Secretary of State - John Kerry
Judges, Governor Ige, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Governor Ige claimed that the State of Hawaii is the land owner for the Rail Project on Oahu. Ige is an Okinawan man who is not related to our Royal Families.
I, Amelia Gora, am one of the land and title owners which the Rail Project is building on.
I, Amelia Gora, did inform the State of Hawaii - Governor Neal Abercrombie and the Department of Land and Natural Resources - Burial Project and filled out the forms for the lands of Ewa/Honouliuli, Oahu through Honolulu, Oahu.
Some members of our Royal Families did attend a meeting with the Rail Project, and it appears that the Rail Project personnel along with the State of Hawaii have been misled into thinking that we are approving of the project built on our Royal Families properties.
The Following Information/Claims entered were for the following ancestors/land owners/title owners:
I) Nuuanu - already recognized; he was a konohiki - caretaker of large tracts of lands
II) Kekaulike's, Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's Families; Keliimaikai's Families.
III) Ke Kuokoa newspaper - genealogies of 1867.
IV) Luakini/Kaluakini, great grandson of Nuuanu, hanai daughter Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani
V) John Kapena's son Keawe; daughter Kekualoa/Kekua/Kealakai
1. Kahinu - daughter of Keawe
2. Keawe - son Davis Keawe/Sylva/Waihoioahu (see Grace Kamaikui section/claims)
VI. Kahope - konohiki of Honouliuli. Kahope was husband of Akahi - widow of Kalanimoku; hanai/adopted Kaluakini.
VII. Kekauonohi - daughter of Kalanimoku married to Akahi who was married to Nuuanu's son Kikau. Her adopted
daughter was Abigail Maheha married Keaupuni, grandson: John Kapena.
VIII. Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui and John Young/Olohana
IX. Kekuanaoa/Mataio Kekuanaoa had five (5) wives:
1. wife: Kalehua son Paalua, his descendants
2. wife: Pauahi
3. wife: Kinau
4. wife: Kalolo/Kaloloahilani
5. wife: Kalima
a. to son Sam Kapena
b. to son John Kapena,
c. Umiokalani, daughter
6. more descendants from Kalima, sister of Kekuanaoa
X. Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III's hanai/adopted children:
1. Hueu Davis
2. Kale Davis
3. Peke Davis
Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III's children (updated 03/07/2015)
1. Keawe 1
2. Keawe 2
3. Opunui - male
4. Kekipi
5. Keawe
6. Mahoe
7. Kahalaoa
8. Papa
9. Nalimu
10. Albert Kunuiakea
XI. Claims forwarded in Email
XII. Documents/Claims for the following:
1. Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani - female
2. John Kapena -male
3. Kahope - male
4. Kekauonohi -female
5. Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui - female
6. Mataio Kekuanaoa - male
7. Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III
The Rail is Crossing Over or Building on our Royal Families lands without approval, without authorization from our Royal Families:
The Rail is being built on the Honouliuli Ahupuaa......land owner: Kekauonohi - female(hanai of Kalanimoku)
Kekauonohi hanai: Abigail Maheha-female
Abigail Maheha stepson: John Kapena
Abigail Maheha stepson: Sam Kapena
Abigail Maheha step daughter: Umiokalani
original land owner: Kalanimoku - male married Kiliwehi
Kalanimoku - male married Kuwahine
Kalanimoku - male married Keopuolani
Kalanimoku - male married Akahi
Konohiki of Honouliuli: Kahope married widow Akahi
Updated 03/07/2015: Konohiki of Pouhala - land owner: Luluhiwalani married Kalola
Station in Waipahu land owner: Nuuanu - male
Station in Waipahu land owner: Nahuina - male
Halawa Ahupuaa owner: Grace Kamaikui daughter of John Young
Halawa Ahupuaa owner: Mataio Kekuanaoa - male
Kapalama Ahupuaa owner: Nuuanu - male
Kapalama Ahupuaa owner: John Kapena - male
Updated: 3/07/2015 Kawaiahao Ahupuaa owner: Kaaha - male married to Kalola
Kalola married Luluhiwalani
The Rail continues into Honolulu, Oahu - Interest in All Ahupuaa : Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III
Examination of Genealogies covering the Rail's paths trespassing on Private Properties of the Royal Families:
Kekauonohi - female was Kamehameha's grand daughter: She was married to Kamehameha II - Liholiho; married Keliiahonui, son of Kaumualii, then
married Levi Haalelea. Levi Haalelea married Anaderia Amoe and lost his life interest in Honouliuli.
