Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tribunal Case(s): Queen's Hospital, Queen Emma's Trust

Comment on: Topic 'PONO ALERT: Hawaiian National Pilipo Speaks!'
support inasmuch as Queen Emma's trust was raped.  Dual citizenship seems mandatory for these types of nationals.  Just my opinion.     …
Added by Maria Taylor at 4:06pm on April 20, 2011
Comment on: Topic 'Submit questions here for Maoliworld OHA forum'
and during the protest against the eviction last Monday 10/27/08 ? I was there to support the residents, becaues my own Tutu Ka'aikaula Keaupopoe and Amalu Kahiamoe, and aunty Hattie Au were born and raised in Kahana, and my mom Luka Nalua'I took the kids to work the taro patches by the old church near aunty Hattie Au's house. So, I have strong 'Ohana blood ties to Kahana Valley Ahupua'a. If elected OHA Trustee, I will propose to negotiate with the Governor, to transfer jurisdiction and management of Kahana from DLNR over to OHA, since both are state agencies, and inter-departmental state transfers would not cost the state anything ! Its just an adminitrative process, or can even be done by Executive Order ! As OHA Trustee, I will engage public hearings with our Hawaiian people to propose developing 2 to 5 acre "Farm Lots" for a $1.00 a year for 99 years leases, to put our Hawaiian people back on the land. However, our Hawaiian people must actually farm the land, with diverse crops on the Kula lowlands, and lo'i kalo in the upper terraces of the valley, for their own subsistance, as well as commercially to earn income, and become self-sufficient, without taking welfare handouts, or piling unsightly old rusted cars in their yards (for parts?). Affordable "Self-Help" housing will be built on each "Farm Lot" (see my prior Affordable "Self-Help" response). A "Fishing Village" would be re-established, to restore the Kahana Fishing Ahu on the above hillside, and the Loko'i'a fishpond restoration, net making, pae pae net fishing, and outer reef fishing, for food production. A Hale Wa'a would be constructed for canoe building, lashing and a "Hale Kahuna Kilo" for navigation. A "Hale Kahuna Lapa'au" would teach our traditional practices, and grow la'au lapa'au medicinal herbs throughout the valley. A "Cultural Hale" would teach our 'Opio Hawaiian history, culture, language, lua arts, legends & stories, and the arts & crafts. An "Artisans Marketplace" would market and sell our traditional "Made-In-Hawaii" craftware for income generation. The above proposal would make Kahana Valley Ahupua'a, a living, thriving, productive and self-sufficient Native Hawaiian Valley, NOT as "Animated Puppets" for the Tourist Industry, but for our own Traditional Survival !! 2. ALI'I TRUSTS: Our honorable Ali'i set-up Trusts for the benefit of, and to service their beloved Native Hawaiian people...Us ! However, over the years, our Ali'i Trusts have been stolen away from our controls, and taken out of the hands of our own Hawaiian leaders, evidenced by each Ali'i Trusts Board of Directors (BOD) being covertly and blantly placed under the control of foreign non-Hawaiian BOD's and Administrators: 1) Queen's Medical Center and Clinic (Queen Emma) 2) Kapiolani Childrens and Maternity Hospital (Queen Kapiolani) 3) Lunalilo Covalescent Home (King Lunalilo) 4) Queen Lili'uokalani Childrens Center (Queen Lili'uokalani) 5) Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate (Princess Pauahi) 6) Iolani Schools (King Kamehameha IV) 7) St. Andrews Priory (Queen Emma) If elected OHA Trustee, I will engage historical and legal research and investigations of the original genesis, missions, goals, selections and future survivals of each Ali'i Trusts, and the covert process by which all the controls of our own Ali'i Trusts were stolen away fron us. I will litigate and demand the return and restoration of the controls of ALL our Ali'i Trusts back into the hands of our Native Hawaiian leadership, for the benefit of our own Native Hawaiian people, where it was intended by our beloved Ali'i, and where it rightfully belongs ! As a candidate for OHA Trustee At-Large, mahalo for the opprotunity to respond and share my mana'o with all of you these past few days on But ot make these changes, and to make OHA pono, I need your support and your VOTE !! on November 4, 2008. Mahalo a nui loa ! Ku Like Kakou, Dr. Sol Nalua'I, M.D., Ph.D. Retired (Election 2008 e-mail)…
Added by Sol Nalua'I at 8:31pm on November 3, 2008
Comment on: Topic 'IMPORTANT READ - Out of Queen Liliuokalani's Personal Files at the Archives, Ho…'
ing Kalakaua have the vested authority to issue Royal Patent 6717 in the case of Halawa Ahupua'a in October of 1875?   This is of course a legal question requiring a legal response from those expertise in Hawaiian Kingdom Law. On reviewing the criteria I would as a viewpoint form the opinion that he in fact did, much as I agree with you that the intent was Halawa Ahupua'a was intended for Grace Kamaiku'i. From Dr. Sai's website on Land Awards it can be noted that in the instance of a Royal Patent being issued by name only without survey a second Palapala Sila Nui may be granted by metes & bounds. This of course is not applicable to Halawa Ahupua'a as three separate surveys were conducted, by Kamakau in 1869, Lyons in 1874, and Monsarrat in 1888.   At the time of the 1848 Mahele 'Aina only one map of Ahupua'a was available that of Kalama's (1838), just reviewing a few inferences by associate anthropologist Christiaan Keieger author of "Na Maka o Halawa" opinion (available online) outlined below and how it differs somewhat from your account, while King Kamehameha the Great awarded Halawa in 1795 to his Chiefs Issac Davis and John Young for services rendered lands which were not owned in fee simple this ultimately set in motion he hua ka pilikia in that long term a dispute arose between the Kekuanaoi'a 'ohana & Young 'ohana over traditional cultural land stewardship and Western fee-simple inheritance neither party (Young & Davis) ever lived in the Ahupu'a. Isaac Davis died in 1810 and was followed by John Young who died in 1835 and his lands were designated in the Great Mahele as 'Ina Ho'olilina (inherited).   In his written Will of June 26th 1834 John Young suggests to the King the disposition of land among his 'ohana with 3 portfolios of land alloted for the descendants of the late Isaac Davis this suggests the King was the ultimate Executor and arbitrator in terms of authorization. On March 27th of 1855 the Land Commission awarded the Halawa Ahupua'a to both Grace Kama'iku'i & O'ahu Governor Kekuanao'a.   Only 23 Halawa maka'ainana claimed lands at the time of the Mahele 'Aina and were allocated 24.21 acres (0.2% of the total) as opposed to 8,712 acres given to Kekuanao'a & Grace Kama'iku'i. HRH Queen Emma had a home in Halawa which stood near the taxiway on the Western side of the current Honolulu airport reef runway she was titled by the Privy Council on April 1865 as "Ali'i Wahine o Halawa." When HRH Queen Emma died in 1855 without heirs her lands passed to her Trust. Thereafter Queen Emma's Trust received the Southern half of Halawa (4,557 acres) and Bishop Estate the Northern sector of the Ahupua'a (4,223 acres).   Scholars generally regard agreements entered into in light of the spirit of the times, the 1875 reciprocity Treaty on Pu'uloa obviously had major spin-off benefits from the Kingdom agricultural perspective, in this respect HRH King David Kalakaua done what he deemed best for the Kingdom finances in that epoch and so the swindle began. -Aloha.        …
Added by Andrew at 1:15am on September 12, 2011
Comment on: Topic 'Arguing points and how to disspel them regarding Hawai'i independence.'
