Saturday, August 16, 2014

Kamehameha III's Instructions in Forming a Tribunal

Kamehameha III's/Keaouli's Tribunal Instructions Found In the Grant Deeds - Bureau of Conveyances

Replies to This Discussion

Note: Applicable to the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom with the U.S.A./U.S., etc.
The only participants to the Treaty are Kamehameha III his heirs and successors, and the U.S. President with the Secretary of State.
The Tribunal can be selected by the Hawaiian Government which is made up of three (3) parts:  1)  Kamehameha III's heirs and successors which includes all of Kamehameha's children, stepchildren, and hanai hookama -made up the Permanent part of the Hawaiian Government ; 2) House of Nobles - permanent members descendants and heirs -made up the Permanent part of the Hawaiian Government; and 3)  House of Representatives - Voted in part, temporary part of the Hawaiian Government made up of those who helped to plan, conspire, defraud, dethrone Queen Liliuokalani.
In other words, the Provisional government, turned Republic of Hawaii, turned Territory of Hawaii, turned State of Hawaii through the assistance of the United States/U.S.A. government which included President Dwight D. Eisenhower who signed an Executive Order to allow Hawaii (named by England) to become an illegal part of the United States of America/United States promoting the lies since 1893.....are operating on the 1/3 part of the government which is why Queen Liliuokalani called the Provisional government an entity, neither de facto nor de jure because a 1/3 part could not stand by itself.
The Office of Interior is an illegal entity without granted jurisdiction, without authority in a foreign nation, along with the U.S.A./U.S. who did aid and assist, promote the piracy/privateering/parasitic operations in the Hawaiian Islands.
The Tribunal's Findings, Conclusions based on Evidence is a Legal Contribution to correcting the criminal activities, crimes which have been perpetuated in the Hawaiian Islands by documented individuals, groups who had always wanted what the Kanaka Maoli has.
Informing many because..............
Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!

Exposing Some of the Highlights of Research by Amelia Gora (2013)

Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A pirates life for me

Watching Pirates, Parasites, etc. in the Hawaiian Islands:

Exposing Some of the Highlights of Research  

by Amelia Gora (2013)

The following are some of the highlights of Research found over time:

*  Hawaiian History "Whitewashed"

*  Hawaiian Genealogies Tampered with; Heirs Defrauded; Fraud Exists; Perjury Documented
In Court Cases; Collusion/Concerted Efforts/Premeditation Documented/Discovered; Genocide     Evidence Documented/Discovered.

*  Queen Emma transferred her interest in the Crown Lands to the Hawaiian Government.  

*  The Hawaiian Government is made up of three parts, two permanent and one temporary, voted in part:

1)  Sovereign - the King his descendants/heirs - Permanent Part
2)  House of Nobles - original members - their descendants/heirs - Permanent Part
3)  House of Representatives - voted in - Temporary Part 
Note:  It was this group that moved to assume the Hawaiian Government, participate in dethroning King Kalakaua first, then Queen Liliuokalani.  This is the terrorist group documented, conspirators/treasonous person/pirates/parasites/predators, etc.

*   The Judges claimed that their rules became laws.  They criminally maneuvered court cases, disregarded truth, testimonies, evidence, etc.  They defrauded true heirs and supported the non Kanaka Maoli.   The Judges were treasonous, conspirators within the Justice System, etc.

*   Some of the Judges were Confederate Generals who had a choice of working on assignments to take over the Hawaiian Islands, etc. or be imprisoned by the U.S.

*  Pacific Cable Company - Sugar Planters; Charles Reed Bishop, et. als.  involved.  These investors helped to finance the U.S. because of the fear that the Japanese would infiltrate the San Francisco Bay area, etc. and it would take more than 10 years to get them out.  The cable would be used to announce to the Americans that the Japanese were passing the Hawaiian Islands and used for strategic purposes.

*  Atlantic Cable Company employee Celso Moreno arrived in the Hawaiian Islands, befriended King David Kalakaua and made arrangements with the Pacific Cable Company investors.

*  An American Representative requested for Loans from the House of Nobles and were denied.  the U.S. would not pay back for thousands of years and would pay back only little bits of interest each year.

*  Bernice Pauahi Bishop was fraudulently claimed to be the last of the Kamehameha's, the non Kanaka Maoli fought in court over her heirship and the Bishop Estates Trustees became heirs, contrary to Hawaiian Kingdom laws, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court Laws.

Note:  I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants of Kalola who was the 'next of kin' documented in the Probate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

*  Concerted effort made to assume the Hawaiian Kingdom by the U.S., England, and the Bankers, Masons/Freemasons, Conspirators/Treasonous persons/Pirates/Parasites/Predators in the Hawaiian Kingdom Government, et. als. documented.  

*  Mr. Stevens cabled the U.S.:  

"the HAWAIIAN PEAR is NOW FULLY RIPE, and this is the golden hour for the United States to pluck it."

*  Lease Lands; Other Lands criminally assumed by Provisional Government participants, etc.

*  The Blount Report was a scam and failed to address issues such as the Premeditation activities, the Tampered Genealogies, the Pacific Cable Company, the Atlantic Cable Company representatives involvement with the Pacific Cable Company investors, etc.; the Lease Lands; other Lands; the Fraud Deed of the Pearl Harbor lands; the Fraud Pearl Harbor Reciprocity Treaty, etc.