Kekauonohi was the step mother of all of Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, Kamehameha III's, and Kaumualii's children, step children, and hanai children/adopted children.
Kekauonohi was the hanai/adopted daughter of Kalanimoku whose last wife was Akahi.
Kekauonohi was also the step sibling of Kamehameha III/Kauikeaouli and all of Kamehameha's, Kalaniopuu's, Kaumualii's children, step children, and hanai/adopted children.
Kekauonohi's hanai/adopted mother Akahi married Kahope, the Konohiki assigned after Kalaniopuu died.
Nuuanu married Kamehameha's daughter Kanekapolei 2. His son Kikau married Akahi and had Nahuina.
Nahuina married Kaili/Kamaliiwahine and had Kaluakini who was also a hanai/son of Akahi - step mother
of Kekauonohi, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli et. als.
Nahuina great grandson of Kamehameha - His grandfather was Nuuanu married Kamehameha's daughter
Kanekapolei 2. His son Kikau married Akahi and had Nahuina.
Nahuina married Kaili/Kamaliiwahine and had Kaluakini who was also a hanai/son of Akahi - step mother
of Kekauonohi, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli et. als.
Luluhiwalani, Kalaniopuu's grandson married Kamehameha's great grand daughter Kalola who
had son Kahekili married to Kahananui and
had Ioela/Joela/Kaianui who married Abigaila/Kapooloku grand daughter of Kaumualii, and Luluhiwalani's
hanai/adopted daughter. They had Haili/Kaili/Kalama who married Kamehameha's descendant/heir
Kaluakini who had Elikapeka Kaimiola who married Joseph Gora and had John Gora(and six(6) others).
John Gora married Kamehameha III's- Kauikeaouli's descendant/heir Mary Castro and had Amelia Gora
(and six (6) others). Note: Kaluakini was the hanai/adoptive father of Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani. Her
sister was Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Poomaikelani. They were the grand daughters of Kaumualii.
Grace Kamaikui married Isaac Davis and had Hueu - male; Kale - female; and Peke - female. Both Hueu and Peke
Davis are my ancestors. Grace Kamaikui descended from Kamehameha's brother Keliimaikai.
Mataio Kekuanaoa married two (2) of my ancestors named Kalehua and Kalima. His second and third marriages were thewidows of Kamehameha II - Liholiho son of Kamehameha who died in England. He married
Kaloloahilani who died young. His last wife Kalima was the grand daughter of Kaumualii of Kauai.
These are some of the members of the Royal Families who I, Amelia Gora am a descendant of and I did oppose the Rail System on our Private Properties.
I, Amelia Gora, am part of the two (2) permanent parts of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii as well and deny that the entity House of Representatives turned conspirator, treasonous persons supported by the U.S. and the American Empire, turned Provisional government, then Republic of Hawaii, then Territory of Hawaii, and State of Hawaii by U.S. President Eisenhower's executive order, are successors to our Hawaiian Kingdom as claimed in "THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII TO REGISTER AND CONFIRM ITS TITLE TO CERTAIN LAND SITUATE IN LAHAINA, ISLAND OF MAUI, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, AND KNOWN AS PA PELEKANE" (1912), HAWAII REPORTS Vol 21, Supreme Court of Hawaii, RH 345.4 H32 v.21 pg. 177
"That the Territory, as successor to the Kingdom of Hawaii, has obtained title to this lot by prescription."