overage was given to those who couldn't afford medical treatment. This included sailors that jumped ship or were thrown off the ship without any sustenance. It was primarily for the aboriginal Hawai'ians but it was also extended to those who could ill-afford medical treatment. This is how the Queen's Hospital came about and it is Queen Emma's legacy to her people as she left her estate to keep it in operation. Each Monarch left a legacy that no other monarch in the world had done for their people. It was the Haole Melika that diminished these trusts for self-enrichment. It shows the caliber of people we are dealing with when it comes to Hawai'i and its sovereignty. Yes, the Palace was the most modern structure of convenience for its head of state even before the White house. The Palace had indoor plumbing, electricity, and a telephone to the King's boat house. It's nothing less for one to expect with a progressive, modern nation like the Kingdom of Hawai'i. U.S. Americans still regard us like their tribal native Americans as they promote their manifest destiny doctrines even to this day. So, we have a lot to be proud of in Hawai'i. The Akaka Bill with its Kau Inoa and OHA want to take all this away from us and create a tribal people instead of respecting us as subjects/nationals/citizens of the Kingdom of Hawai'i, an already recognized nation-state in the international arena of which we were very active in with relations to other countries. Hawai'i was the first Non- white Christian country to be accepted within the Family of Nations and later Turkey was recognized as the first non-Christian nation-state to join the international arena. Hawai'i was also the first country to recognize the soverveign independence of Argentina as a nation-state. In 1854, Hawai'i declared its neutrality like that of Switzerland and reaffirmed it during the U.S. Civil War. It also entered into the Universal Postal compact and minted its own coinage. Hawai'i conducted itself like any other major nation in the world and secured relationships with them; the same way the U.S. has entered into the international arena. So, why do we need the U.S. to be paternalistic with us as superior to our status and standing within the world political arena? Like that Judge says on TV Courtroom, " Don't tell me how to drive; I know how to drive, You stay on your side of the road and I'll stay on my side..." Tane…
Added by Tane at 7:47pm on September 25, 2009
needs, FREE & CLEAR. We must remember, maybe not for you, but for those that will read this posting, that Hawaiian is a Nationality, not Ethnicity. We must make sure that this is understood to those who are new to Maoliworld or who has not had enough time and experience studying our History and also studying what the legal definitions are and mean, like for example the term Hawaiian. Our Ali'is left us five trusts that till today are active and still in force to serve us Kanaka Maoli Hawaiians and Aboriginal Hawaiians not only today in our generatiom, but forever. These five trusts cover the most important aspect of our basic needs as we know it. We are covered medically under Queen Emma's Trust, Educationally under Princess Puahi, having a land base to live on and to Malama the Aina, so the Aina can take care of you and your Ohana, under the Mahele Trust, the Lunalilo Trust, which takes care of us when we become Kupuna's (Elders), and last but not least we have Queen Liliuokalani's Trust which covers and takes care of you if you are an Orphan. Others and I will be down at the Iolani Palace Grounds all day today, discussing, talking, sharing, implementing and finding what ever means neccessary to get the word out and educate those who want to learn more about these "Private Trusts" that was created for us (Heirs) forever. It is up to each and everyone of us if we choose to recognize and Honor our Ali'is, by utilizing and tapping into what they left for us to utilize and tap into. We will also talk about those of you who think that changing your birthright or citizenship from a united States second class citizen to a recognized Hawaiian Subject of the still existing Hawaiian Kingdom will affect you from continuing to recieve Social Security, Unemployment, or any other kind of benefits you are recieving, think again. Even as h Hawaiian Subject you are entitled to continue to recieve your benefits. We as a Nationality of People need to realize our "Perfect Rights" and our "Human Rights" as Hawaiian Subjects of the still existing Hawaiian Kingdom. You all will soon discover that we find n=much more protection and peace of mind under our own Declaration of Rights (1839) and our own Constitutions to. These programs that a lot of you are getting assisitance from can not "discriminate" against you for claiming your "Nationality." You get it? These are things that we have already tested. So please Maoliworld Ohana, come on down to the Iolani Palace. My number is 808.489.7065. We will be next to our Kupuna's. See you all there, if you want to learn more about how to "Assert, Affirm & Exercise Your Perfect Rights & Human Rights, by claiming your Nationality as a Hawaiian Subject. A Hui Ho, Braddah Kaleo…
Added by Kaleo Farias at 10:29am on September 13, 2009
Comment on: Topic 'Whats the status on sai v. obama?'
