Thursday, September 18, 2014

Evidence Records

Evidence of Criminal Activities in the Hawaiian Islands documented by Kanaka Maoli and a Few Royal Family members:

Amelia Gora Eric Poohina is one of the descendants of Nawahie........ fyi
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Eric Po'ohina, ARE YOU CHICKEN?
Eric Po'ohina, Kanaka Maoli's should be looking at da USA, The same way Chickens look at Colonel Sanders!
11 mins · Like · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora Lingle was going after the Crown Lands; then watch Abercrombie's attitude..... now watch the new governor.... as Poohina states at the end of his video.."WHERE THE HELL IS DUKE AIONA?" lol.
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No Treaty- No Law- No Land
A video about the present day plundering of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Eric Po'ohina, Kanaka Maoli's should be looking at da USA, The same way Chickens look at Colonel Sanders!
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Repost off of Facebook:

sharing a post which explains how the Animosity Filled organization called the United Nations came into play:

Melissa Moniz
11 hours ago via mobile ·
This post contains the Document of Kelii Gora that was his intervention at the
Twelfth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues , May 20­-31, 2013, NewYorkCity............which prompted Dexter Ka'iama's intervention "Ke Kanaka O'iwi"
On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 7:57 PM, Melissa Moniz <> wrote:
Aloha Mililani....
Asking your permission to post this....I don't want to post this without explaining your position on Gora document or the world going make assumptions. Any changes corrections to my part on the top? Go make them.
Love you plenty,
June 3, 2013 6:30pm
Aloha Melissa,
Please do post the documents.
There has been quite alot of misinformation & allegations recently by the "Hawaii Independence" people, all misinformation as I see it as none of their concerns actually interface with what is going on.
#1. There is no reason for people to be confused about who is moving what interventions at the UN. Every year for the past10 years the Center for Hawaiian studies has collected & bound all the Pacific Interventions & given copies to every PF Expert as well as the caucus. Anyone can get a copy of this years interventions, or the past 10 years, from CHS. People can go get the record & read it.
#2. I, Mililani B. Trask, hold a credential (Non-Eco-Soc) for NA KOA IKAIKA KALAHUI HAWAII. I sign every intervention I prepare. I also work with the Grand Council on their Eco-Soc interventions, they are global & I acsribe under the same credential name. My Eco-Soc credential is not under the Pacific but global. I am not the credential holder of the Eco-Soc anymore, but we all still work together on issues.
#3. There are many many other Hawaiians attending & filing Interventions under their own group names. These include those on the attached Intervention including the people who sighed onto the Hawaii Intervention you forwarded. .....KaLāhuiHawaiʻ i UNKAMAKAKU
KaLeiPāpahiʻ oKākuhihewa Kukuiokane
KeAlaOKaPiko Papakipuka
KeKahuaoKūaliʻ i
#4. There has been quite alot of misinformation & allegations recently by the "Hawaii Independence" people, mostly BS as far asI can see. I am not sure who is signing on for Ka Lahui Hawaii, or t others named above, but I have not used that credential for years. If the Independence gossipers want to check the record they can & should, that way they will know who is supporting which intervention. This year, I only signed on to 1 intervention, it was the collective Intervention on the UNESCO/WHC issue. I was presented before I came on Thursday afternoon so I do not know who read it on the floor.
#5. I just received a few minutes ago, the final list of those attending the Alta meeting. I will be working with the drafting group. All regional statements are too long as written, a third draft is circulating after the Madrid meeting, but the language I submitted for the UNESCO/WHC was not included. I will be at Alta to get this into the final. Three groups from the Pacific filed an objection on the Northwest Hawaiian Islands WHC listing (Koani Foundation, Na Koa Ikaika KaLahu Hawaii & the Guam Coalition) & we are still working on this. Matthias & Dalee have already emailed they will support this at Alta. A second priority is to interface with Tercilla & the Indigenous Women on the global Womans meeting that the Spanish Speakers are planning. We just pulled together a Pacific Womens meeting in NY to discus organizing & will continue discussions on this at Alta.
