Sunday, August 16, 2015

Legal Notices: 1) Negating Illegal Contracts 2) Governor Ige Listed

Legal Notice

                                        Re: Hawaiian Kingdom Notice Number 2015-0814 Updating the Hawaiian Kingdom Notice Number 2015-0521 -    Recording and Negating/Canceling Illegal Contracts, including Illegal Court Actions Due to Non Jurisdiction/Identity Theft by Foreign/American government Courts Operating Without Jurisdiction; Invoking the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV Affecting Royal Families/Subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom by Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, one of the True Land Owner(s), Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs and Successors, Royal Person, Royal Family Member, One of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Heirs and Successors,  Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs,Judicial Tribunal Member, Land Owner, Title Owner,  House of Nobles Member, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative  

suspicions confirmed

"We must be steadfast in our pursuit of TRUTH, just like our Queen Liliuokalani and Princess Kaiulani, THEY DID NOT ALLOW THE TRUTH TO BE SILENCED"
Healani Sonoda-Pale with Pono Kealoha and 14 others
14 mins · Honolulu, HI · Edited ·
Mahalo to organizers for the Unity March to save our beloved Mauna Kea it was for the most part awesome. However, I wish that the organizers like Tiare Lawrence were honest about OHA's involvement with this march instead of denying that OHA was sponsor and even denying their involvement. Because of my questioning I have been ousted and blocked from the Stand for Mauna a Kea group. Here is what I found out about OHA's involvement after much prodding and asking:
1. OHA donated $5,000 in shirts with the Na'i Aupuni logo on it
2. OHA paid for the trolleys
3. OHA pad for part of the food
4. Key organizers were OHA employees who were the go betweens
5. According to Andre Perez OHA did the press release and strategy points for the march.
All I can say is that OHA cannot be trusted and have a history of co-opting grassroots Native Hawaiian movements. Furthermore, I now have pictures of myself and my sons in the Na'i Aupuni shirts at the march even though I don't support Na'i Aupuni (OHA's initiative for "sovereignty"). I wish I had been aware when I signed up for the shirts on behalf of my family that these were Na'i Aupuni shirts and not save Mauna Kea shirts. In order to unify as one we need to have transparency and honesty in our leadership and open and candid discussions, at this early stage of this movement if we don't have that then we are will never break free from the oppressive state we are in as a will be more of the same. Save our Mauna! Ku Kia'i Mauna! Eo! Ea!
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  • Pi'ilani Kakalia Cousin, mahalo for sharing. OHA never disclosed it's sponsorship on the card. I feel embarrassed for trustingly filling out the card for the free t-shirt and plan to return it and get back my card and suggest others do the same. Unfortunately, my information may be in their system. Got any other suggestions for myself and others who feel betrayed?
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  • Amelia Gora once again, illegal contracts made by those moving to deceive kanaka maoli. Preparing a Legal Notice to negate OHA's wrongdoing.
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Pirate, Pillager, Fraud Ige - Formal Complaint Recorded: Hawaiian Kingdom Record No. 2015-0816 Pirate, Pillager, Treason, Fraud, Genocide, Identity Theft etc

Amelia Gora /span>>

11:12 AM (0 minutes ago)
to presidentcommentsSwitzerlandjohn.maguireShan.TsutsuimayorOfficeTransnationalIrish" class="CToWUd a6T"/> > 


[Kanaka Maoli flag]" class="CToWUd a6T"/>" class="CToWUd"/>   
President Barack Obama
Secretary of State - John Kerry
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Many Interested others

                                  Re:  Hawaiian Kingdom Record No. 2015-0816  Pirate, Pillager, Treason, Fraud, Genocide, Identity Theft etc. Issues from Amelia Gora, A Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc. by Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, one of the True Land Owner(s), Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs and Successors, Royal Person, Royal Family Member, One of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Heirs and Successors,  Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs,Judicial Tribunal Member, Land Owner, Title Owner,  House of Nobles Member, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative  


Every Hawaiian whose ancestor existed previous to Captain James Cook's arrival in the Hawaiian Islands, or every kanaka maoli has a right to sue foreigners exercising identity theft/"officials", etc. in the Hawaiian Islands including Governor Ige.  