ntervenors.  I believe, but must research, that the Court has its own deadlines to hear these - the Court and opposing party will certainly hold the Hawaiian parties to deadlines, a tactic which the parties need to be mindful of at all times.  With Mr. Keka's filings, however, it may be extended, but I'm quite sure each motion stands by itself in Court.  My concern is that unless there is pressure placed on the Court to rule, this will become a matter of the legal abyss.    I love Mr. Keka's response.  For those not familiar with the legal process, the intervenors need permission from the Court to file a complaint, so despite the defendants receiving a copy of the response, they are under no obligation to answer because the Intervenors have not been granted permission to file the actual complaint.  Once the actual complaint is filed and served on the defendants, then the time begin for each defendant to file an answer or to move to dismiss the complaint.    The corporate/gov't defendants have a blue print for what to do to drag these matters out...they will not answer, they will move to strike - cause an amended complaint to be filed - and move to strike.  They will do whatever they can to prolong a decision on the real issues.  I would like to research whether or not Mr. Keka's injury rise to the level of "ex parte" or "emergency" proceedings because of the upcoming trial and immenent loss of his aina.    Perhaps he could have filed an emergency motion to prevent the loss of land in district court under the Alien Tort Claim...a lot of research, that I currently don't have time to do.    In summary, I think Dr. Sai and the intervenors need to really make sure this matter gets pushed along in court.    About the green card - interesting thought.  However, many Hawaiian subjects need dual citizenship - I know many who have become dependent on social security and Medicare (as a matter of life and death).  What would be the difference between "immigrant" and "dual citizen" and does the Kingdom have a registry for dual citizenship?   On last thought in this think tank....Re: intervention - could one intervene who has experienced severe medical issues for not being able to access Queen Emma's trust?  Or the other trusts?  Certainly that is injurious, but I don't know how that would look  - I'm not aware of the exact chain of events regarding these trusts, but it would seem like the ATC  would be an appropriate venue for that issue as well.  If so, I volunteer to have one kanaka intervene.          …
Added by Maria Taylor at 7:30am on March 5, 2011
Comment on: Topic 'Updated 07/31/2014: Kamehameha III's Descendants/Heirs Exists..........Includi…'
friendly, non-violent nation whose Royal Families,  the Kamehameha's, did no wrong. My/ our Certified, return receipts on recorded letters were sent to President William Clinton, President, George W. Bush, and President Barack Obama at the White House  from  1996 thru 2013.   Research shows that I, Amelia Gora and many others are descendants of Kamehameha and Kauikeouli - Kamehameha III.  Additionally, I am one of the descendants of Princess Poomaikelani.  Queen Liliuokalani called her her daughter.  Another great great great grandmother a hanai daughter/adopted daughter was designated to be the Trustee of Queen Liliuokalani.  Queen Kapiolani was a hanai /adopted sister of my grandmother.  Queen Emma was a cousin who became a adopted sister of two of my ancestors from the John Young, Isaac Davis genealogy lines. I, Amelia Gora am one of the descendants of many of the Alii Nui named Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, Nuuanu, Kalanimoku's brother, and many others. It is necessary that corrections be made, which includes discussing the return of some of your documented pirates perpetuating crimes, contrary to truth in the Hawaiian archipelago. It appears that an American Embassy needs to be in place in the Hawaiian Islands instead of a State Government which was set up to assume, criminally assume all interests in the Hawaiian Islands, an illegal entity promoting governments called OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Kanaiolowalu, Hawaiian Homelands,etc. which is contrary to truth, facts found which involved 30+ years of research in history (two (2)+ ancestors were historians), 25+ years of genealogies (three (3)+ ancestors were genealogists), and 15+ years of legal research (5+ were in the legal field). The Hawaiian Kingdom was and remains a neutral, non violent nation.  Much research has been made which involves the reviewing of history, genealogies, laws, etc. The Treaty with the Sovereign, Kamehameha III and his descendants, heirs with the U.S. President since 1849 is a permanent one. The Constitution of the U.S. /U.S.A. documents that the treaties are the laws of the land  ....Reference:  Black's Law Constitution of The United States of America We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article. I. Law Dictionary: specifically Article VI:   Article. VI. All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. Law Dictionary: Having a Royal prerogative, I request, exercise the right to call for a meeting. It is appropriate that a meeting with a Presidential Representative, and the Secretary of State be made as soon as possible. The Iolani Palace, the Palace sits on our families land, as well as the State Capitol. Queen Liliuokalani's mansion sits on our families lands as well because it belongs to Kalanimoku who was married to my great great great grandmother Akahi.  