#6. There are many agenda's moving at Alta, I do not see much hope to create anything new, but we could lose ground if we are not careful.
#7. It is interesting that all the grumblers and Kings & Queens want to control the Pacific Global Caucus, but none of them have worked to build a UN caucus on decol. themselves. This would likely have to be undertaken with the Caribbean & Porto Rico etc. I doubt that the Pacific will be inclined to follow the many Hawaii Kings & Queens & their haole Ambassadors who reside on the US Continent - it will not happen because the talkers & grumblers never do any work.
Finally here is the post..............
I am posting the Document supported by Lilikala/Gora ma. I would also like to ask that when reading it, take note that Ka Lahui has been inactive for years. I do know that there has been a group of college students reviewing it's Constitution and Bylaws and rewriting it. Mililani was the first kia'aina. There has been others. I believe the last kia'aina of Ka Lahui was Kealii Gora but I am not positive.
When I spoke to Mililani of this document she had not seen it yet, she also stated that we need to ask and see who signed it as she is not Ka Lahui, which everyone assumes she is because she founded it. She did not sign this document. I am still trying to see who endorsed this document.
Dexter Ka'iama and Kalama Niheu , who represented us at UN, notified us of this document prepared by Keali'i Gora. Upon taking a close look at the language of this Pacific Statement and discussion with others it was decided that we would not support it.
Dexter has sent out "Ke Kanaka Oiwi" requesting endorsement and support that reflects our interests in regards to independence and self determination.
It is very clear that we need to be makaʻala about what is happening internationally, and just because an initiative is coming from the Pacific Caucus, does not mean that it represents our best interests.
This is Lilikala/Gora 's Document. We not sure if it was actually submitted but it prompted Dexter folks to produce our own document that reflects our interests and our voice at the United Nations.
In my opinion, this document being presented by Dexter , "Ke Kanaka Oiwi", honors the endorsers of the Ku'e Petition.
Gora 's Document:
Twelfth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
May 20­-31, 2013
Intervention of the Hawaiʻ i Caucus Item 8 Future Work of the Forum, including Economic and Social Issues, and other emerging issues.
Endorsed by:
Written by
Keali'i'olu'olu Gora
Members of the Permanent Forum Indigenous Brothers and Sisters
UN Agencies
I also bring warm greetings and salutations to the ancestors, traditional leaders and people of the Haudenosaunee where we meet to discuss important issues today.
In addition, Mr.Chair, the Hawaiʻ i Caucus unequivocally supports the PacificDeclaration of the Preparatory Meeting for Pacific Indigenous Peoples on the World Indigenous Peoples 2014, which was held on March 19­- 21, 2013, in Redfern, Sydney, Australia.
The Hawaiʻ i Caucus strongly supports item8 relating to the Future Work ofthe Forum, including Economic and Social Issues, and other emerging issues. Itis very important that while we are discussing current and past agenda items, it is also just as important to provide other agenda items that’ll advance, expand and enhance the work of the Forum.
The Pacific Declaration is in accordance with Resolution A/RES/65/198of the United Nations General Assembly on 3 March 2011, to organize a highlevel plenary meeting ofthe General Assembly to be known as the WorldConference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP)to be held in 2014, to share perspectives and best practices on the realization of the rights of indigenouspeoples, including those acknowledged in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as well as pursuant to Resolution A/66/L.61 of the United Nations General Assembly on 17 September2012, that the WCIP shall result in a concise action­ oriented, outcomedocument taking into account the views emerging from , preparatory processes through informal interactive hearings and inclusive and open informal consultations among and between member states and indigenous peoples.
While indigenous peoples face many challenges in the areas of economic, social and other emerging issues , the Hawaii iCaucus support the followingrecommendations:
1. That the Permanent Forum call upon the United Nations Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly to support the establishment of aWorld Conference on Decolonization.