The charges/crimes are for injuries, perpetuating frauds, crimes against our people, our interests, genocide against their ancestors, it is, the laws of Kamehameha III remains, even the Constitution of 1852. 

Governor Ige was placed on the Judiciary Tribunal list which resulted from the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and Article XIV.  See:  

Governor Ige, National Guard, et. als. Listed on Genocide Activities List from a Royal Family Member in behalf of the House of Nobles, and natives/kanaka maoli - protectors/defenders and friendsLegal Rights of Kanaka Maoli"native tenants" or Why Defenders and Supporters of Mauna Kea, Haleakala Cannot Be Arrested, etc.

Governor Ige, National Guard, et. als. Listed on Genocide Activities List from a Royal Family Member in behalf of the House of Nobles, and natives/kanaka maoli - protectors/defenders and friends

The entity State of Hawaii is an entity created from terrorists/usurpers/treasonous persons of our Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii. 
The House of Representatives made up of voted in, elected, temporary individuals dethroned Queen Liliuokalani, turned into the Provisional government with premeditation documented, supported by the United States; turned into the Republic of Hawaii, then Territory of Hawaii, and the state of Hawaii.
The House of Nobles whose heirs and successors exists today were also given the right to take care of the Crown Lands, Sovereigns lands, and opposition has been entered, posted, submitted to your office. 
Members of the House of Nobles are also Kamehameha's bloodlines, heirs and successors. 
Ige is NOT related to our families.....therefore, he is illegal and is a documented pirate, pillager.
Under the Treaty of 1850 Article XIV.....we patiently await for the Ige group to be removed and taken to their nation. the pirates, pillagers, et. als. are to be returned to their nation of citizenship in accordance to the Treaty of 1850 a permanent treaty between Kamehameha III and his heirs and his successors....and the U.S.A. President. 
Under the Constitution of Kamehameha III, "The Hawaiian Government admit, and feel fully their obligations to protect the property and character of all under their authority, and to punish all injuririous aggressions. They have declared it a fundamental principle of their administration, that "the laws shall give redress to every man, who is injured by another, and punish all men who commit crime." Instances have occurred in the case of native subjects of the Government, and of foreign residents of various classes, that the erection of buildings has been commenced on  lands, without the previous knowledge and consent of the rightful proprietor, and that such proprietor, on being informed of the fact, has ordered the proceedings to be stopped, and the buildings to be removed."  This applies to Mauna Kea and other structures wrongfully built by the Provisional government, Republic of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii, and the State of Hawaii, their departments, entities including OHA - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, etc.
Your office, The State of Hawaii, et. als. have been informed that the proceedings must be stopped, notice given by myself( and others) Amelia Gora, the Sovereigns heirs and successors and by the tenants who have rights "forever".....therefore Ige has been on notice and guilty of failing to abide by the U.S. Constitution and guilty of treason, etc. for failing to abide by the permanent, amity, friendship, etc. treaty of 1850, 
According to the U.S. Constitution, Treaties are the Supreme Law of Land. 
Based on both the Treaty of 1850, and the U.S. Constitution, Ige can be arrested at any time.
Additionally, the building projects - Mauna Kea, Kamamalu Building next to the Iolani Palace, etc. can be stopped, ordered removed because the Sovereigns, House of Nobles, tenants heirs and successors of a neutral, friendly, non violent nation exists and charge Ige with the crimes of identity theft, pillaging, piracy, fraud, genocide, and treason against the existing 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, and the U.S. Constitution, the one existing in 1850, and not the secret banker's constitution made in 1871. 
This is a Legal Post by Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs and successors in 10 + genealogy bloodlines/ancestors, House of Nobles, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii Dated: August 16, 2015

