Saturday, August 16, 2014

Update: Nominations for Tribunal in answer to What's Next? Arrest The Pretenders In The Hague; Form A Tribunal; Utilize the Treaty of 1850.......

 in answer to What's Next? Arrest The Pretenders In The Hague; Form A Tribunal; Utilize the Treaty of 1850.......

Legal Notice
Where Do We Go From Here?
1)  Directive to Nations Who Have Treaty(ies) With Our Royal Families - Kamehameha III's heirs/descendants:
Hague, et. als. Officials:  Please Arrest the Pretenders from Hawaii Going/Visiting the Hague with Intentions of Being Recognized as the Hawaiian Kingdom ............
The Following Is a Legal Post entered in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk - News on the Web

Hawaii for the kanaka maoli!


*Important Note:  We are NOT With Keanu Sai, Dexter Kaiama, Henry Noa, Bumpy Kanahele, Office of Hawaiian Affairs/OHA, Kanaiolowalu, Hawaiian Rolls, including Collette Machado, Oswald Stender, John Waihee, other OHA Trustees, Danner Sisters, Mililani Trask, Lilikala Kamaelehiwa, Kelii /Lawrence Gora, Neil Abercrombie, Trustees of the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, Queen's  Hospital, Queen Kapiolani, King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani, Kamehameha, Kamehameha III Trusts, et. als.
Their names, statements were posted previously due to their truth presented.  But sadly, some of them seem to think that they are our Representatives, etc.
As Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, Kamehameha III's descendants/heirs, King Lunalilo's, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's, Princess Poomaikelani's Families, John Young/Olohana, Isaac Davis descendants/heirs, we are not party to the crimes engaged in by treasonous/genocide activists persons, some of whom are named above.
All Nations should take notice and be careful of anything presented by the above individuals, entities who are NOT part of our families or representing our families or utilizing our research, our identities for their gains, our heirships, etc. 
 We deny that they are part of our Royal Families.  They are Pirates, Pretenders, and are NOT parties to the Treaty(ies) of 1850, etc. 
                                                Amelia Gora
2)  We have reformed the House of Nobles and some of the offices.
3)  We are Forming a Tribunal as documented by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli our ancestor..........
4)  We as heirs of Kamehameha III Invoke the Treaty of 1850 specifically Articles I and XIV:

"Article I
There shall be perpetual peace and amity between the United States and the King of the Hawaiian Islands, his heirs and his successors."
"Article XIV
The contracting parties mutually agree to surrender,upon official requisition, to the authority of each, all persons who, being charged with the crimes of murder, piracy,arson, robbery, forgery or the utterance of forged paper,committed within the jurisdiction of either, shall be found within the territories of the other; provided, that this shall only be done upon such evidence or criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the person so charged shall be found, would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime had there been committed: and the respective judges and other magistrates of the two Governments, shall have authority, upon complaint made under oath, to issue a warrant for the apprehension of the person do charged, that he may be brought before such judge or other magistrates respectively, to the end that the evidence of criminality may be heard and considered;and if, on such hearing, the evidence be deemed sufficient to sustain the charge, it shall be the duty of the examining judge or magistrate to certify the same to the proper executive authority, that a warrant may issued for the surrender of such fugitive. The expense of such apprehension and delivery shall be borne and defrayed by the party who makes the requisition and receives the fugitive."
5)  The List of the Pirates includes:
PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends
see theiolani.blogspot,com and forum posts at
see Honolulu Police Department List of Names Documented Since 1998
-Governor Neil Abercrombie et.als.
-Provisional Government officers; Republic of Hawaii officers; Territory of Hawaii officers; State of Hawaii officers
- Pacific Club/Partners in Crime Club, et. als,
-Judges who fail to recognize the Treaty of 1850, etc.  (example:  Judge Castagnetti, et. als.)
- Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/KSBE Trustees, et. als.
- Liliuokalani Trust/Queen Liliuokalani Trustees, et, als.
- King Kalakaua's Trustees, et. als.
- Kamehameha V Trustees, et. als,
- Charles Kanaina Trustees, et, als,
- Victoria Kamamalu Trustees, et.als.
- Claimed Ceded Lands Trustees, et.als.
-New Names Posted as a Legal Notice
- Queen's Hospital Trustees, et. als.
- King Lunalilo's Trustees, et, als.
Legal Notice
Alan Ackerman posted this:
Do not vote
Nadine Aquino
Do not vote

