Friday, March 18, 2016

Evidence of Fraudulent Claims to Pearl Harbor by the United States, KSBE/Bishop Estates, etc.

Vol V No. 590 Part 1C - Important Genealogies/Royal Families, Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom issues, Frauds, Piracy(ies), Pillaging, etc.


about pearl harbor...
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Amelia Gora ref king kalakaua speech l874
Deldrene Herron And? Negotiations ended with a treaty signed after this speech by Kalakaua with a rifle, literally, pointed at his head. (Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen, Liliuokalani) ceding Pearl River harbor to the United States. Also known as The Reciprocity Treaty.
Paul Cullen I know the OWNER of Pearl Harbor?
Amelia Gora the land owners are our ancestors Grace Kamaikui the mother of Hueu Davis, Peke Davis, and Kale Davis --- and Mataio Kekuanaoa the father of Paalua, Ruth Keelikolani, David Kamehameha, Moses Kaikioewa, Alexander Liholiho/ Kamehameha IV, Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, Victoria Kamamalu, his stepchildren - all of Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's children, stepchildren, hanai/adopted children, and his stepchildren with his last wife Kalima named John Kapena, Sam Kapena, Umiokalani (w), and Alenoho.
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Amelia Gora Our ancestors listed above: Hueu Davis, Peke Davis, Paalua - he had Kaawa, Kauhi, Mahina (w), Kekolohe Kuapuu/ Kuapuu (w), Uiha/Kekoauiha/Kaluauiha, Kalima (w), John Kapena, and hanai father Alenoho. Also, Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's children/step children and hanai/adopted children. We are part of the alodio land owners from our bloodline ancestors Grace Kamaikui, and Mataio Kekuanaoa.......hope everybody starts doing their genealogies to connect the dots....we are the Royal Families not subject to the laws as documented in Victoria Kamamalu's Probate.....once again...can you see why Bernice Pauahi Bishop was Not the 'last of the Kamehameha's' and can you see why the Na'i Aupuni group are a whole bunch of IDIOTS, Phonies, Pirates, Pillagers, IDENTITY THIEVES like the State of Hawaii who created them? The Owners exists with documented evidence of Premeditation, False Flag operations, the Kingdom of Hawaii exists because the Royal Families make up the 2/3 part of the Hawaiian Government 1) Sovereign - heirs and successors, 2) House of Nobles heirs and successors...permanent parts of the 3 part Constitutional Monarchy government....the last part is a voted in House of Representatives......reference: REX vs. BOOTH Case, and PA PELEKANE Case (1912)......the only missing part of our Constitutional Monarchy government is the voted in subjects..... appears our voting will occur soon..........questions? also application of the treaty can be made shortly after with assistance, etc.
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Amelia Gora Representatives...interested?
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