Monday, March 9, 2015

Banking Information Requests

Amelia Gora

1:39 AM (2 minutes ago)
to SwitzerlandIrishjohn.maguireinfoinfoTransnational




[Kanaka Maoli flag]


We are in the process of obtaining banking possibilities with your nations.

As you have heard, the Royal Families exists in the Hawaiian Islands and the United States, the State of Hawaii owes monies for rents and leases etc.

Please send us information/details about your banking systems.

We maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.

Thank you,

Amelia Gora,  Royal Family member, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs,
House of Nobles - Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii

address:  P.O. Box 861781
              Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Amelia Gora <>
Date: Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 1:26 AM
Subject: Fwd: As Stephen Lendman makes clear, the Obama regime is a congenital liar

Hi Mr. Lendman,

Enjoyed your article.

I have to agree with you when you stated that the U.S. goes after the weak countries..........

I've just posted this on a website and facebook regarding Scalia, a Supreme Court Judge discussion and parts of my comments/information shows how the Hawaiian Kingdom indeed a small, weaker nation was violated,,
Amelia Gora

p.s.  Paul Craig Roberts posted your anti-war.....too.

In Civil Beat recently, Justice Antonin Scalia, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, made two critical points on the annexation of Hawaii: First, he stated that a...
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  • Amelia Gora posted " sad to see that many kanaka maoli don't know the true history....know that Premeditation has been uncovered which shows the conspiracies, the pillaging, piracy of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation by broke ass/bankrupt nations including the U.S. and England....read for starters then read all 537 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the or accelerate your learning by reading the latest Legal Notice to President Obama, Governor Ige, et. als. because the Royal Families still exist...the land owners, the true Hawaiian Kingdom exists whether anybody likes it or not...and are the only parties to the permanent Treaty of 1850 at oh by the way Scalia is bound by the U.S. Constitution because the treaty supersedes State, Federal laws....and it was locked in place before the usurpation of the American people as documented by the bankers Secret Constitution in 1871 with the information thanks to and by whistle blowers Karen Hudes, World Bank; Vladimir Putin, Russia - who denounces One World Order/New World Order, etc. which can be seen at and by the way appears that my letter is the only one on the whitehouse website bet you that even you don't know that the U.S.A. became the U.S. and the American Empire documented in court case Peacock vs. the Republic of Hawaii in you didn't know that the treasonous persons/conspirators/pirates /pillagers also placed Queen Liliuokalani back on the throne for a day in 1915 to celebrate the European's Balboa who visited the Pacific Ocean in 1514, etc....... empower yourself with knowledge, then blast the hell out of those who lie.......and by the way spread the truth and deny that the entity House of Representatives turned conspirator, treasonous persons supported by the U.S. and the American Empire, turned Provisional government, then Republic of Hawaii, then Territory of Hawaii, and State of Hawaii by U.S. President Eisenhower's executive order, are successors to our Hawaiian Kingdom as claimed in "THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII TO REGISTER AND CONFIRM ITS TITLE TO CERTAIN LAND SITUATE IN LAHAINA, ISLAND OF MAUI, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, AND KNOWN AS PA PELEKANE" (1912), HAWAII REPORTS Vol 21, Supreme Court of Hawaii, RH 345.4 H32 v.21 pg. 177
    "That the Territory, as successor to the Kingdom of Hawaii, has obtained title to this lot by prescription."

    There was no treaty of Annexation, the Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's heirs and successors exists and are parties to the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America....,.  Many nations are watching us because we're from a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation and we're surrounded by Pirates/Pillagers etc....wicked lot.... aloha.........the best to Kanaka Maoli, Konohiki, Assistant Konohiki, and Friends "

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 3:05 AM
Subject: As Stephen Lendman makes clear, the Obama regime is a congenital liar
To: Amelia Gora <>

As Stephen Lendman makes clear, the Obama regime is a congenital liar.

11475 Big Canoe
Big Canoe Ga 30143

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