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Tane Inciong, Maria Taylor and 2 others like this.
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Josephine Keliipio Puck Engish
10 hrs · Like

James Kamaunu That Idiot Abersloppie is going to Ban our Hawaiian Language for good..!
10 hrs · Like · 1

Tane Inciong He's after Hawaiian lands,assets and money! Muhe'e!
8 hrs · Unlike · 1

James Kamaunu E 'ana'ana keo keo 'aupuni 'oia......
8 hrs · Like

Amelia Gora Prosecute as a pirate under the 1850 Treaty Article XIV.....any nominations for a Tribunal.....I nominate Tane Inciong for one...
8 mins · Like

Replies to This Discussion


 — withLiliuokalani.
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    21 hrs · Edited · Like
  • Ke Aupuni O Hawaii That is what OHA, Danners, & Waihee is after. To be property managers under a federal landlord.
    21 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
    21 hrs · Edited · Like
  • Ke Aupuni O Hawaii Hawaiians lost control of a $5 billion Trust Asset thanks to certain members of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs:  Not only has OHA failed to become a full partner in the management of Papahanaumokuakea, one of our most sacred, culturally significant and environmentally sensitive sites, but now five OHA trustees (Apoliona, Machado, Stender, Mossman, and Waihee) are giving their de facto support for the current management arrangement by pushing for Papahanaumokuakea's designation as a "prestigious" United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site. see:
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    Hawaiians lost control of a $5 billion Trust Asset By Office of Hawaiian Affairs...See More
    21 hrs · Like · 1
  • Kai Landow Ok, we know the injuries, we know what the fake State did, does, doing. Yes we should build up our own economies, I think that is a must. but before that the DOI brought people together more than any other event in recent years. what are the next steps to make use of the great understanding that Hawaiian people want to be liberated. do we form a transitional council? do we raise funds to have a vote? do we start in the local ahapua'a to be the base and if so how?
    21 hrs · Like · 1
  • Ke Aupuni O Hawaii It appears without recognition from other countries there is little hope (as history demonstrates) for the Hawaiian Kingdom to have a place at the table. China and Russia appear ready to embarrass the US. Official commerce with the Kingdom of Hawaii would negate need for US recognition and provide seed funding for the Kingdom. The Foreign Secretary would be the one to initiate the revival of the treaty.
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Ke Aupuni O Hawaii A vote is an interesting idea to engage the media and raise funds, say a voting tax taken at the polls if Hawaii's constitution allows.
    20 hrs · Like
  • Ke Aupuni O Hawaii Agreed... and OHA has taken it and started to run.... away from Hawaiians....
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Pineapple NawaiKa'ahanui KaiaeKonohia Why not just give the funds to the homeless they need it more then we do just saying :o) pineapple
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Ke Aupuni O Hawaii You are certainly welcome to "just give the funds to the homeless". Would be a great example of putting your money where your mouth is, please. A simple gesture like that goes a long way....
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Ke Aupuni O Hawaii La'auli KeAli'iaimoku Liki My back, side & front yards are in full production. Food, flowers, herbs and with with neighbors. Also learned trick from my Filipino friends and using state controlled property to raise corn, soy, cucumber, melon etc crops. Just use a long hose for irrigation.
    20 hrs · Like · 3
  • Ke Aupuni O Hawaii Saw a brother doing the same on Schofield military base (with permission of course) . Military grade kalo! Bwahahahaha...
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Stuart Hebb I'd like to see Hawaii develop culturally and economically prior to re-assuming ownership. Talk of using China and Russia is interesting but it makes Hawaii a battlefield - not something I want for my children. I mean develop as a civilization - farmers maybe - but ideas and vision make a nation great.
    20 hrs · Edited · Like
  • Donovan Kanani Cabebe My suggestion would be to get your deceleration of identity affidavit and get it turned in. The u.s. Has no jurisdiction over kanaka. Then we all need to get a class action suit to persecute the danner conspirators for fraud and racketeering.
    20 hrs · Like · 2
  • Donovan Kanani Cabebe Tune in to the songs of sovereignty live from Kauai island every Wednesday 9am to 11 am at
    20 hrs · Like