2. That Hawaiʻi be re­inscribed onto the list of non­self­
governing territories.
3. The Hawaiʻi delegation is very pleased that the UN General Assembly voted on Friday, May 17, 2013 to add French Polynesia to its list ofterritories that should be decolonized, affirming the right of the islands'inhabitants (Taʻ Maohi) to "self­determination and independence" in accordance with [A/67/L.56/Rev.1]. Our delegation calls upon thePermanent Forum and the UN General Assembly to also support
Hawaiʻ i’s right to be reinscribed onto the list of non­self governing territories.Furthermore, we call upon the US government to facilitate an expeditious process towards self­ determination for indigenous Hawaiians.
Pursuant to the Study on Decolonization of the Pacific­ E/C.19/2013/12,the Hawaiʻi Caucus is requesting the following amendments to the Hawaiʻisection of the study:
44.A. The colonization of Hawaii by the United States of America began with the arrival of American Calvinist missionaries in 1820, who as early as1836, were recommending the annexation of Hawaiʻ i to America and theprivate ownership of Hawaiian land by foreigners. In support of them, theirrelatives and friends in the American congress declared the 1842 TylerDoctrine; stating to Britain and France that Hawaiʻ i was in the Americansphere of influence.
44.B. In 1887, Americans forced King Kalākaua to sign the Bayonet Constitution, under duress, which allowed foreign nationals to vote inHawaiian government elections and allowed a permanent American militarybase at Pearl Harbor. In 1893, when Queen Liliʻ uokalani tried to promulgate a new constitution, Americans in the Privy Council called for the landing of theAmerican troops and declared martial law. In 1900, because the Queen hadformally protested and because 95% of all Hawaiians signed the Kue Anti Annexation Petitions, Congress could not sustain a vote on an Annexationtreaty, and instead illegally took Hawaiʻ i by joint resolution, through American military occupation, and without a vote of the Indigenous Hawaiians.
44.C. In 1946, the United Nations placed Hawaiʻ i upon the list of decolonizing nations, but Indigenous Hawaiians were never ,allowed a voice inthe annual discussions on decolonization. In 1959, the American Government held a plebiscite on the question of Hawaiʻ i becoming a state in the United States of America, whereby Indigenous Hawaiians were outnumbered in that vote by foreigners in their own country. Moreover, the question of decolonizing Hawaiʻ i and returning it to an independent Indigenous Hawaiian government was not on the ballot, in contravention to United Nations requirements for removal from the list of non­selfgoverning territories.
44.D. In 1993, KaLāhui Hawai'i, an Indigenous Native Hawaiian initiativeforself­determination sent representatives to the United Nations Working Groupon Indigenous Populations, to ask for re­inscription of Hawaiʻ i on to the Decolonization Committee’s list of non­selfgoverning territories, and since then has annually made the same request to the UN at the Working Group onIndigenous Peoples in Geneva and now at the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues inNewYork.
44.E. In 1995, KaLāhui Hawaiʻ i participated in the UN Treaty Study by the Working Group on Indigenous Populations, lead by Miguel Alphonso­ Martinez,and in 1998, found that the overthrow was illegal, annexation an unequaltreaty and that Hawaiʻ i should be placed back onto the list of non­self­governing territories.
44.F.Whatever the nature of the group advocating independence, the focus is the same: self­governance and self­determination as an independent nation or through a relationship similar to tribal sovereignty in the United States. Inrecognition of the close economic ties with the UnitedStates, there is alsoagreement that an incremental approach be adopted.
45. Hawaii, like French Polynesia, originally featured on the the list of NonSelf­ Governing Territories until it was unilaterally removed at the time ofstatehood in 1959 .It is acknowledged that, in 1993, the then President,WilliamJ.Clinton, apologized on behalf of the United States fortheGovernment’s role in the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. Also, the U.S. Congress admitted their complicity in the overthrow by stating:Whereas, the indigenous Hawaiian people never directly relinquished theirclaims to their inherent sovereignty as a people or over their national lands tothe United States, either through monarchy or by plebiscite or referendum. It issuggested that this apology should provide a fertile platform on which to re­engage dialogue between the Hawaiian independence movements and theGovernment, focusing on commonalities such as self­governance and self­determination.