There was no treaty of Annexation, the Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's heirs and successors exists and are parties to the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.
The entity State of Hawaii headed by a voted in Okinawan Governor is Not the land owners, title owners of lands belonging to the Royal Families who are kanaka maoli and have the bloodlines of Kamehameha, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Kalaniopuu, and Kaumualii.
The Rail does Not have the approval to use our Royal Families properties with the intent of making monies off of our Families interests.
The State of Hawaii are active pirates, pillagers, racketeers documented and are hereby exposed through evidence found in 30+ years of history research, 27+ years of genealogy research, and 15+ years of legal research.
Others research has also been included for the record in the multiples of letters to the Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama over time and compiled into a book titled "EARTH TO MR. PRESIDENT" since 1995.
Lastly, Rents and Leases are due for our Royal Families properties use; Return of all of the Hawaiian Kingdom records at the Bureau of Conveyances 1845 through 1893; the Archives; Supreme Court Law Library, etc.; the Treasury funds including the monies borrowed by Charles Reed Bishop which was "forgiven" by the Republic of Hawaii; the gold bullions; the "Gold Coins of the Realm", the $54,000,000/Fifty Four Million Dollars worth of gold coins stolen/removed from the burials at Kawaiahao Church cemetery.....rate of $18,000 per gold coin times 5 per burial at 600 burials removed, and diamonds, jades, imperial jades, pearls, lei niho palaoa, gold jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, earrings, watches), silver, and other valuable stones /precious pieces buried with ancestors, etc.
Note: Rents and Leases for the use of the land that the Republic of Hawaii built their buildings on. Example, the Palace/Iolani Palace, the surrounding grounds, Kekuanaoa's, Ruth Keelikolani's, Victoria Kamamalu's, the state Capitol building sitting on Keoni Ana's lands, Kalanimoku's land - the Dominis House/Washington Place, Kalaniulumoku's lands where the Bureau of Conveyances sits, etc.
Use of the Crown Lands including Hawaiian Homes, etc. rents and leases are due, including the water, mineral rights which does not belong to foreigners claiming to be the successors of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii.
Address: P. O. Box 861781
Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii 96786
Sincerely and aloha,
Identity Theft by the State of Hawaii, the U.S., and the American Empire Committed Since 1893!
The following article was posted on Facebook, etc.:
Additional Reasons Why the State of Hawaii is Illegal
by Amelia Gora, a Royal Family member
The Hawaiian Kingdom is made up of three parts: 1. Sovereign - permanent part for his heirs and successors; 2. House of Nobles - permanent part for their heirs; and 3. House of Representatives (corrected 03/06/15) - Temporary Voted-In Position. This is the part that committed treason in 1893 and moved to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani, and were supported by bankrupt U.S. and Not the United States of America which was usurped in 1871 under the Secret U.S, Constitution benefiting the bankers. See:
http://maoliworld.ning.com/…/new-world-order-background-149… New World Order Background: 1493, 1822, 1843, 1871, 1892, and 1915
Note: Queen Liliuokalani stated that it was an "entity" which dethroned her and it was neither de facto nor de jure.....The House of Representatives became the Provisional Government supported by the U.S., turned into the Republic of Hawaii then the Territory of Hawaii and the State of Hawaii without a Treaty of Annexation. The State of Hawaii, therefore, is in actuality this 1/3 government branch, an entity which was formed by treasonous persons. The 2/3 Permanent Part of the Hawaiian Government existed then, went "underground", continued to exist then and today, and which is currently in the process of gaining subjects reforming the voted in, non permanent portion of the Hawaiian Government called the House of Representatives.
The State of Hawaii continues an identity theft because the Republic of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii period claimed that they were the "successors" of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
The heirs exist and the "successors" are NOT related to us, are but an "entity" which was treasonous to the Hawaiian Government made up of family members/Royal Families, loyal subjects.