  • Kai Landow Will other countries recognize the Hawaiian Kingdom and the ones we have treaties with return to full diplomatic status? YES
    15 hrs · Like · 1
  • Kai Landow The issue with filing a brief to restore a political body is that it can only do so much, Sovereignty has to be claimed. i believe it can be a start of a new effort and create needed funds. Where do we sue, who enforces the rulings. these are tough questions; but can be answered. So is the next steps the courts? and if so what else needs to be done at the same time?
    15 hrs · Edited · Like
  • Donovan Kanani Cabebe Yes the courts.
    9 hrs · Like
  • Ke Aupuni O Hawaii first we need to aid in dismanteling the power machine that has been holding everyone is a start:
  • Amelia Gora sas Kamehameha III documented, we are to form a Tribunal....prosecute the wrongdoers according to the 1849 Treaty Article XIV ......and let the Fun errrr the Truth begin according to what is written ...See More
    The United States of America and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, e... See More
    3 hrs · Like · 1 · Remove Preview
  • Kai Landow Ke Aupuni O Hawaii - What would other nations gain in recognizing treaties with the kingdom at this point in time? The math is simple.  
    1) By recognizing their treaties with the Hawaiian Kingdom, the have the moral, political and legal high ground a) 
    this allows for criticism of the dominance of military nations.
    2) Many smaller nations wish to be real partners in global decision making. a) The result of advocating for the Hawaiian Kingdom [as well as other occupied nations] will add to the effort to create world equity in how the world will go forward b) the environmental issues and sustainability require political equity to make the changes needed to have a survivable future
    3) United Nations reforms a) There are efforts under way to reform the UN to change the dominance of the Security Council and bringing the United States among others into compliance with international law will open up the process b) There is a direct line between our treaties and making international law a real enforceable mechanism. 
    4) Many nations face the control of the “Economic Hit-men” a) real sovereignty has not been achieved by all nations. In the Pacific Nauru, Palau, Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon islands, etc are still facing intense pressure and outside manipulation from the US, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and France. b) One way to make change in the Pacific is to change the power lock created by these states is to reject their power claims in the Pacific. c) In light of the fact that many of these countries are forced to lease their treasure to mining, fishing and exploited labor interests, political change may be the only way to free themselves from this oppression.
    5) Do not assume that States are opposed to recognizing the Hawaiian Kingdom! a) Without threats of the United States would States recognize the Kingdom? In our talks over the years with representatives of nations around the world, they have expressed their desire to have direct relations with us. b) Many States see a future with the Hawaiian Kingdom as a partner, but when they see us a viable. So what do we need to be viable? What are our next steps?
    6) Many countries were former occupied states and are interested in completing the decolonization of the world. a) The work to decolonize the world is still being pushed forward, slowly for now, but still moving. b) Last year a report on the Pacific nations status recommended the DE-occupation of Hawai'i. For the first time the United States responded to the issue and claimed it is just a domestic issue. This helped us by alerting the world to the movement to liberate Hawai'i and highlighted American imperialism.
    1 hr · Edited · Like

Replies to This Discussion

  • Amelia Gora hi Kai...actually like Aran Ardaiz works and some of the things that you folks are doing.... lacking though are genealogies in coming together...because the Hawaiian Government is made up of three (3) parts: the Sovereign, his heirs and successors - permanent; the House of Nobles , their heirs - and the voted in part is the House of Representatives which is a temporary part of the Hawaiian Government see Rex vs. Booth case
        Reference:  HAWAII REPORTS (1863)  Rex vs. Booth case and entered in the Kah... See More
  • Jack I'au'kea I asked Maria Taylor to type for me cuz I am no good at typing and I am better olelo kanaka, but not all can olelo so she helps me with my English words. 
    What I saw was at least 90% of the people testified for the Kingdom. The people have spoken and i
    t should be so. It was important for us to hear each other. Politically, this is unchartered territory, so I want to help you guys make manageable goals that can be put into practice now.