Given that these terms can be manifested in various vehicles, the key is tobegin open and meaningful dialogue. Hawaii offers lessons for the UnitedNations with regard to its responsibility towards indigenous peoples. TheOrganization’s own standards were not met when changing the status andcondition of the Hawaiian people. Questions arising in relation to moral and legal obligations could be valuable in the Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism. Furthermore , it is noted that in 1998, legal and educational experts of the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations conducted a Treaty Study and rendered a decision, Ka Lahui Hawaii v. USA, that the overthrow was illegal, annexation was an unequal treaty and that Hawaii should go back on to the list of Non­ Self­ GoverningTerritories.
46. The indigenous Peoples of Hawaii experience disproportionate rates ofmortality, poverty, unemployment, incarceration, homelessness, and otherdeterminants of health. These indicators, when available, demonstrate thesuffering experienced by Native Hawaiians as a direct result of colonization. Inaddition, forced relocation due to the rising costs of living have shifted nearly half this indigenous population away from traditional homelands, making access to community, family, and culture extremely challenging.
For these substantive reasons mentioned above, Mr.Chair, the Hawaiʻ iCaucus is requesting the Forum to establish a World Conference onDecolonization to be held in the next 4 years.
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Melissa Moniz Not sure......but I read in Gora's statement he refers to himself as the Hawaii Caucus.......which I believe would mean specifically those of Hawaii. If so, then Jack's membership into the Pacific Caucus is a whole different thing as it encompasses the entire Pacific and not just Hawaii.
11 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Melissa Moniz I have wanted to post this for days but wanted to fact check it first.
11 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Melissa Moniz Also we no have to agree, we just need to be transparent with each other, share information, be transparent and unite to make Pono what is hewa when needed.
11 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Melissa Moniz When the KĀHEA come we drop all our differences and we jump in the canoe and go do whatever we got to save that which is of our iwikupuna for our generations to come.......when pau, shake hand go home to your ahapua'a and carry on your business......
10 hours ago via mobile · Like
Melissa Moniz Your kuleana.........
10 hours ago via mobile · Like
Kealii Makekau Jesus 44a, 44b. And onward. Who wrote this bs hawaii was never colonised, do you need a legal dictionary for help all I see is kalahui Hawaii's distainment against white people
10 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Melissa Moniz Keali'i Gora/Lilikala wrote this document and I know you see clearly why Dexter Ka'iama folks are submitting "Ke Kanaka O'iwi "
10 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Foster Ampong This Intervention Document raises a lot of questions that either has not been raised and/or addressed... for example: 1. Was this document (authored by K. Gora and endorsed by several Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHO) submitted to the twelfth sessions last week? Would be best and appropriate for K. Gora to answer. 2. Of these NHO's that have "endorsed" this document ....who are the poe kanaka (human beings) behind these corporate titles...we now know from M. Trask the "Ka Lahui" endorsement is K. Gora and Lllikala. But the others ???? 3. The document, per se makes it evident their (author/endorsers) position, purpose, intent and objective the author and endorsers hold...illustrating and clearly implying AGENDA(S) that seem to NOT be public and quit frankly...perhaps of a "hidden" nature, albeit intentional or not... 4. I can see why there was/is soooo much hakaka.... Wise for all of us to MAKA'ALA!!!!
9 hours ago · Like · 1
Clem K. Malani Jr. Mahalos cuz we get a long ways to go lord have mercy and give guidance
8 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Amelia Gora to be part of the "indigenous" affiliation is Not Wise......guess many including Lawrence Kelii /cousin has Not done his homework on the beginnings of the entity developed to move everyone into the One World Order/New World Order group....the term "indigenous" means indigent, one who has nothing, is nothing, worth nothing, without anything, etc...... see: and other information
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about an hour ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora the point of the matter is that Lawrence/Kelii/ cousin Gora is doing a disservice to our family(ies), our people and represents a criminal agency - OHA - who is an arm of the entity State of Hawaii.... which is part of the United States and cannot operate with other nations... see There are several countries that are not members.
