Thursday, September 18, 2014

Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Treaties vs. Illegal Foreign Interpretations/Opinions of Laws About Hawaii



[Kanaka Maoli flag]

Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Treaties vs. Illegal Foreign Interpretations/Opinions of Laws About Hawaii

                                                                                                Overview by Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs,
                                                                                                House of Nobles, Tribunal Member

The Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and Treaties Web Links are Provided below, including the Foreign Interpretations/Opinions of Laws About Hawaii

Do Note that the Foreign Interpretations/Opinions are posted below, however erroneous it is.

The basis of Foreign Interpretations/Opinions has gone on over the years unchecked.

Given the basis of their erroneous historical data, the documented proof of conspiracies, piracies, racketeering, and illegal occupation issues, the following links are provided for educational purposes, discussion, etc.

Important to note that the perpetuation of crimes, genocide activities against Queen Liliuokalani and her subjects are based on the piracy activities covered under the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.

See the moves of "Propaganda" used based on the criminal use of having Queen Liliuokalani placed on the throne for a day in 1915 which led to further conspiracies, piracy(ies) against subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom which continued duress, usurpation, stress, coercion, intimidation etc. in a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation by illegal occupiers contrary to the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom, one of the " most favored nations" documented.

  • Compiled laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom - Google Books

    Google Books

    Title, Compiled laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom: published by authority. Author, Hawaii. Compiled by, Lawrence McCully. Publisher, Printed at the Hawaiian ...
  • Statute Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha III, King of the ...

    Google Books

    Statute Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha III, King of the Hawaiian Islands, Passed by the Houses of Nobles and Representatives . ... Preview this book » ... All such persons shall be amenable to the laws of this kingdom as native subjects.
    You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 9/7/14
  • Compiled Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom: Published by ...

    Compiled Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom: Published by Authority... - Primary ... Thisbook may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages.
  • Compiled Laws Of The Hawaiian Kingdom: Published By ...

    Compiled Laws Of The Hawaiian Kingdom: Published By Authority... [Hawaii] ... Thisbook may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages.

    • treaties conventions concluded between hawaiian kingdom ...


      Hawaii. Treaties etc. Bookseller: E-Books Delivery Service. (Cleveland, OH ... Hawaii. Bookseller: The Book Depository US. (Gloucester, ., United Kingdom).
    • History of the Hawaiian Kingdom Vol. 3 | Project Gutenberg ...

      This third volume of the definitive history of the Hawaiian Kingdom completes ... the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 with the United States, tying Hawaii so closely ... History of the Americas (Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, etc.) .... eBooks from Project Gutenberg are sponsored by the World Public Library Association,

      and read article, "The Rape of Aloha" (2014) by Amelia Gora, with references applicable to above at:

vs. Illegal Foreign Interpretations/Opinions of Laws About Hawaii (The Truth Does Matter)


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    American Bar Association

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    by A King - ‎1941 - ‎Cited by 38 - ‎Related articles
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      University of Washington School of Law

      Upon request, we will add abbreviations for online-only law reviews. This list include Bluebook ..... Northern Illinois University Law Review, N. Ill. U. L. Rev. Northern Kentucky ..... University of Hawaii Law Review, U. Haw. L. Rev. University of ...
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      American Bar Association

      Several of the law reviews and legal journals (such as the Stanford .... HawaiianJournal of Law and Politics ... Northern Illinois University Law Review.
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        Treaty(ies) supersedes State Laws, etc. covered under the U.S. Constitution, and the Kamehameha, Kamehameha III's descendants/heirs exists which means the interpretations put out by foreign nations may be taken and discussed, not necessarily applicable because anyone outside of the makers of the Treaty are NOT parties to the Treaty(ies).

        Thanks to the 1849 Hawaiian Treaty the 1849 U.S. Constitution LOCKS IN Freedoms for Americans

        by Amelia Gora
        (Honolulu, Hawaiian Kingdom)
        Hawaiian Kingdom and U.S./United States/

        United States of America
        1849 "Perpetual" Treaty, etc. 