    Some of us have been trained for this period of time. While I was having my training, teaching and all, there were others who were being trained and taught; wahines, kanes, and they train from a very young age. I will share with you the protocols I was taught and would love to hear from others who were also taught.

    We have to make ready and prepare for ourselves. Prepare for the “what ifs.” What if the USA told us we have 90 days to prove we can make the land sustainable? We no can wait until tomorrow – we must begin right now. We need to be self-sufficient to be independent. What if the president gave us what we want and they give us back the control – now what are we gonna do about it? Expect things we take for granted to be gone.

    The monarchy gave freedom to the people and communities to govern themselves as they saw fit. Communities in Oahu are different than those on Big Island. Protocol requires the next step starts with community. Not USA kine community, but Kingdom communities. No one in the Kingdom has a monopoly for anything. My kids are your kids, you feed mine, I’ll feed yours. Your grandkids are my grandkids. Who in the community fixes cars, who is good with computers, who has time to check in on the elderly, who is a doctor, a nurse, a teacher, what schedules do people have? Who can take turns as a community watchman and check up on their neighborhoods. The communities are going to have to plan for all this – it’s all in the planning and each community has freedom to do what is best for them, which includes having security.

    What are the necessary things everyone needs everyday? Food and water. Everyone on every island, no matta if they are educated, rich, poor, etc. everyone needs to eat and we need fresh water.
    Some in the communities need to secure the water to be self-sustaining. Go to the waterfalls and build a trench or something to divert the water to the lohi and farms, make a water hole in the secret places, move rocks and utilize the nature. It will take communities to work together. No one has a monopoly on water in the Kingdom.

    The community needs to be one, continue to meet and get to know each other well. It is important to know who has what skill. Those in the aupua'a support each other and by that I mean if one is going to court - all who can, go with him. If one needs to clear his land, make a party out of. The communities need to become self-sufficient so no one needs to worry about buying food or feeding their keiki. Some are farmers, some fisherman, some can make gates to house wild pigs, etc. If you no more land, throw seeds in the forest to live among the existing plants. Make medicinal gardens. But be smart about it –have a goal and don’t bring unnecessary attention to yourselves.

    Each community will then decide upon the leaders to speak on its behalf but that will come naturally as the community works together. If each community on every island will start with this, soon we will trade goods and services with each other and other nations, be self-sufficient and independent. From the communities, will arise district leaders as they are voted in, which is the building block of the Kingdom government – the elected representatives. From the islands, the nations will know and we can teach them to be war free, humble with each other and be successful.

    If anyone has anything to add to this or offer suggestions, please feel free to share. There will be more to share, but to keep the momentum going, this is something every subject can work on. I hope you guys take this in and don’t sleep on it too long. Mahalo nui loa.
    Keaka Kealii Kaahiki Iaukea
  • Amelia Gora one of the recent finds includes SB Dole/Son of a Bitch Dole  article dated 1874 stating that Kamehameha V was the "last of the Kamehameha's".....then discovered/rediscovered the article by the Congressional Digest in 1950 which documented the that's a bit of evidence showing additional collusion and the effort, pirate effort of disregarding the Kamehameha's..... as you may know Kiliwehi is part of the House of Nobles issues to be brought out legally which includes Abercrombie's testimony....well keep in touch....aloha.
    Play Video

    A video about the present day plundering of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
  • Amelia Gora Pineapple that you Russell? just wonderin ...hope all's well... 

IslandPride Hawaii's photo.
IslandPride Hawaii's photo.
IslandPride Hawaii's photo.
IslandPride Hawaii added 3 new photos.
"The Hawaiian pear is now fully ripe, and this is the golden hour for the United States to pluck it,"
John L. Stevens (US Minister to The Hawaiian Kingdom) wro...
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Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii aka's Records No. 2014-0716 Legal Notice: Arrest The Pretenders In The Hague; Form A Tribunal; Utilize the Treaty of 1850.......