Kalanimoku was a brother of Keoua who was my great great great grandfather. The Kalanimoku Building sits on our ancestors land as well....his name was Kalaniulumoku, brother of Abner Paki who was the father of Bernice Pauahi who married Charles Reed Bishop and who was NOT the last of the Kamehameha's. The State of Hawaii's Attorney General's office as well as the Court House sits on Mataio Kekuanaoa's land, another ancestor of mines. The point of the above genealogy information is to relay the facts that I, and other family members have interests in the Lands, the titles of the properties named as well as the Crown Lands. Please contact me for a meeting because Rents and Leases are due for our families properties, as well as other important matters to be discussed which includes the removal of pirates documented in the Hawaiian Islands, which includes the Trustees of our Alii Trusts ....example:  Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/KSBE, Queen Kapiolani's Trusts, Queen Emma's, Queen Liliuokalani, King Lunalilo Trusts, the Kamehameha Trusts, etc. The week beginning October 21, 2013 is available for my and other family members schedules. Please contact me/us at your earliest convenience. All representatives of Nations who has Treaty(ies) with our families are invited as well.  It is expected that the entity State of Hawaii will provide accommodations.  If necessary we will request for accommodations from the hotel operations sitting on our families properties to provide rooms, etc.  (examples:  Hale Koa Hotel, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Donald Trump Towers, etc., which sits on our families properties because I, Amelia Gora am one of the descendants of Mataio Kekuanaoa, etc.) Your expeditious reply will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Amelia Gora, a Royal Person e-mail: snail mail:   P.O. Box 861781                   Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786 p.s.  the following news on the web, IOLANI - The Royal Hawk is included for your information.                        The Royal Hawk Volume IV No. 465 Wednesday Weekly              October 9, 2013     …
Added by Amelia Gora at 12:52am on October 14, 2013
Comment on: Topic 'Kamehameha's Heirs Exist: The Conspiracies, Evidence, and Legal Issue…'
of Keoua Nui House of Kalaimamahu Father Kana Ê» ina Mother KekÄ uluohi Born January 31, 1835 Pohukaina, Honolulu, Oahu Died February 3, 1874 (aged 39) Marine Residence, Waikiki, Honolulu, Oahu Burial February 28, 1875 [ 1 ]  Mausoleum in front of Kawaiaha Ê» o Church Religion Church of Hawaii (Church of England/Anglican)William Charles Lunalilo was elected/selected to be the successor to the throne because he was the Senior Level of Kamehameha's widows. Lunalilo became King William Charles Lunalilo because he was the oldest living son of Kamehameha and Liholiho/Kamehameha II's wife named Kekauluohi/Auhea (w). She married Kahea/Kaheakulani (k) and Charles Kanaina (k). King Lunalilo died of tuberculosis as with his friend Robert Lewis Stevenson. They drank together and it's suspicious that during this period a Dr. Arnold, a longtime researcher in tuberculosis arrived during this period. King Lunalilo's heir was Emma who publicly proclaimed that she was his heir. She said that she was the closest to the Kamehameha lines as her grandfather was Keliimaikai, the brother of Kamehameha. Emma Queen Consort of the Hawaiian Islands  Tenure June 19, 1856 -- November 30, 1863 Spouse Kamehameha IV Issue Albert Edward Kauikeaouli Kaleiopapa a Kamehameha Full name Emalani Kalanikaumakaamano KaleleonÄ lani Na Ê» ea (Hawaiian) Emma Alexandrina Francis Agnes Lowder Byde Rooke Young Kaleleokalani (Anglican) HouseKamehameha Father High Chief George Na Ê» ea Thomas Rooke (hÄ nai) Mother High Chiefess Fanny Kekelaokalani Young High Chiefess Grace Kama Ê» iku Ê» i Young Rooke (hÄ nai) Born January 2, 1836 Kawaihae, Hawai Ê» i Died April 25, 1885 (aged 49) Honolulu, Oahu Burial May 17, 1885 [ 1 ]  Mauna Ê» Ala Royal Mausoleum Signature  Religion Church of HawaiiThe supposed Will of King Lunalilo was signed by Mason/Freemason Justice Albert Francis Judd for King Lunalilo. Albert Francis Judd was a descendant of Geritt Parmele Judd who had held back the vaccines/ anti- smallpox vaccines from the kanaka maoli and who gave the vaccines to only his families, non-Hawaiians/haole and selected kanaka maoli. The Smallpox brought into the Hawaiian Islands were the cause of thousands who died. The Hawaiian Alii did not want the sickly sailors to come ashore and their requests were ignored. Kanka Maoli dropped like flies while the Masons/Freemasons saved themselves. Gerritt Parmele Judd, a Mason/Freemason, was also suspected for stealing monies from the King's treasury. Queen Emma was supported by the majority in the Hawaiian Islands. Due to her English roots, her grandfather being John Young/Olohana counselor of Kamehameha, the English military were ready to support her. Part of the Estates of the Young family was held by the English, and some of our families claim that monies are held by Lloyd's of London still. Queen Emma said that she was part of the closest line to Kamehameha because she descended from Kamehameha's brother Keliimaikai/Kealiimaikai. Queen Emma made two proclamations maintaining that she was King Lunalilo's designated successor. Additionally, he directed that his lands were to go to his father Charles Kanaina and after his father died, it would go to her. Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop, American spy, attorney, banker, plantation owner, one of the Pacific Cable Company founders denied Queen Emma's claims. Bishop, a Ministry Representative, opposed Queen Emma's Public Proclamations in the Privy Council. He countered Queen Emma's newspaper proclamations. Bishop claimed that if it were true, "he would immediately call the Nobles on the expression of a wish to nominate a Successor." It was Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop who denied that Queen Liliuokalani was the hanai daughter of Abner Paki and Konia. His denial was recorded and Queen Liliuokalani was denied being a hanai sister of Bernice Pauahi. Bishop disregarded the recorded information in the Chief's Children's Schools records that Queen Liliuokalani was a hanai. It was Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop and his half-white wife Bernice Pauahi who lied in Court claiming that Akahi/Chiefess Akahi had no descendants. The reason being that Akahi was the owner of 10,000+ acres and a Konohiki. Akahi's descendants/heirs existed then and exist now. An election was held and David Kalakaua a Mason/Freemason became King David Kalakaua with the help of Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop who requested for assistance from