Therefore, the State of Hawaii are legally pirates, pillagers in the Hawaiian Islands.
New World Order Background: 1493, 1822, 1843, and 1871, 1892, and 1915 Secret Treaty(ies), Jesu…
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 5 hours ago
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Now the Truth Again...........
No Treaty- No Law- No Land
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 5 hours ago
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Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 1 hour ago
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The State of Hawaii Claiming To Be The Hawaiian Kingdom
researched by Amelia Gora (2015)
The following information was found which shows how the Identity Theft occurred to accommodate or appear to legalize a corrupt entity, a treasonous based entity now calling itself the State of Hawaii:
*1810 Kamehameha recognized as the Monarch for the Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago
*1815 Pacific Empire formed by Kamehameha. The Empire included the Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago, Aetearoa, and the Samoan Islands.
*1819 Kamehameha died.
* 1822 The Secret Treaty of Verona signed by Austria, France, Russia, Prussia, the Vatican, the United States of America, and England. The purpose was to break down Monarchy governments worldwide and form a One World Order/New World Order.
*1824 Kamehameha II - Liholiho died. Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli was his heir.
* 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America agreed by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, his heirs and successors and the United States of America President Zachary Taylor.
* 1871 - Secret U.S. Constitution signed turning the United States of America into the U.S./United States and the American Empire
* 1872 - Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha died.
*1874 - Sanford B. Dole, conspirator, wrote article about the "last of the Kamehameha's".
Note: The Kamehameha's included those who were parties to the Treaty of 1850. The Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's heirs and successors existed.
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
* Premeditation
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
* Probates corrupted
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
* Rules by Judges became Laws According to their Claims
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
* Foreign Conspiracies Supporting Treasonous Persons
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
* Kanaka Maoli Used to Defraud Royal Families
- Perpetuating Lies about the "Last of the Kamehameha's"
- Perpetuating Lies about the "Last of the Kaumualii's"
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
* Masons/Freemasons Used to Break Down Monarchy Governments Worldwide
The Masons/Freemasons are used to affect other Monarchy Governments including the Middle East which is made up of Monarchy Governments.
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
* The History was written with Lies, Deceit, purposeful indoctrination, disinformation for the benefit of conspirators, treasonous persons who have no title to lands in the Hawaiian Islands.
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
* 1883 - Ruth Keelikolani died. She was also said to be "the last of the Kamehameha's".
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
* 1884 - Bernice Pauahi Bishop died. She was also said to be "the last of the Kamehameha's".
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
*1891 - King David Kalakaua died. His heir was Queen Kapiolani.
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
* 1893 - Queen Liliuokalani wrongfully dethroned.
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
* 1899 - The U.S. and the American Empire is documented in court case PEACOCK v. The Republic of Hawaii.
Note: Utilization of the U.S. occurred with Treaties with Nations. Utilization of the American Empire was made with nation states that had a lesser status than Nations and did not have treaties. The Pacific Ocean areas included the "Sandwich Islands" dubbed so by England and France which shows in Treaties with the "Sandwich Islands".
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
1909 - The usurpers called themselves the "successors" of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Note: This is where the usurpers became the "identity thieves" claiming they were the Hawaiian Kingdom.
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
1915 - September 17 - Queen Liliuokalani was "returned to her throne for a day.....to inaugurate "Pan-Pacific" or "Balboa Day", and to receive the flags of all Pacific races for presentation to the Pan-Pacific Union."
Queen Liliuokalani became Queen for a Day to celebrate Balboa Day.
September 25: Mr. Alexander Hume Ford "discovered the peoples lying about the Pacific." The news media in Hawaii, the Honolulu star-bulletin printed the article on Pan Pacific Day with information about Balboa Day from 1513.