Amelia Gora /span>>

11:35 AM (0 minutes ago)
to presidentcommentsIrishSwitzerlandinfomayorOfficeGovernormayormayormayorjohn.maguirecommentscomments,  
U.S. President Obama
U.S. Secretary of State - John Kerry
U.S. Minister of Interior/Office of Interior visiting the Hawaiian Islands
The Hague - Switzerland
Interested Others
 Legal Notice:

Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii aka's No. 2014-0716 Legal Notice: 

Arrest The Pretenders In The Hague; Form A Tribunal; Utilize the Treaty of 1850.......

 from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs

Legal Notice
Where Do We Go From Here?
1)  Directive to Nations Who Have Treaty(ies)/et. als. With Our Royal Families - Kamehameha III's heirs/descendants:
Hague, et. als. Officials:  Please Arrest the Pretenders from Hawaii Going/Visiting the Hague with Intentions of Being Recognized as the Hawaiian Kingdom ............
The Following Is a Legal Post entered in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk - News on the Web 

Hawaii for the kanaka maoli!


*Important Note:  We are NOT With Keanu Sai, Dexter Kaiama, Henry Noa, Bumpy Kanahele, Office of Hawaiian Affairs/OHA, Kanaiolowalu, Hawaiian Rolls, including Collette Machado, Oswald Stender, John Waihee, other OHA Trustees, Danner Sisters, Mililani Trask, Lilikala Kamaelehiwa, Kelii /Lawrence Gora, Neil Abercrombie, Trustees of the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, Queen's  Hospital, Queen Kapiolani, King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani, Kamehameha, Kamehameha III Trusts, et. als.
Their names, statements were posted previously due to their truth presented.  But sadly, some of them seem to think that they are our Representatives, etc.
As Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, Kamehameha III's descendants/heirs, King Lunalilo's, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's, Princess Poomaikelani's Families, John Young/Olohana, Isaac Davis descendants/heirs, we are not party to the crimes engaged in by treasonous/genocide activists persons, some of whom are named above.
All Nations should take notice and be careful of anything presented by the above individuals, entities who are NOT part of our families or representing our families or utilizing our research, our identities for their gains, our heirships, etc. 
 We deny that they are part of our Royal Families.  They are Pirates, Pretenders, and are NOT parties to the Treaty(ies) of 1850, etc. 
                                                Amelia Gora
2)  We have reformed the House of Nobles and some of the offices.
3)  We are Forming a Tribunal as documented by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli our ancestor..........
4)  We as heirs of Kamehameha III Invoke the Treaty of 1850 specifically Articles I and XIV:

"Article I
There shall be perpetual peace and amity between the United States and the King of the Hawaiian Islands, his heirs and his successors."
"Article XIV
The contracting parties mutually agree to surrender,upon official requisition, to the authority of each, all persons who, being charged with the crimes of murder, piracy,arson, robbery, forgery or the utterance of forged paper,committed within the jurisdiction of either, shall be found within the territories of the other; provided, that this shall only be done upon such evidence or criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the person so charged shall be found, would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime had there been committed: and the respective judges and other magistrates of the two Governments, shall have authority, upon complaint made under oath, to issue a warrant for the apprehension of the person do charged, that he may be brought before such judge or other magistrates respectively, to the end that the evidence of criminality may be heard and considered;and if, on such hearing, the evidence be deemed sufficient to sustain the charge, it shall be the duty of the examining judge or magistrate to certify the same to the proper executive authority, that a warrant may issued for the surrender of such fugitive. The expense of such apprehension and delivery shall be borne and defrayed by the party who makes the requisition and receives the fugitive."
5)  The List of the Pirates includes:
PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends
see theiolani.blogspot,com and forum posts at
GENOCIDE ACTIVITIES LIST (filed at the Honolulu Police Department)
see Honolulu Police Department List of Names Documented Since 1998
-Governor Neil Abercrombie et.als.
-Provisional Government officers; Republic of Hawaii officers; Territory of Hawaii officers; State of Hawaii officers
- Pacific Club/Partners in Crime Club, et. als,
-Judges who fail to recognize the Treaty of 1850, etc.  (example:  Judge Castagnetti, et. als.)
- Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/KSBE Trustees, et. als.
- Liliuokalani Trust/Queen Liliuokalani Trustees, et, als.
- King Kalakaua's Trustees, et. als.
- Kamehameha V Trustees, et. als,
- Charles Kanaina Trustees, et, als,
- Victoria Kamamalu Trustees, et.als.
- Claimed Ceded Lands Trustees, et.als.
-New Names Posted as a Legal Notice
- Queen's Hospital Trustees, et. als.
- King Lunalilo's Trustees, et, als.
Foreign Nations Officials/Observers are welcomed.