The Blount Report had only three (3) Major Concerns:

l)  Cause of the revolution;
2)  Part played by Minister Stevens;
3)  Attitude of the Hawaiian people toward the Provisional Government.

*  Queen Kapiolani opposed the Princes filing of her deed.  She had instructed them to file it AFTER she died.  She publicly opposed them and had a court case against them.

*  Queen Liliuokalani denied signing a Trust Deed with Samuel Damon, et. als.:

Prince Kuhio tried to declare her to be incompetent, a crazy person. Queen Liliuokalani maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the haole/foreigners. Prince Kuhio took an out of court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani after she died in 1917.

Colburn was entrusted to take care of the wrongs, instead he made agreements with Prince Kuhio who did take an out-of-court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani.

Prince Kuhio and Prince Kawananakoa were treasonous persons, were Masons/Freemasons part of a group who helped to remove Queen Liliuokalani from her position. Both Princes, although listed and schooled as Princes, they were relatives of Queen Kapiolani and were not the descendants of King David Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani. Unresolved Issues.

Also, it was found that Queen Liliuokalani did create a Trust of her own of which her hanai daughter and the children of her body would be her Trustees and her children's children, etc.

*  Spanish-American War - the Spanish questioned the U.S. about Hawaii.

*  World War I - the Germans questioned the U.S. aboutHawaii.

*  World War II - the Japanese questioned the U.S. about Hawaii.

*  Iraqi War - The Iraqi's, Saddam Hussein, questioned the U.S. about Hawaii.

*  Genealogies researched shows that Kamehameha's, Kamehameha III's descendants exist:

Kamehameha had 10+ documented wives. (Kamehameha had 18 grandchildren and I, Amelia Gora descend from 4+ of them - namely Hanuna; Kanekapolei 2; Kalaniulumoku, Opunui)
Kamehameha II had 8 documented wives.
Kamehameha III had 4 documented wives. He had several hanai children and several stepchildren documented. Recently someone claimed direct, documentation now proves it.  More recently, research has uncovered the fact that Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli had 7 children:  Opunui, Kekipi, Keawe, Mahoe, Kahalaoa, Papa, and Nalimu.  (I, Amelia Gora am one of the descendants/heirs of Opunui his oldest son)
Kamehameha IV had 1 documented wife.
Kamehameha V was unmarried.
King Lunalilo was unmarried.
King David Kalakaua had 2 documented wives. He had 2 documented children and 3 adopted children (Kahanu (k); Rose (k), and a yet to be verified adopted son) of which the Kawananakoa's are NOT a part of.

Queen Liliuokalani had 4 documented husbands (Kaumauma, Koolau, Maulili, John Dominis).
She said the following were here children/hanai: Abigail/Abigail Maikai/Kapooloku/Kapapoko/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani; Kaaumoana/Luka aka's; Kaeha opio(w); Ioane (k); Kamukai (k); Wahie (k); et. als.

Princess Likelike had 1 documented husband and 1 documented child named Kaiulani/ Princess Kaiulani. The claimed descendants of Cleghorn are NOT related to the Kalakaua, Liliuokalani lines. They are called the ILLEGITIMATE children of Cleghorn, a Mason/Freemason. They have ties to Treasonous person Sanford B. Dole, one of the many genocide activists of the period.

Princess Poomaikelani has descendants, which is where our families come in. There are documented others.

Princess Poomaikelani had children: Samuel (k); Alapai (w); Haili/Kaili/Kalama (w) and stepchildren. Her husband Iona Piikoi was married previously and there are other children who were defrauded by the Kuhio, Kawananakoa families.

Princess Kinoiki a sibling of Queen Kapiolani, wife of King Kalakaua; sibling of Princess Poomaikelani had 3 sons: Edward, Kuhio, and Kawananakoa.

Prince Edward lived with Princess Poomaikelani and mysteriously died at age 18.
Prince Kuhio, a treasonous person was another who married a Kahanu (w) who married into the Woods family. Descendants of Kahanu (w) exist in Aetearoa.

Prince Kawanankoa, another treasonous person has a questionnable lineage who continues genocide activities, claiming lands that they have no rights to........they have changed their names from Ellerbrock to Kawananakoa; Lambert to Kawananakoa, etc.

There are many unresolved issues, which reveals that this is truly the CRIMINAL MECCA of the U.S., genocide issues 

Informing many because..............
Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!
eyes 068  Fifteen Men (Bottle of Rum)

more info at
also fyi:  was informed by one of our House of Nobles members who recently passed away named Raymond Kamaka who said that President Dwight D. Eisenhower was part Hawaiian......research incomplete.
Amelia Gora shared a link.
Maka Ala Everyone, more truth about the
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Tribunal Instructions Found In the Grant Deeds - Bureau of...
The following is a message to all on this day, celebrated as "Admissions Day":
Amelia Gora Oppositions to Statehood was made by Kamehameha's descendants - Harold Abel Cathcart and my great grandmother Mele Keawe Kauweloa - Remembering our tutus..
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Ni'ihau's own: Triple T's Support Hawaiian Music

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