the American military during the period. Kalakaua had a minority vote and Queen Emma did not want to promote conflict, death, etc. KalÄ kaua  King of the Hawaiian Islands (more...) Reign February 12, 1874 -- January 20, 1891 (16 years, 342 days) Investiture Coronation February 13, 1874, KÄ«na Ê» u Hale February 12, 1883, Ê»Iolani Palace Predecessor Lunalilo Successor Lili Ê» uokalani Spouse Kapi Ê» olani Full name David La Ê» amea Kamanakapu Ê» u Mahinulani Nalaiaehuokalani Lumialani KalÄ kaua House House of KalÄ kaua Father Caesar KapaÊ»akea Mother Analea KeohokÄ lole Born November 16, 1836 Honolulu, Oahu Died January 20, 1891 (aged 54) Palace Hotel, San Francisco Burial February 15, 1891 Mauna Ala Royal Mausoleum Signature 1876 - King Kalakaua signed a fraud deed over Halawa lands/Ahupuaa which included Pearl Harbor. He deeded an already deed land to Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. Grace Kamaikui, our ancestor died in 1866. Mataio Kekuanaoa, our ancestor died in 1868. 1882 - Article in the FRIEND, January 1: "Yale College Runs the Government" ".... Judd and McCully are on the Supreme Bench; Baldwin a Superintendent of Schools; Armstrong, is Attorney General and Minister of the Interior, Alexander at the head of the survey, and Bingham is Superintendent of Micronesians."......two recent arrivals named S.C. Gale Esq. from Minneapolis and W. Foster Esq., from San Francisco were Yale Graduates.....both lawyers..."What does this indicate? Has "Yale" any secret designs on the Islands of the Pacific?" note: see below for a partial list of Yale graduates. The former President GW Bush for example is listed. He's a documented Mason/Freemason (see videos below) and some kanaka maoli claim that his family is originally from the Hawaiian Islands and he has relatives living on Kauai. 1884 - Bernice Pauahi died in 1884 from breast cancer. She was given an exhorbitant amount of OPIUM for pain. Kalola (w) was the only person documented as next of kin. Another heir with only a life-interest was Charles Reed Bishop. Charles Reed Bishop signed away his "life interest" to the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates. See Bureau of Conveyances, Liber 142/page 142. The Bureau of Conveyances sits on our families lands, the land of Kalaniulumoku brother of Abner Paki. Our families hold title to these lands. 1885 - Queen Emma died. She was the widow of Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV. She had proclaimed that she was the heir of King Lunalilo after his father Charles Kanaina died. The Proclamation was made after King Lunalilo had passed away from tuberculosis. Her adoptive father Dr. TCB Rooke was a Mason/Freemason. Only TCB Rooke had adopted Emma, the daughter of Fanny Kekela Young and Naea (k). TCB Rooke was the second husband of her true aunt Grace Kamaikui Young who had three (3) children with Isaac Davis her father's English friend. They were Hueu Davis; Kale Davis; and Peke Davis. Descendants/heirs of the John Young's and Isaac Davis exists today. The treasonous justices of the Supreme Court criminally assumed that their rules became law and moved as if they were in fact higher than the Sovereign AND the House of Nobles. The Supreme Court Justices were but a body of non-bloods, not connected, descendants, heirs of the Sovereign and the House of Nobles - the two permanent parts of the Hawaiian Government. They belonged to the third part of the Hawaiian Government, a temporary group which was named as the House of Representatives which became the treasonous branch called the Provisional Government, the Republic of Hawaii, the Territory of Hawaii, then the State of Hawaii with Oppositions by our Royal Families, subjects of Queen Liliuokalani, kanaka maoli, and subjects of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago over time. The majority of the House of Representatives branch were treasonous Masons/Freemasons. 1887 - Masons/Freemasons held guns to their associate Mason/Freemason King David Kalakaua and forced him to sign a new Constitution giving them power. Under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, Kalakaua signed. 1891 - King David Kalakaua had stopped presenting medals to others. The medals were symbols of Mason/Freemason activities. It appears that he recognized the wickedness of the Masons/Freemasons. He had been married previously to a descendant of Kahekili of Maui and had two children. He married Kapiolani, a descendant of Kaumualii of Kauai and a widow who had an adopted son. Kapiolani was the hanai daughter of a Kamehameha descendant named Kaluakini my great grandfather. She was the hanai sister of my grandmother. King David Kalakaua died. He had designated his brother, then his sister Liliuokalani who had married Mason/Freemason John Dominis. Others that he designated as heirs were his sister Likelike; his wife's sister's Poomaikelani, our great great grandmother; Kinoiki who was the mother of Princes Edward, Kuhio, and Kawananakoa. Lili Ê» uokalani  Queen of the Hawaiian Islands (more...) Reign 29 January 1891 -- 17 January 1893 (1 year, 354 days) Predecessor KalÄ kaua Successor Monarchy abolished Spouse John Owen Dominis Full name Lydia Lili Ê» u Loloku Walania Wewehi Kamaka Ê» eha-a-Kapa Ê» akea Lydia Kamaka Ê» eha Paki (adoptive and legal name) House House of KalÄ kaua Father Caesar KapaÊ»akea Mother Analea KeohokÄ lole Born September 2, 1838 Honolulu, Oahu, Kingdom of Hawaii Died November 11, 1917 (aged 79) Honolulu, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii Burial Mauna Ala Royal Mausoleum Signature1891 - Queen Liliuokalani became the successor based on the selections of King Kalakaua. 1892 - U.S. Representative Benjamin Tracy is documented as planning the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in Makua, Waianae on the ranch of Lorrin Thurston's family. The Ahupuaa of Makua belongs to the Kamehameha descendants/heirs existing then and exists today. It had been under the care of King Kalakaua's and Queen Liliuokalani's mother Keohokalole (w). 1893 - January 3, '1893 - Hundreds of Masons/Freemasons from around the World gathered to celebrate THE NEW TEMPLE in Honolulu. They proclaimed that Honolulu was the 'home city' of the Masons/Freemasons. 