        5th Dimension - The Declaration

        by Amelia Gora (2012)
        The Hawaiian Kingdom and the U.S./United States/United States of America's Perpetual Friendship Treaty, etc. continues, remains in effect, signed, approved by the parties involved which made up of the President, Secretary of State, approved by the Senate, House of Representatives or Congress and the Sovereign/Kauikeouli - Kamehameha III, His heirs and successors (of the blood/koko) through his Representative because the Hawaiian Kingdom is made up of three branches: 1) Sovereign - heirs and successors (one of the two Permanent branches); 2) House of Nobles - heirs and successors (second of the two Permanent branches) -descendants/heirs who were connected through genealogies with the Sovereign; and the voted in part 3) House of Representatives - this was a temporary group which conspired, were treasonous and moved to begin the Provisional Government, turned Republic of Hawaii, then annexed by the U.S., turned Territory of Hawaii, and State of Hawaii with documented Oppositions from the Sovereign, Queen Liliuokalani and her subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom who formed a new House of Representatives.
        The Treaty of 1849 locks in the U.S. Constitution which involves only the 30 States who existed at that time.
        Today, the U.S. Constitution along with the Treaty of 1849 remains a Perpetual setup securing the majority of the States, 30 States, called the United States/U.S./U.S.A./United States of America remains in effect.
        The 30 States locked into the Treaty, and the U.S. Constitution:
        Delaware Dec. 7, 1787
        1 st The first of the original 13 colonies.
        Pennsylvania Dec. 12, 1787
        2 nd The second of the original 13 colonies.
        New Jersey Dec. 18, 1787
        3 rd The third of the original 13 colonies.
        Georgia Jan. 2, 1788
        4 th The fourth of the original 13 colonies
        Connecticut Jan. 9, 1788
        5 th The fifth of the original 13 colonies.
        Massachusetts Feb. 6, 1788
        6 th The sixth of the original 13 colonies
        Maryland April 28, 1788
        7 th The seventh of the original 13 colonies.
        South Carolina May 23, 1788
        8 th The eighth of the original 13 colonies.
        New Hampshire June 21, 1788
        9 th The ninth of the original 13 colonies
        Virginia June 25, 1788
        10 th The 10th of the original 13 colonies.
        New York July 26, 1788
        11 th The 11th of the original 13 colonies.
        North Carolina Nov. 21, 1789
        12 th The 12th of the original 13 colonies.
        Rhode Island May 29, 1790
        13 th The 13th of the original 13 colonies.
        Vermont March 4, 1791
        14 th Until statehood, had been a region claimed by both New York and New Hampshire
        Kentucky June 1, 1792
        15 th Never a territory, it was part of Virginia until statehood.
        Tennessee June 1, 1796
        16 th Was Southwest Territory before statehood.
        Ohio March 1, 1803
        17 th Was part of the Northwest Territory until statehood.
        Louisiana April 30, 1812
        18 th With certain boundary changes, had been the Territory of Orleans.
        Indiana Dec. 11, 1816
        19 th There was a residue of Indiana Territory that continued to exist under that name until Dec. 3, 1818, when it was attached to Michigan Territory.
        Mississippi Dec. 10, 1817
        20 th Territory by Act of April 7, 1798, effective May 7, 1798.
        Illinois Dec. 3, 1818
        21 st .
        Alabama Dec. 14, 1819
        22 nd Territory by Act of March 3, 1817, effective Aug. 15, 1817.
        Maine March 15, 1820
        23 rd What is now the state of Maine was, before statehood, called the District of Maine and belonged to Massachusetts.
        Missouri Aug. 10, 1821
        24 th The state was much smaller than the territory. The area to the west and northwest of the state, which had been in the territory, was commonly known as the "Missouri Country" until May 30, 1854, and certain of the post offices in this area show a Missouri abbreviation in the postmark.
        Arkansas June 15, 1836
        25 th The territory was larger than the state. After statehood the leftover area to the west had post offices that continued for some years to use an Arkansas abbreviation in the postmarks, although they were really in the "Indian Country."
        Michigan Jan. 26., 1837
        26 th .
        Florida March 3, 1845
        27 th .
        Texas Dec. 29, 1845
        28 th Was an independent republic before statehood.
        Iowa Dec. 28, 1846
        29 th .
        Wisconsin May 29, 1848
        30 th The state is smaller than the territory and the leftover area continued to be called the Territory of Wisconsin until March 3, 1849.
        The other additional/added 20 new States (including the Republic of Hawaii) were not part of the Treaty. Depending on what was written in their Constitution when their State was formed, they may or may not be included in the perpetual agreement. 