Protectorate(s) by Foreign Nations other than the U.S. is anticipated.

Please assist us in this request to arrest all who claim to represent our Royal Families.  The group traveling to the Hague, etc. are Americans claiming to be subjects/citizens of the Hawaiian Kingdom and they are not the latter.

Their costs of imprisonment, fines, will be cleared by the U.S./U.S.A. Government based on Article XIV as documented in the Treaty of 1850.

Thank you for your assistance in these matters.

Please contact me at, if you have any questions, etc.
                                                                       Amelia Gora, a Royal person
                                                                        House of Nobles Member,
                                                                        Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
                                                                        Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/ Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Sandwich Islands/Hawaii
Legal Notice
off of facebook:
Scotty Wong and Robert Freitas Jr.. are supporters of Genocide Activists... Kaiama is on the Police Report for the comments being referred to as a personal's obvious that you both lack understanding in what was stated.......the State of Hawaii SUED a number of us in Court......the Project of the Crown Lands took purchasing maps off the internet from someone who owns the maps, taking measurements, etc....filing a lien which attaches to other liens showing genocide, corruption etc........ who are we? descendants of Kamehameha, and part of the House of Nobles because we have our genealogies in place, filed a lien on the Crown Lands ....both of you are now added with Dexter Kaiama et. als. on the
Genocide Activities List .....Treaty of 1850 still in place Article I and Article XIV are applicable...........I was assigned a Police file number in 1998. fyi .....auwe, SELL OUT Hawaiians on the prowl on Facebook... Wicked. All kanaka maoli must be careful of some of the Pretenders...the word used by Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III...lastly, Wong, Freitas, Kaiama, are NOT Friends on FB, etc. Note: to Norman - the Crown Land maps cost $10,000 plus on line....additional monies were spent to measure each part of the Crown Lands......NOT Ceded lands as claimed by the PIRATES, Provisional government supported by the U.S./U.S.A.........Kaiama had the opportunity to FIX or HELP our Kamehameha families... but He didn't..........he's on the other side of the fence......and he actually came to our House of Nobles meeting and joined with us.......after he moved with Keanu Sai.......Our families are descendants of four (4) of Kamehameha's children....research shows that SB Dole/"Son of a Bitch Dole" started the lie that Kamehameha V was the "last of the Kamehameha's" and the Congressional Digest of 1950 shows the perpetuation of the LIE that "Kamehameha V was the last of the Kamehameha's".........People don't know that the Hawaiian Government is made up of 2/3 Kamehameha's which includes the original members of the House of Nobles who are part of the Kamehameha families.... the 1/3 voted in part known as the House of Representatives made up those elected and those who participated in the conspiracy(ies) against our people.....the 1850 Treaty involves ONLY the Kamehameha's, the President, and the Secretary of State.....TREAT
IES supersedes State Laws, etc.....the Judges are also to adhere to the U.S. Constitution which affects their duties due to the Treaties...the Crown Lands case is not over....because the State of Hawaii DOES NOT own the Crown Lands......because Kaiama FAILED to defend our Kamehameha families who also happen to be part of Queen Liliuokalani's families documented doesn't that mean he moves with Keanu who did admit that he stole the KAAI, the iwi basketry from the Bishop Museum, the KAAI that holds our ancestors remains......and now moves to claim that they are the Hawaiian Government?....... .....all who support them including Wong and Freitas are also Part of the Problem as with OHA Trustees, Kanaiolowalu, et. als. This is posted for the Records and sent to the Honolulu Police Department, etc.