Vatican City is not a member for ecclesiastical reasons and has full observer status.
The Cook Islands and Niue do not for economic reasons and trust their International representation to New Zealand in the General Assembly.
Western Sahara remains in dispute as to its legal status. The United Nations believes in its right to self-determination.
Palestine, originally The Palestine Liberation Organization, is an observer of the United Nations General Assembly as a "non-member entity". The UN refers to its territory as the "Occupied Palestinian Territory".
Kosovo has recognition from 69 of the 192 members of the UN, but it is believed that Russia would prevent its application to the UN.
The Republic of China or Taiwan, is excluded because China will not allow its acceptance by the UN Security Council where it holds a permanent veto right.
Taiwan's 23 million citizens are not represented based on the question of its soverignty. Mainland China maintains that Taiwan is a part of China. Western Sahara is in dispute with Morocco, the Cook Islanders and Niue receive their representation via New Zealand by choice, and Vatican City while eligible for membership maintains only observer status. The country of Kosovo is also not part of the UN. On February 17th 2008, they declared their independence from the country of Serbia (Europe) but has not gained complete international recognition yet to allow it to become a member of the United Nations.
Which countries are not part of the United Nations?
There are several countries that are not members. Vatican City is not a member for ecclesiastical reasons and has full observer status.
59 minutes ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora read about how States cannot operate with other nations and are under the umbrella of the U.S. OHA/Office of the Hawaiian Affairs is Not an independent party outside of the State of Hawaii and therefore continues to be part of the U.S. vs. the Hawaiian Government which exists and many have not read the legal realities.......... to associate/affiliate with any organization under the Pirate entity State of Hawaii which is based on the Premeditation of taking over a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation and to have a cousin participating in promoting wrongs is truly not OK and cousin is suspect of being no different than the Provisional Government who did plan along with President Harrison to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani who did claim that two of our ancestors were her daughters/ hanai: Princess Poomaikelani and Luika/Luiza/Luka/ Kaaumoana who did have children with Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III....and that's another story.....
Foreign relations | LII / Legal Information Institute
Foreign relations law of the United States encompasses both International Law, w...
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51 minutes ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora At this point in time, legally, recognition to the fact that we remain an independent, neutral, non violent nation which has legal, ongoing treaties with many........btw..... the 1850 Treaty with the U.S. is a permanent treaty which was made between the Sovereign, his family and the U.S. President does Not include those who criminally assumed a neutral, friendly nation.......the U.S. is a documented belligerent occupier who wrongfully, criminally supported the conspirators/pirates who were treasonous persons......... The U.S., England, and the bankers/JP Morgan bankers, Bank of England/International bankers were the ones who developed the CFR/Council on Foreign Relations which developed the United Nations with the move to assume, plunder upon Innocent Nations.... as you may already know that the target was Japan and hundreds of thousands were could say millions because the Nuclear bombs continue to kill many innocents....either quickly or slowly through cancers, cell damages, etc.
43 minutes ago · Like · 1
Amelia Gora as for treaties....everyone needs to not forget the unity of the early Democratic group /alliance which included Aetearoa/New Zealand, the Samoan Islands, and the Hawaiian Islands..........notice that the nations who are not part of the United Nations are observers and allow Aetearoa/New Zealand to represent them........I think at the least we too should be following the United Nations from that standpoint instead of connecting and assuming to be part of the "indegent" crowd because everyone needs to know the beginnings, the charters etc. of the United Nations.........know that there are many who wants the US out of the United Nations etc. know that it was the Rockefellers who "gave" the United Nations the land to build their buildings.... don't believe that the 911 corporates are giving something for nothing........ personally, am not too happy that cousin is/has departed from the truth and seems to notice that he has gone astray......... little lamb lost..........