1893 - January 8. 1893 - Premeditation to take over Pearl Harbor was documented by Congress, and the former American Civil War General, a Mason/Freemason U.S. President who did help to plan the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani. 1893 - January 9, 1893 - the NEW YORK TIMES printed the standing order, a directive to take over the Hawaiian Islands through Pearl Harbor claims, a fraud claim which was recorded during King Kalakaua's period as the BLUNDERS of the Reciprocity Treaty(ies) etc. Reference: Shane Lee's find and other research by Amelia Gora 1893 - Queen Liliuokalani, to the horror of the Masons/Freemasons, destroyed the Constitution of 1887 - The Bayonnet Constitution. They hurriedly put together a "purported Constitution" which they claimed was signed by Queen Liliuokalani and placed it in the U.S. Congressional Records. The supposed heirs to the throne was Masons/Freemasons Kuhio Kalanianaole and David Kawananakoa. Both were not related to the King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani's genealogy lines. 1895 - Princess Poomaikelani died. Queen Liliuokalani called her a daughter. She had taken care of Prince Edward who died. His brothers were Masons/Freemasons Princes Kuhio and Kalanianaole. Princess Poomaikelani/Kapooloku/Kapapoko/Abigaila was our great great grandmother. 1897 - Queen Liliuokalani opposed the Annexation to the U.S. The true opposition signed by Queen Liliuokalani was found by Kiliwehi Kekumano in the National Archives in Maryland. Reference: -Opposition to Annexation - 1897 Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZjg4MmQtNWRjM S0... Annexation Opposition (page 2) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZWZiZ S0... Annexation Opposition (page 3) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wY2RjYzZmNjQtMjUxY i0... Annexation Opposition (page 4) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNmY2Mzk3ZTctZDEyM y0... -Other Evidence - see articles, pamphlets, books, the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web by Amelia Gora Queen Liliuokalani's supporters of 40,000 also opposed Annexation. Their Oppositions/ signatures were hidden in the National Archives in Maryland and rediscovered by researcher Noenoe Silva, etc. 1899 - Queen Kapiolani died. She had given Masons/Freemasons Princes Kuhio and Kalanianaole a deed with the instructions to file it AFTER she died. They hurriedly filed it shortly after and did not wait till AFTER she died. Queen Kapiolani publicly opposed the Deed's filings and it was recorded in the newspapers of the period. The case went to court and the Masons/Freemason Justices sided for the Princes Kuhio and Kalanianaole. 1917 - Queen Liliuokalani died. She was a hanai sister of Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was married to Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop. Bishop had denied her relationship in the Probates of Abner Paki, the father of Bernice Pauahi Bishop. Queen Liliuokalani had set up a trust with her hanai daughter Kaaumoana our ancestor. Unresolved issues remain. Summary The problems found in history has much to do with the Masons/Freemasons presence in the Hawaiian Islands. All of the Sovereigns were part of the Masons/Freemason, unaware of the criminal deviance involved according to researcher Chris Roses. The Masons/Freemasons affected the Hawaiian Monarchy since the time of the 1822 - Secret Treaty of Verona. Austria, France, Russia, Prussia, the Vatican, England, and U.S. are recorded as having signed this treaty which was against all Monarchy governments worldwide. This Treaty also became a move towards One World Order, New World Order. PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends have been documented, many of the names were listed because Queen Liliuokalani did point out the treasonous persons over time. Mason/Freemason, scum, scoundrel, liar, Charles Reed Bishop, promoted his support of the U.S. government by maneuvering his way into the Royal Families by marrying half-white Bernice Pauahi. Bishop was a dishonest man, corrupt in his personal life, and business life. Queen Emma, a true heir to the Crown died in 1885. Then a non-descendant of Kamehameha gained the support of Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop who supported him with the help of the forces of the U.S. military who helped to control Queen Emma's supporters. King David Kalakaua ceased giving out emblems/symbols of Masonry - pins, jewelry, etc. after he found out the truth about the Masons/Freemasons. Oral history reveals that King Kalakaua died at the hands of the Masons/Freemasons. He was dead before he boarded the ship to California. King Kalakaua left and returned with the same clothes on. Queen Liliuokalani was said to have been saved many times by displaying her Mason/ Freemason's jewelry. She was the widow of Mason/Freemason John Dominis. Queen Liliuokalani, along with her brother King David Kalakaua did learn about the Masons/Freemasons, etc. At the time of the wrongful dethronement of our Queen in 1893, Masons/Freemasons played a major part in criminally assuming what was and is not theirs. Some of the players of the period are those listed in the reference section, as well as the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, Vice President Levi Morton - International banker expert in international transfers of monies, et. als. The Masons/Freemasons includes those who are part of the active Pacific Club made up of lawyers, Corporations Executive Officers, bankers, etc. The Masons/Freemasons are also an arm of the One World Order/New World Order with moves to assume what is not theirs; eliminate the "People of Color" "the useless, needless eaters", and an excellent example of that is the Smallpox Epidemic which killed off thousands, while the Judd's, Masons/Freemasons gave only their own families, friends the vaccines in the past. The Royal Families, the descendants/heirs of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III, the owners of the Crown Lands, etc., and who have inherited Sovereignty existed then and exists today representing truth, fact, and promoting peace, neutrality, justice in the Hawaiian Islands affecting the U.S. and the World Today. Many of the Royal Families are descendants of the Sovereign - Kamehameha and descendants/ heirs of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III; families of King Lunalilo; families of King Kalakaua; and families of Queen Liliuokalani who existed then and today. The permanent Treaties were made only between the President of the U.S./America and the Sovereigns heirs and successors. Our families are both heirs and successors which is why we remain the Crown Lands owners, etc. We continue to maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation and moving to correct the wrongs, etc. aloha.  Reference:  About 91,800 results ************************************************   Hawaiian War Chant - Teresa Bright …