Note: Balboa and Alexander Hume Ford were the European's version of how the Hawaiian Islands were discovered, ignoring the fact that the Polynesians/kanaka maoli were in the Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago since 300 A.D.
1916 - September 15 - "Queen Liliuokalani may sign name with Aero club. She is said to be interested in plans for the organization." Note: the organization as it turns out were related to the military in Hawaii.1917 - November 18 - Queen Liliuokalani died.Honolulu, Oahu, occupied Hawaiian Kingdom
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
1918 - February - The Pan-Pacific Union, "incorporated with an International Board of Trustees, representing every race and nation of the Pacific" formed and appears to be operating on illegal contracts signed by Queen Liliuokalani who was put in place for a day.
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed.
2014 - I, Amelia Gora, made null and void illegal contracts signed by Queen Liliuokalani. My authority is that I was appointed the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs by the House of Nobles, Hawaiian Kingdom; I am one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli who signed the 1850 permanent friendship Treaties with the U.S.A.; I Amelia Gora am one of the great great great great grand daughters of Queen Liliuokalani through two of her "daughters" / hanai adopted daughter named Princess Poomaikelani and Kaaumoana aka's who was designated to be her Trustees and her children of her blood to be the ongoing Trustees.
Note: Queen Liliuokalani denied signing into the Trust with those who conspired and usurped her.
The Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's descendants/heirs and successors existed then and their descendans/heirs exists today.
Additional Reasons Why the State of Hawaii is Illegal
by Amelia Gora, a Royal Family member
The Hawaiian Kingdom is made up of three parts: 1. Sovereign - permanent part for his heirs and successors; 2. House of Nobles - permanent part for their heirs; and 3. House of Representatives (corrected 03/06/15) - Temporary Voted-In Position. This is the part that committed treason in 1893 and moved to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani, and were supported by bankrupt U.S. and Not the United States of America which was usurped in 1871 under the Secret U.S, Constitution benefiting the bankers. See:
http://maoliworld.ning.com/…/new-world-order-background-149… New World Order Background: 1493, 1822, 1843, 1871, 1892, and 1915
Note: Queen Liliuokalani stated that it was an "entity" which dethroned her and it was neither de facto nor de jure.....The House of Representatives became the Provisional Government supported by the U.S., turned into the Republic of Hawaii then the Territory of Hawaii and the State of Hawaii without a Treaty of Annexation. The State of Hawaii, therefore, is in actuality this 1/3 government branch, an entity which was formed by treasonous persons. The 2/3 Permanent Part of the Hawaiian Government existed then, went "underground", continued to exist then and today, and which is currently in the process of gaining subjects reforming the voted in, non permanent portion of the Hawaiian Government called the House of Representatives.
The State of Hawaii continues an identity theft because the Republic of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii period claimed that they were the "successors" of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
The heirs exist and the "successors" are NOT related to us, are but an "entity" which was treasonous to the Hawaiian Government made up of family members/Royal Families, loyal subjects.
Therefore, the State of Hawaii are legally pirates, pillagers in the Hawaiian Islands.
Lastly, the heirs existed then and exists today, the true successors are Kalaniopuu's, Kaumualii's children, step children, hanai/adopted children and the State of Hawaii are Not related to our Royal Families and have therefore criminally and wrongfully, illegally utilizing a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation occupied by a dishonest identity thieves, pretenders which needs to be replaced by an American Embassy because the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America is in effect, the heirs of Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III exists, and rents, leases, etc. are now due.
The Date: June 14, 1890

Summary: Austin, Minister of Foreign Affairs documented as hastening Annexation of Hawaii to the United States. Four (4) charges made against him.

Date: October 27, 1892
Publication: NEW YORK TIMES
Summary: Lies documented.......the U.S. did not own lands in the Hawaiian Islands, this tiny article verifies it.

Date: November 6, 1892
Summary: Annexation was expected.