        In the case of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the Republic of Hawaii, both have different authorities, and one is a Nation vs. the other a set up, premeditated State supported by the U.S., England, Morgan bankers (includes Bank of England) based on the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona pact, 1918 Congressional discussion with the States - 30 with the Perpetual Treaty and the newly added 18 States which remained a minority of States.
        The Republic of Hawaii turned Territory of Hawaii then State of Hawaii with Oppositions every step of the way became the 50 th State by Presidential Executive Order behind of the 49th State of Alaska, both bodies of land being disconnected/disjointed/non-contiguous from the U.S. Nation and cannot normally be called United States/U.S./United States of America based on the failure to be identified as a contiguous land mass associated with States being United, a Nation recognized under the Law of Nations.
        The added 18 States from 1850 through 1912 became the "Newstates" added to the U.S. Constitution. The 18 States were:
        California Sept. 9, 1850
        31 st Ceded by Mexico by the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, concluded Feb. 2, 1848, and proclaimed July 4, 1848. From then until statehood, California had a military government until Dec. 20, 1849, and then a local civil government. It never had a territorial form of government.
        Minnesota May 11, 1858
        32 nd .
        Oregon Feb. 14, 1859
        33 rd .
        Kansas Jan. 29, 1861
        34 th .
        West Virginia June 20, 1863
        35 th Was part of Virginia until statehood.
        Nevada Oct. 31, 1864
        36 th .
        Nebraska March 1, 1867
        37 th .
        Colorado Aug. 1, 1876
        38 th .
        North Dakota Nov. 2, 1889
        39 th or 40 th Was part of Dakota Territory before statehood. Admitted on same day as South Dakota
        South Dakota Nov. 2, 1889
        39 th or 40 th Was part of Dakota Territory before statehood. Admitted on same day as North Dakota
        Montana Nov. 8, 1889
        41 st .
        Washington Nov. 11, 1889
        42 nd .
        Idaho July 3, 1890
        43 rd .
        Wyoming July 10, 1890
        44 th .
        Utah Jan. 4, 1896
        45 th .
        Oklahoma Nov. 16, 1907
        46 th The state was formed from Oklahoma Territory and Indian Territory.
        New Mexico Jan. 6, 1912
        47th .
        Arizona Feb. 14, 1912
        48 th This region was sometimes called Arizona before 1863, although it was still in the Territory of New Mexico.
        In 1916, Congressional Notes records that the issues of the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona was discussed.
        The momentum or the Plan since 1822 was a "One World Order", "New World Order".

        see and view the video:

        1916 - Congress Record - Sen. Owen Treaty of Verona - YouTube

        ► 4:32► 4:32
        Jan 16, 2009 - 5 min - Uploaded by ForgottenHistoryUSA
        written in 1919 by Senator Owen, where he again warns of theSecret Treaty of Verona. Senator Robert L ...
        More videos for secret treaty of verona »
        Two More States Added:
        Alaska Jan. 3, 1959
        49 th A district from Oct. 18, 1867, until it became an organized territory Aug. 24, 1912.
        Hawaii Aug. 21, 1959
        50 th The territorial date Aug. 12, 1898 is that of the formal transfer to the United States, with Sanford B. Dole as first Governor.
        Source: Scott Stamp Monthly (April 1998)
        States Under Duress, Stress, Coercion, Usurpation
        Due to the Financial duress that all 50 States bear for Wars, Plundering Upon Innocents, with the goals of One World Order through the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona, an additional Constitution approved in 1980 by all 50 States Senators and House of Representatives, this Second Constitution is called the “Constitution For the Newstates Of The United States.”
        see: and see Legal Research by John Nelson

        Nevertheless, Kenyan born Obama puts out the "tradition based" Executive Orders from Washington, D.C., an area that is not even part of the United States and upholds the Financial "Constitution For the Newstates Of The United States" while the 1849 Perpetual Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom and the U.S. Constitution exists with the majority of the States remains in place to this day.

        The Hawaiian Kingdom exists today because the Sovereigns heirs, descendants of Successors, House of Nobles descendants, heirs of the Permanent branches exists today, which also means that the Crown Lands are owned by the Sovereign, House of Nobles, Heirs/descendants/ Successors whose ancestor Kamehameha did form the Hawaiian Kingdom, and these lands are not the "ceded lands", etc.

        Additionally, the alodio/ano alodio system remains, which means all kanaka maoli have the true titles to the lands, etc.




        Liliuo Free - BigEveryTime (BET)

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