  • Every kanaka maoli has a right to sue piggy(Ige) for perpetuating frauds, crimes against our people, our it is, the laws of Kamehameha III remains, even the Constitution of 1852. The entity State of Hawaii is an entity created from terrorists of our Hawaiian Kingdom. The House of Representatives made up of voted in, elected, temporary individuals dethroned Queen Liliuokalani, turned into the Provisional government with premeditation documented, supported by the United States; turned into the Republic of Hawaii, then Territory of Hawaii, and the state of Hawaii......The House of Nobles whose heirs and successors exists today were also given the right to take care of the Crown Lands, Sovereigns lands, and opposition has been entered. Members of the House of Nobles are also Kamehameha's bloodlines, heirs and successors. Ige is NOT related to our families.....therefore, he is illegal and is a documented pirate, pillager......we await for the Obama group to take their pirate back to their accordance to the Treaty of 1850 a permanent treaty between Kamehameha III and his heirs and his successors....and the U.S.A. President. Under the Constitution of Kamehameha III, "The Hawaiian Government admit, and feel fully their obligations to protect the property and character of all under their authority, and to punish all injuririous aggressions. They have declared it a fundamental principle of their administration, that "the laws shall give redress to every man, who is injured by another, and punish all men who commit crime." Instances have occurred in the case of native subjects of the Government, and of foreign residents of various classes, that the erection of buildings has been commenced on lands, without the previous knowledge and consent of the rightful proprietor, and that such proprietor, on being informed of the fact, has ordered the proceedings to be stopped, and the buildings to be removed." ----the State of Hawaii has been informed that the proceedings be stopped by the Sovereigns heirs and successors and by the tenants who have rights "forever".....therefore Ige has been on notice and guilty of failing to abide by the U.S. Constitution and guilty of treason because Treaties are the Supreme Law of Land. Ige can be arrested at any time, the building stopped, ordered removed because the Sovereigns, House of Nobles, tenants heirs and successors of a neutral, friendly, non violent nation exists and charge Ige with the crimes of identity theft, pillaging, piracy, fraud, genocide, and treason against the U.S. Constitution, the one existing in 1850, and not the secret banker's constitution. This is a Legal Post by Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs and successors, House of Nobles, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii Dated: August 16, 2015
  • Amelia Gora" alt="" height="90" width="90" class="CToWUd"/>
  • Amelia Gora
    The following Protective Order Notice was sent in the past and is effective.

    The Tresspassers are the University of Hawaii, Construction personnel, etc. and those who insist on building, contaminating, desecrating our Royal Families lands.

    The Kanaka Maoli, including Royal Families Cannot/May Not be arrested because I, Amelia Gora, one of the heirs of Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III, et. als. hereby maintain that the State of Hawaii has No Jurisdiction or authority over our Royal Families now documented.

    Tresspassers, (Not kanaka maoli, Royal Families and Friends) will be prosecuted which includes penalties and jail time as accorded by the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, etc. by the Royal Families, et. als.

    We remain a neutral, peaceful, friendly, non violent nation and are the Land, resource, minerals, etc. owners in the Hawaiian archipelago.

    The University of Hawaii, et. als. are tresspassers and are not allowed to build on our families, our Royal Families lands.

    The Governor Ige has no jurisdiction over Royal Families lands, etc. including Alodio/Ano Alodial Title lands.

    The safety and security of the water which is the source of life for our people, including friends, is also an important and foremost.

    The Pillagers, Pirates of the past and those who perpetuate the crimes of their ancestors have been listed and have lost all their interest in lands in the Hawaiian archipelago according to the contractual agreement or the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.

    Note: The Only parties to the 1850 Treaty are the Kamehameha III's heirs =comes before successors and the United States of America President and no others.

    Questions?" alt="" height="90" width="90" class="CToWUd"/>
    The online Kanaka Maoli community.
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  • Amelia Gora" alt="" height="90" width="90" class="CToWUd"/>
Amelia Gora" alt="" height="90" width="90" class="CToWUd"/>
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