Date: January 14, 1893
Summary: Standing order was given to take over the Hawaiian Islands see: January 9, 1893 article in THE NEW YORK TIMES - Pearl Harbor Coaling Station
Pearl Harbor is regarded by these maritime as the best site for a war-supply depot in the Pacific. Onoe secured by Jingluud. it places her principal
station 2700
...http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=F00617FD345B1A738...This "secret" was published a day before the U.S. military got off the BOSTON and surrounded the Iolani Palace due to the standing order of the U.S. Government:
Plots to assume the Hawaiian Government documented --- Benjamin Tracy an American Representative planning with Thurston, et., als. in 1892.
Thomas Akaka with Dr. Mott-Smith, Lorrin Thurston, et. als. planning the dethronement in Washington, D.C. - 1892.
January 9 - "not mention the troops"
January 14 - "secret" published
January 15 - U.S. armed military left the BOSTON and placed the Queen, her subjects and other foreigners under duress, stress, usurpation, and coercion........criminal activities against a neutral, friendly nation by treasonous persons who were part of the 1/3 voted in part of the Hawaiian Government. The 2/3 permanent parts of the Hawaiian Government were: the Sovereign, his/her heirs and successors and the House of Nobles.
January 16 - Constitution destroyed by Queen Liliuokalani, which returned the Hawaiian Government to a Monarchy Government. (A purported Constitution was made up by treasonous persons and filed in U.S. Congress).
January 17 - Queen Liliuokalani was wrongfully, criminally dethroned.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Replies to This Discussion
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 54 minutes ago
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Date: February 2, 1893
Summary: "The President is prepared, and has been ready for many months, to act in a very decisive manner and with a view to the establishment of the influence of the United States in the Hawaiian Islands."
Yep folks................we know " who let the dogs out".........
Date: February 18, 1893
Summary: The Queen's Protest documented, she admitted she "submitted to force...." , and was aware that the Minister Plenipotentiary of the U.S. aided and abetted treasonous persons, etc.
She listed Three (3) reasons why she submitted to the armed military, representing the U.S., etc.:
1) "futility of conflict with the United States;
2) "the desire to avoid violence, bloodshed, and the destruction of life and property;
3) she felt the President would right the wrongs.
Importantly, the Queen's Protest was written on January 16, 1893 and published more than a month later or on February 18, 1893.
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 18 minutes ago
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Date: February 18, 1893
Summary: The CROWN LANDS "are a trust created by Kamehameha III, out of his personal estate...."
"the funds arising therefrom were never available for appropriation by the Hawaiian Legislature."
Meaning: PIRATES moved in to assume the Private Properties of the Royal Families who existed then and exists now and are currently in Court being sued by criminal deviants perpetuating the crimes documented through the Premeditation Evidence here in this thread.

Date: July 24, 1893 Publication: THE NEW YORK TIMES
Summary: The treasonous persons who created the Provisional Government turned Republic supported by the U.S. "confiscated" the Crown Lands. Nearly 1,000,000 acres of land were claimed as "ceded" by the treasonous persons and transferred to the U.S.
Prominent American lawyers were hired and "engaged to handle the case against the United States Government."
Premeditation, duress, dethroning a Queen of a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation, criminally assuming private properties, genocide, fraud, criminal deviance, breach of international laws, genocide, etc. ongoing issues.

Hawaii holomua = Progress. (Honolulu) 1893-1895, December 07, 1893, Image 2
Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 1 hour ago
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More About the Annexation Pushers, "knavish pirates in a plot to steal a nation", causing terrorism, and having no standing under International Law, and a conspirator/treasonous based entity which was made up of a 1/3 temporary voted in part of the Three (3) part Hawaiian Government (2 parts are permanent: 1) Sovereign - heirs and successors; and 2) House of Nobles - heirs ) and now known as the entity State of Hawaii through this historical article:
Hawaii holomua = Progress. (Honolulu) 1893-1895, December 07, 1893, Image 2
Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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