Charter of the United Nations
The Charter of the United Nations was signed on 26 June 1945, in San Francisco, ...
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35 minutes ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora for cousin and other sheep like him......
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Mary Had A Little Lamb
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Mary Had A Little Lamb - Pistoia Blues Live in Italy 1988
32 minutes ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview
Melissa Moniz mahalo nui Titah Amelia for all this information you posted, awesome, sharing all this info cannot let it get last on this post.........we need to share and educate.........mahalo nui
28 minutes ago via mobile · Unlike · 1
Amelia Gora you're welcome........we need to share and pass on info.......because many nations are watching as they know many wrongs have occurred over time..........and they must certainly be laughing at how we have more chiefs than wants to step forward and do something but cousin et. als. represent a hewa organization that is part of the operations of treasonous, premeditations by a bankrupt, corrupt entity who are trying everything they can to hang on to hewa/wrongful moves and have innocents, even cousin Gora, who is maybe too close to the issues and he needs to step back and view, review the historical truths, and be aware or at least be warned on what he's doing........much of the truth, revealing of the players and their genealogies, backgrounds makes for some interesting, eye opening information and would really make many step back and say "no way"
21 minutes ago · Like · 1
Amelia Gora but everyone learns along the way........ what everyone needs to know is that the United Nations was set up to Not help the was set up to help the bankrupt, corrupt, people who have animosities towards People of Color and the decimation of the populations are one of the goals of the corporates who created this God hating group who move to Plunder Upon Innocents, their wealth, their resources, etc......... under the Laws of Nations it was a setup which made everyone who belonged to it on an equal basis .... see Vattel's Law of Nations
Emmerich de Vattel: The Law of Nations
Rendered into text and HTML by Jon Roland of the Constitution Society. HTML vers...
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15 minutes ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora The League of Nations was set up after World War I.......while Queen Liliuokalani was still alive
Office of the Historian - Milestones - 1914-1920 - The League of Nations
The League of Nations was an international organization, headquartered in Geneva...
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14 minutes ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview
Melissa Moniz mahalo Amelia......I know your cousin Kelii would be freak or has already freaked over all the stuff I been posting about his document and wondering WTH, I malama him dearly, he good friend but that no mean I have to agree with everything he do. Well I look at who he hang with, and I understand how he can be influenced.........smiling.
12 minutes ago via mobile · Unlike · 1
Amelia Gora Then the goal of the CFR/Council of Foreign Relations which developed the United Nations was actually based on the Secret pact of 1822 (during the lifetime of Liholiho/Kamehameha II ) the pact was known as the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona
1916 - Congress Record - Sen. Owen Treaty of Verona Because I can find no official onl...
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10 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora the truth about the treaty was sent by a German researcher in Washington DC.......wish I could meet and talk with him...prefer to talk with whistleblowers and truth seekers vs. the BS put out by the so called "educators" who are well paid to support their vacations, trips, travels that they enjoy.... as for their 'contributions'? that's questionnable and I think they would be very uncomfortable to face our people about their motivations, their intentions, their associations, affiliations.....because after all that's how they've been getting 'hefty'.... .....btw one of our family lines was a Moniz, descending from Maria Silveira/......genealogy speaking........well take care.........aloha.
3 minutes ago · Like · 1
Melissa Moniz My gawd Amelia.......I pouring a cup of coffee and taking my time to read all that you posted............Mahalo nui
2 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Amelia Gora burning the midnight let you get some shut, errr good morning........aloha.
Night Marchers - Sudden Rush
Cheeeee VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV LYRICS!! ----------------------------...
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about a minute ago · Like · Remove Preview
Melissa Moniz Suuuuuuuuuuuupah duuuuuuuuuuuuuuupah hugging you Amelia. Love you plenty.
about a minute ago via mobile · Unlike · 1
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