Legal Notice Where Do We Go From Here? 1) Directive to Nations Who Have Treaty(ies) With...
An interesting Hawaiian history with Hawaiian Electric Co...
Five days before the 1893 coup d’état, Queen Liliuokalani had
sought to regulate electric utilities.
A Concise History of Hawaiian Electric Company (1891-2000)
By Henry Curtis
In 1881 King Kalakaua met Thomas Edison in New York City.
In 1886 Charles Otto Berger demonstrated an electric light at
Iolani Palace. On November 16, 1886 (the King’s birthday)
Iolani Palace was lit. (See 1, 2)
On March 23, 1888, the Nuuanu hydroelectric system went on-line
providing electricity for street lamps. Princess Liliuokalani and
Minister of Interior Thurston watched while Princess Ka’iulani
turned on the switch.
In 1890 the Hilo Boarding School was electrified with 12 bulbs
powered by a water-driven dynamo installed in an irrigation ditch.
The Gas Company was granted a franchise in 1890. Hawaiian
Electric Company (HECO) was incorporated in Honolulu in 1891.
Five days before the 1893 coup d’état, Queen Liliuokalani had
sought to regulate electric utilities.
In the 1920s the Outdoor Circle succeeded in requiring new
electric lines in urban Honolulu to be buried.
During the 1960s HECO ran an advertising campaign asking
people to increase their use of electricity.
HECO filed a rate increase in 1971 and asked that the cost
of the ad campaign be passed on to the ratepayers.
The fight raged during the 1970s with an approval and then
a reversal by the PUC, an approval and a reversal by the
Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR), the enactment
of a state law which required a public hearing for overhead
high voltage transmission lines in residential neighborhoods
and two lawsuits.
In the 1980s HEI went on a buying spree, purchasing real
estate, shipping, insurance, and banking companies.
During the buying spree four major blackouts occurred.
HEI then invested in international energy projects in Guam,
the Philippines, and the People’s Republic of China. HEI
withdrew from those ill-fated ventures after losing $100 million.
In 1992 HECO filed an application with the PUC to build
overhead transmission lines through the Ewa Plains.
The community did not dispute that the lines were needed.
Instead they argued that the lines should be underground
rather than overhead, and they should not be built adjacent
to existing communities.
In 1994 the PUC ruled totally in HECO’s favor.
The Village Park Community Association (VPCA) and over
a dozen State Senators, State Representatives and City
Council Members represented by attorneys Colleen H.
Sakurai (a.k.a. Colleen Hanabusa) and Stephen W.H.A.
Lee filed an appeal to the Hawai`i Supreme Court.
The Hawai`i Supreme Court of Hawai`i (1996) issued its ruling.
The court made two key findings which are relevant to all
future appeals.
Following HECO’s disastrous transmission line fiasco, the
company spent $250,000 on each of three projects: the
Hawai`i Wind Working Group (which flopped); the Undergrounding
and Visual Mitigation study (delegated to the Honolulu Chapter
of the American Institute of Architects which subcontracted it
to EarthPlan); and the creation of the Hawaii Energy Policy
Group (which HECO restricted membership and attendance
for over a year while claiming they had nothing to do with its
formation or oversight). -message from John
Bond =fyi. Queen Liliuokalani was going to regulate the Electric Co. five (5) days before they dethroned her........... 
"Scotty Wong" has sent a message to me from Pilipo's mail list and I sent him a message to stop sending me messages and to take me off his mail list.
Do not vote
Do not vote
So to arrested for kneeling on bones being dug up for Haole asses convicted in 5 minutes...a few days after filing my appeal Charlie Foster my attorney at the time went to work for the prosecutors office...Markell Zenger was then appointed to represent me...lost my appeal but he can't tell me whatever date....calls me names and verbally abuses me when I keep asking whatever date my appeal was decided...this is how my attorney treats me like I'm a piece of shit and he's getting paid but I get zero justice...

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