Added by Amelia Gora at 1:10am on June 6, 2014
decision in 1910 was the "The Crown lands Belonged to the Office, and Not the Monarch" Obama's Mother and Grandmother were surreptitiously involved in moving Bank of Hawaii's funds away from the Hawaiian Islands as recorded here: and the facts of Bank of Hawaii can be found here:  Queen Liliuokalani Honolulu, HI 96813. Re: CV05-00030 - David C. Farmer, Trustee vs. Bobby N. Harmon. Exhibit: The Queen Liliuokalani Trust. Witness: Judge Patrick Yim. Dirty Money, Dirty Politics and Bishop Estate - Part I Smith, who had extensive trust experience, resigned as trustee on Oct. 20, 1886, and .... Kalakaua died in 1893 and was succeeded by Queen Lili'uokalani. .... 1996 - In October, Bobby Harmon, the estate's Risk Manager and president of P&C ... You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 4/14/14 Legal Notice: Queen Liliuokalani's Will Documents Her ... Feb 10, 2014 - 5 posts - 1 author Queen Liliuokalani maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the .... 1996 – In October, Bobby Harmon, the estate's Risk Manager and ... Bobby Harmon's Whistleblower Website: HERE COMES ... Dec 31, 2013 - COMES NOW Defendant BOBBY N. HARMON and moves to recuse ... relating to an alleged kickback scheme involving trust land in Hawaii Kai. ..... Queen Liliuokalani was an heir of King David Kalakaua (see Lanai Land list). IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Vol IV No. 481 and 482 ... Feb 8, 2014 - Bobby Harmon MAKE PEACE, NOT WAR! ...Queen Liliuokalani maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the ... kamehameha schools / bishop estate - Google Sites Bobby Harmon served for eight years as head of the estate's insurance ...... Kamehameha Schools; Liliuokalani Trust; Lunalilo Trust; The Queen Emma ... Amelia Gora - The entity State of Hawaii et. als. continue ... They are Tresspassers and need to be reminded.....also Queen Liliuokalani denied signing a Trust Deed with ... Bobby Harmon and Alan D. Ackerman like this. IOLANI - The Royal Hawk Jun 19, 2013 - COMES NOW Defendant BOBBY N. HARMON and moves to recuse Honorable ... relating to an alleged kickback scheme involving trust land in Hawaii Kai. .... Gora since Kuhio was in court AFTER Queen Liliuokalani died,.Don't come looking at Gramama Obama's Bank Tucked away on the 10th floor of South Beretania apartments in Honolulu, Hawaii ... See More 2 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview Amelia Gora Bob Marley & The WailersMusician/Band Spotify a few seconds ago · Like · Remove Preview …
Added by Amelia Gora at 12:35am on May 9, 2014
Topic: Legal Notice: Queen Liliuokalani's Will Documents Her Denial of Having Signed A Trust With Criminals....Research Uncovers Her True Trustees and Her Families
tee Descendants, a Royal person, House of Nobles member, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Hawaiian Kingdom  (2014)   Liliʻuokalani Queen of the Hawaiian Islands (more...) Reign January 29, 1891 – January 17, 1893 Predecessor Kalākaua Successor Spouse John Owen Dominis Full name Lydia Liliʻu Loloku Walania Wewehi Kamakaʻeha-a-Kapaʻakea Lydia Kamakaʻeha Pākī (adoptive and legal name) House House of Kalākaua Father Caesar Kapaʻakea Mother Analea Keohokālole Born September 2, 1838 Honolulu, Oahu, Kingdom of Hawaii Died November 11, 1917 (aged 79) Honolulu, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii Burial November 18, 1917 Mauna Ala Royal Mausoleum Signature Religion Church of Hawaii     The following is the Will of Queen Liliuokalani found in the First Circuit Court Records:   What Shows Up In History: Prince Kuhio tried to declare her to be incompetent, a crazy person. Queen Liliuokalani maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the haole/foreigners.   Prince Kuhio took an out of court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani after she died in 1917.   Prince Kuhio and Prince Kawananakoa were treasonous persons, were Masons/Freemasons part of a group who helped to remove Queen Liliuokalani from her position.   Both Princes, although listed and schooled as Princes, they were relatives of Queen Kapiolani and were not the descendants of King David Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani.     Expectations of Queen Liliuokalani:   Colburn was expected to make corrections and expose the facts that the Criminal deviants of the Trust created by Damon, Iaukea, et. als. were Not the True Trustees.   The Outcome?   Princes Kuhio and Kawananakoa failed to make corrections, along with Colburn.  Instead, an agreement was signed that they would not prosecute each other and failed to rectify, correct the wrongs that Queen Liliuokalani documented in her Will.   Queen Liliuokalani died in 1917.     The criminals are operating a Trust and are legally Privateers, Pirates on notice due to this legal notice.   The True Trustees of Queen Liliuokalani:   Queen Liliuokalani designated her hanai daughter Kaaumoana/Kekua/Kekualoa/Kuahine/and the descendants of her body to be her Trustees.   Kaaumoana/Kekua/Kekualoa/Kuahine aka's married three (3):  Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III; Kawaihae; and Keo/Kealohapauole.   