trustees years ago. Sad. Hope these families can come together…
Added by Robert Ebanez at 9:45am on December 30, 2009
Topic: Reintroducing Kamehameha's Family(ies), the TRUE Royal Family(ies) in the Hawaiian Islands or Kalaniopuu's and Kamehameha's Son's & Daughter's/Descendants/Hanai/Heirs and their Descendants Exists --
  Kalaniopuu's and Kamehameha's Son's & Daughter's/Descendants/Hanai/Heirs and their Descendants Exists -----HERE ARE THE ONES DOCUMENTED IN RESEARCH - Which is Why KSBE, et. als. ARE PIRATES, CROOKS, WICKED, EVIL, CONSPIRATORS....                                       by Amelia Gora (2012), a Royal person The following are the Kalaniopuu's and Kamehameha's Children/Descendants/ Hanai/Heirs/Successors found in research: 1)  KIWALAO (k) 2)  KEOUA AHUULA (k) 3)  KEOUA PEEALE (k) 4)  PUALI NUI (w) 5)  KALAIPAIHALA (k) 6)  KAOLEIOKU - had four (4) children:          a)  Pauahi (w)  - Ruth Keelikolani (w)          b)  Konia (w) -   Bernice Pauahi (w) (the real one)          c)  Hanuna (k) - Kapule (k); Kini (w); Hookahe(w); and Poohina (w) 7)  LIHOLIHO/Kamehameha II 8)  KAUIKEOULI/Kamehameha III 9)  NAHIENAENA (w) 10)  KINAU (w) 11)  MAHEHA KAPULIKOLIKO (w) 12) KAIKOOKALANI 13)  KAMEHAMEHA IWI  14)  KAMEHAMALU/KAMAMALU (w) 15)  KILIWEHI (w) 16) KANEKAPOLEI (w) - had two (2) children:         a)  Kikau (k)  - Nahuina (k); Nawahineelua (w)         b) Kepelino (k)  17)  KELIIOKAHEKILI (w) 18)  KALANIHELEMAIILUNA PAKI - had two (2) children:          a)  Abner Paki (k)          b)  Kalaniulumoku (k) 19)   KAHOANAKU KINAU - had three (3) children:           a)  Miriam Kekauonohi (w)           b)  Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole (k)            c)  Maulili (k) 20)  KAPAPAUAI (w) 21)  KEKAULUOHI/AUHEA (w) had William Charles Lunalilo/King William Lunalilo These are the Sovereign's heirs/descendants whose descendants/heirs EXISTS who are the true Crown Land Owners.  The Crown Lands were criminally called the "Ceded Lands" by a Nation supporting PIRATES, THIEVES, SWINDLERS, TERRORISTS/TERROR MAKERS, CONSPIRATORS in 1893 which were part of the voted in, haole filled positions of the Hawaiian Government, a temporary part called the House of Representatives, who premeditated, conspired against Queen Liliuokalani, a hanai of the Kamehameha's Family(ies) and called themselves the Provisional Government, then the Republic of Hawaii, the Territory of Hawaii, and the State of Hawaii with documented Oppositions every step of the way. aloha. p.s. Queen Emma was a grandniece of Kamehameha through her father Keliimaikai his brother. Queen Emma had been married to Alexander Liholiho /Kamehameha IV a Kamehameha descendant who was a hanai/adopted by his Kamehameha descendant uncle Kauikeouli/ Kamehameha III.   Queen Emma had 1/2 interest in the Crown Lands which she conveyed to the Hawaiian Government, which was the three part Government made up of the two permanent parts: 1)  Sovereign - his descendants/heirs (bloodlines only) 2)  House of Nobles - their descendants/heirs  (bloodlines only) lastly, 3) House of Representatives - a temporary, voted in part which comprised of haole, foreigners who envied the Royal Family(ies) properties, etc. or "coveted what was not theirs" till today. This branch did premeditate, conspire against the Royal Family(ies).  Genocide Acts are on record, and promoted, perpetuated even today. King Lunalilo descended from Kekauluohi/Auhea who was a stepdaughter of Kamehameha, had been married to him, then married Kamehameha's son Liholiho/Kamehameha III, married Kahea/Kaheakulani, and married Charles Kanaina. Keohokalole (w) the mother of David Kalakaua, and Liliuokalani was a hanai of one of KAOLEIOKU's descendants and Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani was a hanai of KALANIHELEMAIILUNA PAKI'S descendant Abner Paki. KEEP THIS WITH YOUR IMPORTANT RECORDS/LAND RECORDS ETC. and Know that KSBE, STATE OF HAWAII, OHA/OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS, HAWAIIAN HOMELANDS, ETC. ARE NOT PART OF OUR FAMILIES, AND ARE OCCUPIERS DEVIOUSLY PERPETUATING LIES IN OUR HISTORY, GENEALOGIES, LAND CLAIMS, MINERAL RIGHTS, WATER RIGHTS, ASSETS, RESOURCES, TRUSTS, ETC. WATCH THE EVENTS THAT THEY PUT OUT AND OBSERVE THE LIES ABOUT BERNICE PAUAHI BEING THE "LAST OF THE KAMEHAMEHA'S, ETC.", AND LISTEN TO THE ACTORS AS THEY CONTINUE TO PERPETUATE THE FRAUDS, CRIMES OVER TIME ----KNOW THAT MANY OF THEM ARE DESCENDANTS/OFFSPRINGS OF CONSPIRATORS, TREASONOUS PERSONS, LIARS, PIRATES, PARASITES, ETC. DOCUMENTED, ETC..........…
Added by Amelia Gora at 9:40am on August 27, 2012

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