Kaaumoana/Kekua/Kekualoa/Kuahine aka's had ten (10) of her own children whose descendants are the True Trustees:   1)  Opunui 2)  Kekipi 3)  Keawe 4)  Mahoe 5)  Kahalaoa 6)  Papa 7)  Nalimu 8)  Kihei 9)  Keku/Ioane 10) Kuahine/Maria   There were stepchildren, adopted children who cannot be counted as Trustees because they were Not the bloodline/of the body of Kaaumoana/Kekua/Kekualoa/Kuahine aka's.   Examples:  Mrs. Aholo, Mrs. Kinney.   The following are other Family Members of Queen Liliuokalani:   Queen Liliuokalani 's daughter, her hanai children - hanai siblings of Kaaumoana/Kekua/ Kekualoa/Kuahine aka's were:   1) Abigaila/Apikaila/Kapapoko/Princess Poomaikelani was married to IOELA/JOELA son of Alapai Kahekili Luluhiwalani who was the son of Kalola first cousin of BERNICE PAUAHI who married several including CHARLES REED BISHOP.   Princess Poomaikelani was a sibling of Queen Kapiolani and Princess Kinoiki.   Princess Poomaikelani's daughter Haili/Kaili/Kalama married Kaluakini who was the hanai father of Queen Kapiolani.   Queen Kapiolani was the hanai sister of my grandmother Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini.  She was the great grandaughter of Queen Liliuokalani and she married the grandson of the hanai daughter of Queen Liliuokalani who was the true Trustee of Queen Liliuokalani.   My grandmother was adopted by her own grandmother and King David Kalakaua's son Kaopu/ Kaopumomona/Kolomona Kaopumomona.   The Kawananakoa's:  Abigail Kawannakoa was adopted and was documented as not being David Kawananakoa's family, she was an ELLERBROCK.  Some of the other claimed Kawananakoa's are LAMBERT'S who changed their name to Kawananakoa, etc.   It was a criminal setup that the "purported" Constitution signed by Queen Liliuokalani named the two (2) Princes Kawananakoa and Kuhio Kalanianaole as the next in line...........If you look at the legal notices put out by King Kalakaua, the Princes Kawananakoa and Kuhio Kalanianaole were listed as the LAST to succeed.   Princess Poomaikelani died in 1895 and she/and her family were the TRUE successors based on the listing............funny how the Archives hides her picture and everyone needs to request for it.......funny how the move is to hide the facts...............funny how they hide the facts that Queen Kapiolani denied that she deeded the lands to the Princes.......that information was found in the aged newspapers.....Queen Kapiolani was the administrator of lands for Princess Poomaikelani whose daughter Haili/Kaili/ Kalama went to Kalaupapa, Molokai as a Kokua/helper for her husband Kaluakini, the hanai father of Queen Kapiolani.  Kaluakini's mother and King Kalakaua's son legally adopted my grandmother Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini.   Kokua's/helpers could remain with their loved ones on Kalaupapa, Molokai providing they submitted to EXPERIMENTATION..............a genocide issue.   2)  Pau 3)  Ioane (appears to be the second youngest son of Kaaumoana aka's) 4)  Kaeha opio 5)  Kamukai 6)  Luika/Luiza/Kaaumoana aka's 7) Wahie, u.i. others****************************** Informing many because..............    The True Trustees of Queen Liliuokalani's Trusts/Liliuokalani Exists  and The Existing Trustees, the Bank of Hawaii, etc. associated with Queen Liliuokalani/Liliuokalani Trust are Pirates/Privateers documented...........Ramifications are ongoing...... This is a Legal Notice.....     Something STINKS..............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX! aloha. Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)  Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)  Kaulana Na Pua More References: CV05-00030 - David C. Farmer vs. Harmon - Exhibit: The Queen ...‎ Honolulu, HI 96813. Re: CV05-00030 - David C. Farmer, Trustee vs. Bobby N. Harmon. Exhibit: The Queen Liliuokalani Trust. Witness: Judge Patrick Yim. Paradise 808 | Just another site‎ Queen Liliuokalani's EVIDENCE on the Morgan Bankers/International Bankers, etc. ...The Truth About the CORRUPT, PIRATED Trust of Our Families Named the ..... 1996 – In October, Bobby Harmon, the estate's Risk Manager and president ... Bobby Harmon's Whistleblower Website: HERE ... - Maoliworld - Ning‎ Dec 31, 2013 - COMES NOW Defendant BOBBY N. HARMON and moves to recuse ...relating to an alleged kickback scheme involving trust land in Hawaii Kai. ..... Queen Liliuokalani was an heir of King David Kalakaua (see Lanai Land list). Bobby Harmon's Whistleblower Website: HERE ... - Maoliworld - Ning‎ Dec 31, 2013 - 13 posts - ‎1 author COMES NOW Defendant BOBBY N. HARMON and moves to recuse Honorable Judge... Photo: Judge Michael Town Broken Trust p 216 .... The following Links shows Queen Liliuokalani's Opposition Letter which was found  ... KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS / BISHOP ESTATE - BUZZARDS OF ...‎ Bobby Harmon served for eight years as head of the estate's insurance ......Kamehameha Schools; Liliuokalani Trust; Lunalilo Trust; The Queen Emma  ... KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS / BISHOP ESTATE - CATBIRD ...‎ THE BROKEN TRUST PHOTO GALLERY ... Bobby N. Harmon-Exhibit: "Ex-trustee Peters sues trust's former counsel" ...... THE QUEEN LILIUOKALANI TRUST. WITNESS: ROCCO SANSONE - CV05-00030 - JUSTICE vs HARMON‎ CASE NO. 99-04339 - MOTION TO RECUSE JUDGE ROBERT J. FARIS ...... Thomas Kaulukukui and Patrick Yim, Trustees, Queen Liliuokalani Trust. Fax (808)  ... Robert Harmon profiles | LinkedIn‎ View the profiles of professionals named Robert Harmon on LinkedIn. ... Operations Manager at Bankers Trust of SC; Education: University of South Carolina-  ... WITNESS: DAVID C. FARMER - CV05-00030 - JUSTICE vs HARMON‎ CLAIMS BY HARMON: INSURANCE COMMISSIONERS .... ALOHA AIRLINES, JUDGE DAVID EZRA & JUDGE ROBERT FARIS ..... Queen Liliuokalani Trust. IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Vol IV No. 476 Wednesday Weekly ...‎ Jan 1, 2014 - when Queen Liliuokalani declared that the Provisional government was... Schools Bishop Estates, and other Trusts are racketeers and riding on the .... Bobby Harmon's Whistleblower Website: HERE COMES THE JUDGE(S)! …
Added by Amelia Gora at 7:18pm on February 10, 2014

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